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Everything posted by seb7701

  1. Thanks Dave- been dying to see inside for ages!
  2. Yep, owner seems keen on trailering, as wings are currently off, but otherwise ready for flight. Rego current, if owner doesn't mind I would get all other matter lined up once it is I home.
  3. Thanks Tex - champion. Truth be told, I am just a little worried about putting someone else in the hot seat if all goes bad, but I am certainly still keen. No matter what, there WILL be ground support, as unleaded and premix is one little annoyance, but also so we could pull up wherever we end up and not have to contend with transport issues etc. Jeez, sounds like I better buy this sucker...
  4. Umm, the shame is I am not at the beginning of my flying life!!! I actually have around 80 odd hours in drifter, tecnams, jabs, RANS etc, so my flying is not really a problem, it's just that marriage/life got in the way of a my cross country...for about 10 years....!!! Yes, that is A lot of circuits, isn't it!!
  5. Patrick, your generosity is amazing and I am speechless! I am happy to make it worth your while, as fair is fair, but would love to look at maybe even just a portion of the trip. I am wondering whether it would make sense to drive down for some ground support, just to make life easier. Let me think about what I can do. Regardless though, very grateful for the offer. Have been dreaming of a drifter for eternity and unfortunately the one I like it in woop-woop!!
  6. Thank HITC- all very relevant info- particularly appreciate Internet links when I was just trying to visualise the right kind of foam. Unfortunately, cost and damage reduction dictates that flying it home is one of the better options and yes, the first leg probably does seem pointless, but I am contending with one main issue....related to lack of xcountry endo. Yes, I am ashamed to say that I am a flight test away from my endorsement and currently all our a/c are out of action. Would make one hell of a solo nav eh??? (Just jokes people....)
  7. Thanks for that - appreciate the thoughts - particularly the info on the gap. Wayne F told me to remove the engine if trailering, so for the sake of around three bolts and some cables, why not? I am hoping that if I wrap the bejeezus out of the whole package, so that the Dacron doesn't rub, the ribs etc will stand a little bit of pressure in the form of the whole package being strapped to the side of a rental truck, via the horizontal bars on the inside. Multiple straps with heaps between the straps and the wings, just to be safe. Thanks for your thoughts, as this is doing my head in!!!
  8. I hate to harp, but has anyone got any final tips for the job if I leave wings together? How much gap is between the two wings when folded bottom to bottom, given they are joined? Could I stick a thin matress between the bottoms and wrap them in industrial shrink wrap and then wrap them in more stuff and then sit them on carpet/foam on their leading edges in the back of an Avis truck? Failing that, anyone know a candidate to fly a drifter from Melbourne to the Nsw border???
  9. Certified 503 and certified 582 models, given that that kit built Austflights are reportedly a little different to fly than the certified models, which I believe we're a little 'beefier' to meet certification.
  10. Yep, agreed Patrick. I remember all of Wayne's comments about sticking two drifter on the roof of his pulsar etc. so I know it is possible, it just worries me that he is not around now to fix any of my stuff ups!! Buggered if I know where we would get wing internals and alike.
  11. Thanks gents - liking all of this info. Would love to fly it but iffie on the distance due to lack of xcountry experience and was a little wary of liability issues if I had someone else do it. A/C is apparently very airworthy, but has to come from Melbourne. Would love to get someone even to bring it to NSW and I could probably grab it from there. Overall this trailering business appears to be a right pain in the you-know-what....
  12. Pat, do you by any chance have a photo of what is inside the wings? I am trying to visualise how many parts are going to be in this mechano set?
  13. Thanks both of you - that's the sort of stuff I was wondering, although cant say I am thrilled about having to remove whole skins from wings, although it's clearly for a good cause, I know. Clearly, the wings are my main concern and I would happily remove ailerons and bits that could get wrecked, but hoped I could leave the rest intact with the right packing. Let's say I left them together (moving parts removed),what is she best suggestion from there? Unfortunately I am a this stage, using a rather large low sided box trailer (that fits cars) which also has overhead racks which I hope could come in handy for the wings, if they were sitting on their leading edges on something. How do you think skins would fair sitting on carpet, also on foam for cushioning? Are there any bits in the wings that ad difficult to re-assemble if I did strip the wings? (I've never seen inside a drifter wing) The annoying thing is that I spoke to Wayne F about trailering a while back and only remembered part of the chat, but remember speaking about rubbing through skins. Keep the info coming and Pat - might have to give you a ring at a suitable time in a few days!! The sucky part is that I would rather fly it, but it honestly is just too damn fa at 50kts!!
  14. Thanks....I think??
  15. Hi again all. I am yet again seeking some advice, given that I am soon considering 'pulling the trigger' on the purchase of a drifter which will require trailering home, due to distance and general logistics. I am already reluctant, given the potential for damage, but nonetheless am hoping that removal of the engine and battery should make for a fairly unbreakable trip for the airframe. Secondly, the wings, which are my greatest concern, (rubbing the fabrics etc) seem to be best folded with the undersides together (probably the only way they will go), sat on the leading edge on some thick but soft foam and moderately restrained. Has anyone done this recently that can highlight some traps for young players??
  16. Evening all. Despite having been in both, (although only twice in Wayne's 503), what is the real difference in performance between cert. 503 and cert 582? Can anyone help with actual figures for climb etc?
  17. Lockwood is currently running one with one carby 912 and one injected , to get the best direct comparison. Can't think of a better way to compare!
  18. Hi all - has anyone got any idea of cost and can also confirm that the drifter skins are definitely happening?
  19. Last quote I got was 15hrs max to PPL.
  20. Sounds like the go.
  21. Head to an 'RAA friendly' GA school and see what their thoughts are on a conversion. My inquiries indicate not a great conversion time is required, but this topic has been covered a thousand times previously, so perhaps run some searches.
  22. Thanks Justin. Very much appreciate you taking the time out to run through the process. I was particularly fascinated as I know the possible whereabouts of a SB582 drifter and a calendar expired but otherwise excellent 912. Naturally you got me thinking...
  23. Hi Justin - very interested if you get a chance some time to list what major steps were involved in the 912 install. Aside from that and acknowledging that we don't have flaps on our drifters, is there much similarity between the Austflight drifter and the Lockwood version?
  24. Just checked back on this thread and delighted about what I have read regarding your enthusiasm to continue with Wayne's work Emah and equally delighted with Wayne's daughters, who by now have a full appreciation of just how much the rest of us respected and appreciated him and his magic. So glad that the drifter legacy is alive and well, as I had feared that the wheels had just suddenly fallen off the drifter wagon, but I should fear not!!
  25. Forget the freight cost, I reckon the array of port and customs cost, along with taxes totally wreck everything. I don't think half of the oth countries would get raped at the docks like we do!
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