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Everything posted by davebutler

  1. Hi Joe, Jacobs Well/Heck field is the closest to you. The best is to give Nick a call and the best time to visit Heck is early on a Sat morning, most are gone by 11:30-12:00. Another friendly bunch are Airsport at Boonah, I did all my conversions with them. There is generally always someone there every day except Mon or give Groggy or Dave a call. http://airsportqld.com.au/ Crezzi is correct the equivalent would be the RAAus pilot cert. Not sure what you need to do, I had converted my SAPPL to an Aus PPL then to RAAus pilot cert so it was just the flying part, min 5 hours. If you would like to meet for a chat I will be flying into Heck on Sat 16th , weather permitting, to have a look at a Sling based there. Should be there between 10:30 - 11:00
  2. Hi porra, do you want to convert it to a PPL or RA lisence. I converted my SAPPL to both, send me a PM if you need info, there are 1 or 2 tips depending on which way you want to go.
  3. Hey JimG, theres a job for you. You should have the hours now:cheezy grin: How are things otherwise, hope you are keeping well. Cheers Dave B.
  4. Could you tell us something about the school, type of A/C, are they available for H&F, name, tel no etc
  5. Hi Mate, Yes I removed them as it was suggested I donate the items to a young willing student. Although I agree with the idea in principle I recently got burned doing this a short while ago. So not wanting to start anything I removed the items and will dispose of them some other way. If anything caught your eye let me know or if you are after someting I can let you have the list of items I have. Regards Dave B.
  6. Apparently the car cameras have something to with providing proof to insurance companies in the event of a claim as they have a large amount of insurance fraud.
  7. Thanks Guys for the replies but like Old Koreelah & djpacro and I am sure many others I am still none the wiser regarding Day VFR and the use of an EFB i.e. iPad mini with Ozrunways or similar in place of an ERSA. I understand that it should not be used for navigation, only for situational awareness and agree fully. I always have a current map and have my route with 10nM marker etc even for short trips. Also between all the "legal speak" in the CASA docs I am still not sure if I HAVE TO carry an ERSA on a Day VFR flight?
  8. On a day VFR flight is it a requirement to carry an ERSA in the aircraft? I have hunted high & low and can find nothing. The only reference I found that relates to documents to be carried is in the Visual Flight Rules Guide and that refers to maintenance releases, medicals and licenses. From instructors and others I have always been led to believe you must carry a current ERSA and have always done so. Thanks
  9. And here is the same aircraft taken from the ground [media=liveleak]d7d_1355730953[/media]
  10. Viper, A great outcome all things considered, you and your daughter are safe. I am very interested in the cause as I am a great believer in the 912 engine, Tecnam aircraft and I have a good few hours on this particular aircraft.
  11. Hoping to fly in on Sat from AF. Not that familiar with TWB, anything one should know about flying in on Sat?
  12. I think I know where this is going or rather comming from. I touched on this subject in another thread on this forum,"Why do people spoil things" post #7. If I am correct here, the club I refered to requires a pilot wishing to hire the schools A/C to join the club which has an entry fee and membership fee totalling around $1000-00. I feel this is a bit steep as I understand the club and school are 2 totally seperate entities. Therefore the school would already be paying the club for hangarage etc. I feel the club is entitled to make something from those that hire & fly but rather make it surcharge on the hourly rate which the school passes on to the club. If I owned an A/C and hangared it on the field I can understand them insisting that I join but honestly what do I get for my $1000-00 considering if I drive another 20min I can H & F a similar A/C without the $1000-00. Lets face it we are all looking for value for money in this day and age and $1000-00 translates to about 5 hours in the air! Now you may well ask "why don't you just go another 20 min down the road?" well are we not always being asked to support the local man? I would like to see the club and the school grow but I can't see it happening at this time. Come on guys make it attractive to join the club, would you rather have 1 at $1000-00 or 4 or 5 join at $400-00? I am sure you must agree the more members the stronger the club. Again just my 2c worth
  13. I have some elderly folk out from overseas and have just returned from a drive from Brissy, to Warwick to Toowoomba and back to Brissy. I use these drive as an excuse to pop into any airfields along the way. Today it was only Warwick and Toowoomba. The sum total of the action at both was nothing, nada, niks. Folks if we want things to happen we must make it happen. With the lack of interest in aviation I see I am not suprised it is easy for 2 neighbours to get an event cancelled. Toowoomba is a great airfield with more than enough facilities for rec A/C but I could find nothing happening. My home base is Archerfield, again nothing, you can,t even buy a Coke unless you can get airside and then from a vending machine. We should have a returant/coffee shop for both spectators and pilots at airfields the size of Archerfield and Toowoomba. We need to attract people to these airfields not hide ourselves from the world behind high security fences. Also make it more affordable where we can, I