Anyone who says that 'helmet laws suck' usually prattles on with the whole 'I've been riding all my life' crap- the comments go hand in hand. The fact is and I will insert the IMHO disclaimer here, we unfortunately DO need to protect people from themselves, because I have better things to spend my tax dollars on than the Medicare expenses involved in keeping some dill on life support who would have rathered have the wind in his or her hair, than to wear a helme which would have protected them from the OTHER dill who ran a stop/giveaway sign and took them out and turned them into a vegetable from a head injury.
As for built up areas only, yeah, sure the chances are greater and more likely with other traffic around, but I can rattle of the stacks I have knowledge of in country areas from 'roos and other causes which, in the most recent case, resulted from a fatality.
I am not suggesting compulsory wearing of lids in aircraft, but I would not dream of bagging out someone who wishes to. I also just remembered the XXXX Pitts special which went down at Gatton some years ago- vertical climb, radio popped out and nailed the pilot in the forehead and knocked him out I think?
As for the "harden the f----" up comment for someone wanting to protect themselves, go read some accident reports from piper cubs and pay some attention to the cross braces and pilot's heads. Withc comments like that I am guess you picked on the kids who wore shin pads at soccer at school.....nice....