I see the Loganlea Tafe is considering offering a theory course for PPL & RA-Aus if they get the numbers up. Did 1 there many monns ago when I was getting back into flying, was well worth it.
TAFE Course | Pilots Licence Theory Component - Metropolitan South Institute of TAFE
Hi davidh10,
I agree with you there are differences in these devices and I also understand the CASA reg with regard to the use of airborne radios. The point I am trying to make is we, and I include myself here, are trying to convince pilots to go out and spend approx $600-00on a safety device that they will use only when they fly more than 50nm from there base when some of these same pilots cannot or will not see the safety of getting a $350-00 radio, learning how to use it and using it.
Escadrille sorry to hijack your thread.
I have read this thread and agree completly with those that say we should all carry ELT's, EPIRB's, call them what you want. But how are we going to achieve this when we can't even convince some the use radios?? With the cost of handhelds what they are now and with all the latest battery technology there is NO reason we should not have a radio in our A/C if we operate at busy airfields especially where training and other ops i.e. gliding take place. I have heard the excuse that the batteries don't last and others, my old KX99 lasts for almost 24 hours on 1 charge!! This is a piece of safety equipment that can be used while flying at home base and when flying more than 50nm. Even if you don't want to transmit at least you can listen to others. Like charity safety starts at home. Come on folks lets comunicate:clap:
Who else is going to Watts on the 28th & 29th?? Unless the weather plays up will be flying some of the boys from the Logan RC club to have a look on Sat.
Found this on another forum I frequent
In honour of Captain Chesley B. Sullenberger III, First Officer Jeffrey B. Skiles, Flight Attendant Sheila Dail, Flight Attendant Donna Dent and Flight Attendant Doreen Welsh, who managed to successfully ditch their Airbus A320 in the Hudson River in New York City and evacuate all 155 people on board - see Accident: US Airways A320 at New York on Jan 15th 2009, ditched in Hudson River -, Jeppesen released a humoureous new Approach Plate named "Hudson Miracle Apch", see below and enjoy.
Welcome aboard mate, we were all "New Guys with no idea" when we started:confused::confused::confused:. Just ask and there is sure to be someone here with the answer. Enjoy your stay:hug:
Like Sue I have never tried Bose, to expensive for my wallet but have used DC's for the past 25 years firsty a pair of H10-30s and a pair of H10-13.4's for the past 5 years. Both have and still do give me sterling service, I have only replaced the old seals with gel seals and spongy bits on the older set so far, bought the new set with gel seals. Looking at the Bose I also have to agree that if you are going to be moving from plane to plane and have them in and out of your flight bag I would go with the DC's with Gel Seals. To protect the gel seals DC have a cloth cover which also helps with the sweat.
Hi Dave,
I do not have 1 from an altmeter but have other that look similar. Can you measure the shaft size and if I can help will bring next time I come out to Airsport.
Dave B.
What a lot of cp. There are generally 2 times taken in an aircraft: 1. Hobbs, actual time taken once the engine has started, sometimes switched by the oil pressure. The second is Tacho time, this is normally only acurate while the engine is running at cruise RPM or there abouts. Some flight schools charge on Hobbs time. The engine time is normally taken from the tacho.
As far as zero timing an engine, I have always understood that this only happens when the engine has a major overhaul i.e. opened up and certain parts are replaced, others can be checked and used again if within tolorance and judged by the engineer to last until the next major overhaul. It is fine to open the engine check and close up if no fault is found but that certainly is not a major overhaul and does not zero time the engine.
This is the sort of thing that gives us bad name when some unsuspecting, unknowing person buys this, has prang and our good name gets dragged through the mud.
I say warn him to fix it or name & shame!!!
Hope someone can help?
I am after a book, notes, website, anything that has the content and preferred sequence of the various radio calls we are required to make, inbound, outbound, overflying, taxi, takeoff etc.
Dave B.
Thanks guys. All things being equal will be out at YBOA on the 15th and punch a few holes in the sky. Yes looking for a new photographer, good help is hard to find:laugh:
Dave B.
Signed up months ago, eventually got my act together.
Fly GA & RA. Currently flying a Tecnam out of Boonah when time and weather allow. Great forum, glad to be apart of it.