recently enquired about hireing a RA aircraft from a local school and was told that as I had a Pilot Cert and PPL and an endorsment on a similar A/C, I would have to join the local aero club first, $1000-00, before I could fly this A/C. Remember in this case the A/C does not belong to the Aero Club in question. Now I understand the Aero Club needs to make someting out of this and would understand if they owned or were managing the operation of this A/C. Surley a levy on the hire & fly rate for non members would be bit more understandable. Again 3 people I know of have taken there business elswhere. I sometimes get the idea that some of us do not want to share this great hobby/past time we have. I have heard of Aero Clubs charging outrages enty fees as they do not want to many members, but complain when they get walked over because they do not have the numbers to back them. I have had a pax refused the use of a toilet from a flying school at Archerfield, that is 1 way of attracting business! Folks I have seen what I am talking about work overseas, we need to welcome people in not push them away, we need to let people into our hangars and let them see what we do not hide them on private strips under trees. I know it is a lot of work but if we attact more in, the work gets less. Hell in the Brissy area we have 1 breakfast flyin a month and those that attend will agree what great outing it is. A quick hop and a jump to Straddie and you have had your "fix", we should be able to do that every week end. Look at the Watts Bridge events, yes some are bigger & better than others but a quick jump over, brekky or lunch, have look at the A/C and home again, I can think of worse things to do on a weekend. Is this not what recreational flying is all about, never mind if we do it in RA or GA A/C. If I am wrong please tell me!! My 2c worth
  14. [media=vimeo]48642618[/media]
  15. I was thinking like you on this one Dazza, my understanding is that the RAA cert only allows the pilot to fly an A/C with a max weight of 600kg and also no controlled airspace.
  16. Hi shafs64, Which airfield do fly from. See you from Brissy & can't think of a local field with a 14 - 32 runway - just curious
  17. Hi Ian, What happened to the Model A/C thread? Found it:smash pc:
  18. Guys we don't need to go overseas for this type of flying. Attached are a few of our own world champion Chris Brislin. He has been doing this for years. I first saw him when he was about 14 years old.
  19. Having recently splashed out at our local aviation emporium again for the latest ERSA & maps I got to thinking ( Yep I know it can be dangerous)"Is it really necessary to purchase a new ERSA & maps every time they expire". I know the rules and regs say so but, I have never checked, but are there always changes on the maps? They nearly always look the same, surely if the are no changes we can continue to use the old map. As for the ERSA can they not just have an update system where you purchase only the amendments and replace those pages?? If I remember correctly the Jepp charts and other similar publications I used when flying overseas worked this way. Hell the Greenies would love us, think of all the rain forests we would be saving!! On a more serious note, I am led to believe you can carry your ERSA in electronic format now. Is this so and if so, where can I find the ruling from CASA please? Thanks Dave B.
  20. http://www.news.com.au/technology/tablets/apple-to-launch-smaller-tablet-report/story-fn6vigfp-1226418349794 This should be more manageable in a cockpit, I await it with baited breath:augie:
  21. Some pics of my airforce. I fly at LARCS, south of Brissy. If you find yourself in that neck of the woods feel free to drop in for a fly. On this coming Sunday, 8th July we are hosting a Warbirds day, all welcome, bring any Warbird and enjoy a day with like minded people. For info see: www.larcs.com.au or contact me here.
  22. I use both Oz Ruways & Air Nav Pro and find Air Nav a little easier to use when route planning. I was been using Air nav before Oz Rways had the route planning module so maybe a little more comfortable with it. It is a pity that Air nav no longer has the Aus Av maps, only a street map but you are able to select and overlay the airspaces on this map. As I always have the paper map and use Air nav as back up it has not really been a bother. I did read on there web site that they will make the maps available as soon as they can sort out the issues with getting them. The other advantage with Air nav it is a 1 off payment, no subscriptions. All said and done both excellent products. Not familiar with AvPlan, does it have Aus Av maps??
  23. Hi Ian, Make it a general Model Aircraft forum. From another site I frequent (Overseas site) a lot of the GA & RA pilots also build any thing from the plastic "Airfix" type kits to 3m RC scale. I started with RC and still fly RC when not doing the other 2.
  24. Hi Jim, Years ago before intercoms were so freely available and cheap I made up 1 of his intercoms for our club A/C and it worked really well. I also used his mic circuit to convert some of those old Telex carbon mics and headsets to dynamic. Cheers Dave B.
  25. Hi Louis, I like your thinking! For more info look on this type of gear try this site: http://www.rst-engr.com/ It is run by Jim Weir, a regular writer in Homebuilt Aircraft. He has kit for a home brew headset and a 2 or 4 place intercom but also has the schematics on his site for those handy with a soldering iron. Over the years I have used some of circuits. Can also recommend Pilot Communications for those hard to get bits & pieces. Cheers Dave B.
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