Thanks for checking Ken, as I must admit, that video would be the most interesting thing yet, given I have actually been checking for smoke machines to try just that very experiement!!
Nonetheless, the lower cowl shots seem to be quite similar to what I have been seeing on the lower cowl of whats now seems quite a famous RV4 of american airflow 'guru' Dave Anders. He had curved bits on his firewall to 'arrange' the flow outwards, like yours. (I'll see if I can find the shot of his...)
Two things I have been wondering about yours (yes, I actually have been...)
1. I don't suppose it's ever best tested without the balance hose between the ducts? (I have been infinitely curious as to whether that would help...)
2. How the intakes on yours compare to mine, as many have opened theirs up quite a bit from the older style top cowl like ours. Yours seems a hybrid of sorts, but bloody hell, it obviously works!!!!
If you ever happen to be walking past yours with the tape measure.....I am still debating whether to open the top or open the bottom more, although I am very much thinking I need to change my lower cowl to this 'overlap' style I spied on a J120 at the factory.