Well Tony, perhaps I should firstly apologise for violating of the Thrusters user group, but for the sake of Drifter pilots everywhere....I won't!
Many thanks for taking the time to provide your thoughts on the subject, as I must say I was hoping to get a view from the ultimate Thruster authority/devotee in order to get a positive view from the other side if the fence, although you should be pleased to know that my original Drifter instructer is also a Thruster advocate!
I appreciate that you have provided a 'warts and all' view of the Thruster, as it enables further comparison with the only other grass-roots type with which I have any great familiarity. I am aware that there are few, if any viceless A/C out there, but an honest view of a Thruster just helps the decision as to which vices I am prepared to live when choosing an aircraft.
Finally, I must congratulate you on the most courteous statement of dislike which I have had the pleasure of witnessing re the Drifter. I'll bet you were gritting your teeth when you wrote that!! I'd nick back off to the Drifter user group and leave you all in peace, but I have to go and check out the next post I seem to have caused!