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Everything posted by seb7701

  1. That's sad about Larry. He did some very interesting things!
  2. seb7701

    Drifter Pics

    I'd be asking Wayne Fisher, as the wet/drying of the fabric does enough to it without adding solvents!
  3. Just watched that vid - give me a turbine Drifter somebody - that it just cool!
  4. Ahh, Larry's chopper was some of my inspiration - I didn't know about the quicksilver though!!
  5. Don't worry they'd just ground it to be safe....
  6. Found this turbine Zenith STOL on youtube and got me thinking, what does it take to whop a turbine into an ultralight?? Clearly, I am dreaming here, but I would love to hop into a Drifter and spool up the 'ol turbine. Surely that must add a little reliability to the mix! Any thoughts?
  7. I will let this thread get back on track, but need to add this - M61A1 - I get that sometimes in driving OR flying you can forsee people being 'naughty' and sometimes you can't. That's goes for anything. Moreso, I would be reserved about what you 'think' you see police doing/ignoring unless you have a full understanding. To the thread....Cunnigham's Gap is a funny one - some awful country, but some life saving opportunities if you have the height. As such, I still say that guy in vid no. 1 should have gotten the hell up and out rather than trying to trim the trees, particularly without any cabin structure to help things even just a little. Ever since my forced landing, I like to keep some distance between myself and mother earth...
  8. Well, never judge 'by appearances' is my first tip. I don't know why the police came into this thread either, but seeing as they got a mention, many P platers I see appear to be driving faster than most others and by virtue of their inexperience, pose one of the greatest risks to themselves and in turn, others. I doubt the abilities some older drivers too, but don't see much extraordinary ability in detecting 'a driver having problems controlling a vehicle' from a km away if they are clearly of advanced age. I wouldn't think there would be much skill required in avoiding them either. A weaving P plater on the M1 travelling at high speed on the other hand....not as risky than grandad in the Holden?? You lost me....
  9. Call me curious, but wish the Police would learn what??
  10. Yep, agreed Dave, I did watch the first section of the first vid wondering when he was going to concentrate on climbing out rather than sight seeing at treetop height....
  11. The police don't release the results because they basically don't release private information routinely or put it up on a website like ATSB or the state coroner does and I'm sure the reasons for this are understandable. However, I'm not (just at this second) aware of anything stopping the RAA from doing a 'Right to Information' application on an incident in the same manner in which an insurance company does with traffic crashes when they are sorting out a claim. In many cases the coroner's findings are very informative and accesible via the web, however such findings are only published where an inquest is held, which is not always the case. I do throw this one back to the RAA to have a go at. There is little info that can't be obtained with the correct consent. I do wonder what the RAA do down there sometimes....
  12. Thanks ! Still looking at all options.
  13. Assuming no major issues, what would a 100hrly cost on a C150?
  14. Thanks Boink - very much appreciate the offer, but I think you might be a bit far. I am thinking it may be a coin toss between the RA-900's which sound great and the Pilot Avionics, but the RA's sound worth the gamble for that price!
  15. Good point alright, but so far only tried DC's and Zulu's. S'pose i better try a couple more....
  16. Sold! I did stumble across them - I think they're worth a try for that money. Thanks Boingk
  17. Thanks for the details Nev. Interesting re the foam ear seals, as I assumed gel was the go. Looking at the specs, I think it's an extra $100 for Iphone compatibility, but aside from that, would you take the PA18's over some good 'ol DC H10-13.4's? (I'm assuming everyone has tried them at one time or another) Not really sure how important the ANR aspect really is for periodic use, but those two seem to be the option at $395 each.
  18. Hmm, better check out the Sierra by the sounds of it...
  19. Hi Gareth - which set are you referring to - the PA's? Didn't see the PNR4000's, but might be able to go a little dearer. As for the Zulus...I was going to mention them with the Bose!!
  20. Hi all. I'm looking to buy a new headset and whilst I was happily going to snap up a Rec Flying headset or basic DC's as a starter, I started looking at the ANR stuff and compatibility with cell phones etc. So from DC H10-13.4's I stumbled across Pilot Avionics PA18-50's. Has anyone had experience with these or have any other suggestions? Oh, and no, I can't afford a set of Bose....
  21. $7500 with 33 bids. Cheap flying...
  22. Yep, he must be kidding alright....
  23. I assume this might have something to do with the ebay at the moment. Good price I will say.
  24. Unbelievable to lose such an experienced flyer and builder of such awesome replicas. Tragic to say the least.
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