Hi Guys,
Regarding mounts for the iPad & iPhone look at this web site: http://www.ram-mount.com/
I have used 1 for my old Garmin GPS90 for a number of years and recently bought 1 for my iPhone.
These guys make good gear, not the the usual flea market stuff. A bit pricey, $35-00 for the iPone.
Basically you choose a type of mounting and add the holder for what ever unit you use.
The supplier here in Brissy is Johnny Appleseed GPS.
Hope this helps.
Dave B.
Taken from the NineMSN report: "Cessna's website states the 152 is a "classic" model which has been "the backbone of flight training for decades".
The Cessna 152 was produced from 1978 to 1985."
Are they starting to suggest we are flying old, decrepit A/C? Heaven alone knows where this could lead or am I just being a suspicious, grumpy old man?
Hi dazza,
Could not agree more and would suport the removal of this "waste of money" but "they" have created an industry of sorts and therfore, like so many other similar cock ups, keep it running to keep those running it employed.
Congrats JimG, I am sure we met a few weeks ago when I sat in on 1 of your last briefings. Hope to making a similar post in a few months time if all goes well.
Hi Deskpilot & Jason,
I tipped the scales at 120kg & just over 6ft when I strated my GA to RA conversion on a Lightwing, not a good idea for us of larger build. I tried a Lightwing and it was positively the most uncomfortable A/C I have flown in my 30 odd years of aviating, all due I must say to my size. I lost about 5kg and moved to a Tecnam Eaglet & Echo Super and have not looked back, enjoy every minute. Although the Lightwing is a great A/C even with my small loss in weight I still find the Lightwing uncomfortable, just a personal thing I suppose. 1 thing Jason, and I speak from personal experience here as being overweight, by keeping your weight up there you will limiting yourself to the RA A/C you will be able to fly.
Folks Iam after 1 of those moodel A/C the flying schools have with all moving bits. Are they available as kit? I am into RC but those kits are a bit flimsy to be used in a class room envionment.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Dave B
The course where they put the student on a simulator from the get go, is this not this Multi Crew License? They take the student straight out of school put them into the simulator for a number of hours and when happy put them in the RH seat with a safety FO on the flight deck and after a number of flights the safety FO comes off and it just the Capt and our "Wonder Pilot".
I was talking with a RA instructor who is also a retired ALTP and still does sim traing for a large airline and he is of the opinion that this is going to overload the Capt as the "Wonder Pilot" will just not have those basic skills. Also this pilot will one day be a Capt, scary:yikes:Imagine the Capt and never flown solo:big_grin:
A little off topic but I just ran some numbers (Speed & Cost/hr) on a C172SP and C182Q I got from the Redcliffe Aero Club site and was suprised that the C182 came in a little cheaper than the C172 on a 150nM Navex:thumb_up::thumb_up:
Mason Field Southport - Was told not very friendly if you drop in for a look around?????
Koorralbyn - When last there, about 12 months ago, was fenced off due to being in receivership ??
metalman, facthunter & Byron,
Must agree with your comments on the NW but it is an official endorsment on the RA-Aus pilot cert:contract:. My personal opinion is that it should read FW (Fairy Wheel) Remember "Real pilots fly taildraggers":clap2::clap2:
Tomo I like your thinking. Think of it as a "dog walking" service for aeroplanes:big_grin::big_grin:
BTW I am available, Brisbane South. GA-PPL(A) with CSU,NW, TW, RU & Turbo. Ra-Aus- HP, NW, RU, TW.
Hey, if you don,t ask you will never know:wave:
Great day, most enjoyable. Very friendly bunch. Also caught up with a few of the regular forumites.
Also found me a Teccie for H&F:big_grin::big_grin: What more could you ask for:clap2::clap2:
Would have liked to be at this 1 but will be supporting the locals at Heck. To many things on this week end,not enough time , not enough aeroplanes:cheezy grin:
No plane this weekend so it will be a drive-in for me to Heck. Also need to support the locals. Things aviation are a bit scarce here in the SE corner we need to show support. Catch you there:wave:
Yep Scottw the forcast has got worse during the week. I have pulled the pin on this 1 last night but as I sit here now looking outside I am seeing sunshine and blue sky. It would be my luck that tomorrow will be clear & dry:crying:. I hope it is good turn out as this is generally a very good event. Maybe drive up on Sun??
I may pull the pin on this one, was planning to take WPI but the forcast for Sat is not looking good for flying in, may have to drive up Bugger:crying:
Will check weather forcast 1st up tomorrow and decide.
Hi Spin,
Mistake I will be in WPL on Monday but WPI also goes on line on Monday I believe. I have WPI booked for Caboolture on the 27th, hope to see you and some of the other RA forum boys there:wave:
Firstly thanks for the replies but must say I am still confused and so are some of my fellow aviators going by the replies received.
Lets look at Archerfield where I mostly operate out of. Looked it up in the trusty ERSA and yes, in Black & White it tells me it is secutity controlled AD but when you read the CASA website, it contrdicts this as there are no RPT ops and then the Goverment Infrustructure site contracicts this again!???
Bugger I'll just spend the money and renew the thing:ranting:
P.S.: Read the post on Airport Security, really makes having an ASIC card worthwhile:laugh:
Good evening all,
Could someone please help and tell me at which airports one must display an ASAIC card. Is there a list somewhere or how does 1 check? This mat be a silly question but all I can find on the "official" sites is how I must wear it and how I can be locked up and fined if I dont!!!
I understood that it was at all airports where RPT ops took place but was also told there are some exceptions to this rule and have also been told I need to where it at Archerfield by some and others say no???
Too much grey here, need black and white!!!
Any help would be appreciated