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Everything posted by seb7701

  1. Hi mate - 100 deg is nothing and have been there many times in the trial and error of mine, so wouldn't get too worried unless it goes much past. That being said, you should be able to do better. It might be worth taking a look at the sealing around it and a few others aspects. As an example, mine is back on running in oil, which will see up to maybe 5 deg hotter oil temp and was seeing 80deg the other day with 14 deg ambient at 2600ft. I have seen big changes in oil temp with cowl lip changes etc. What model Jab are you running and which oil cooler?
  2. SAJ- still have the quote from Jab, however he is the earlier smaller cowl, so possibly not an issue with J160/170's.
  3. Given that I am not being paid to fly and thus no-one is forcing me to do anything, I see no reason to fly over country that I can neither land amongst or glide clear of! I only do tiger stuff if I can glide clear of can see a suitable spot, otherwise I take a little longer and go 'round. I've had two engine failures, one in a Drifter and the other in my GT500 and can only attest to good training and regular refreshing. By the second one, I was not only fine with where I was going to drop in, but was picking out suitable spots where I could get the trailer in if needed after the fact!! As Downunder said earlier, normalisation of deviance is a very good aspect - get used to forced landings via practice and that's the closest you'll get to being O.K. when the real thing comes along. Some off-airport stuff I reckon would be good too, as it might eliminate the fear factor of landing somewhere that's NOT a nicely prepared airstrip, as it was a little off-putting first time 'round!
  4. I looked at changing over in June of last year. A few points I had to consider is whether the slightly larger spinner would hang over my ram air ducts (I have the original smaller top cowl) as well as the cost overall, which came in a $1970 including $340 of ancillary bits. (new spinner and flange/extension of something?) Seem to get a few extra knots I believe, but Jab are by no means suggesting everyone change over to the new breed. They do look tempting though!!
  5. Done some great flying in Wanaka - pretty sure there's still some good training facilities there. (Very jealous!!!)
  6. Welcome aboard Jim! Great to have you with us.
  7. Biggest problem it seems is complete nitpickers who wish to over-analyse every last person's move rather than focus on the big picture. That kind of crap seems to be what got us to the ridiculous place we are lately - P.C. gone not just mad, but completely and utterly stupid!!! I'm not flying the flag 100% for Pauline, but by god, lately she's the closest thing to honest in a long while, particular compared to the other 'professional' pollies out there. She wouldn't be gaining such ground if she wasn't one of the only ones mimicking the views of a lot of average citizens. Oh, and if she chooses to fly around in a Jab at a fraction of the cost of 90% of the others, do we actually care??? It's not like she flying down to go whale watching...
  8. Well, it's been a while since I last checked in, so here's the latest - After getting more than a little frustrated with my one problem child cylinder, I took a run to Jab in Bundy where a leak down identified a definite issue with one spot in said cylinder, most likely the result of a historical incident whereby that cylinder did get hot many moons ago. Anyway, one new cylinder later, it'll be interesting to see what happens. Temp is up by 6 degrees on no.2, but it's only 2.5hrs old and back on Aeroshell 100, so this will be interesting. Overall, it's still running just beautifully still, but just trying to keep CHT's where I reckon they should be for what little summer flying I will do! In relation to my last post, new Jab needle and recommended jets are now fitted with terrific results - down from 18LPH to 15LPH!!
  9. Could be good. It's been interesting but definitely a USB charging issue. I finally remembered to plug in my handheld GPS and no issue whatsoever....
  10. Thanks mate - needless to say, you're spot on. I was aware of the heat sink aspect and really had no way to be able to work such into a little space such as an existing charger. I have essentially chickened out of the idea and instead like the look of these perhaps, from the UK- Universal USB power / chargers designed for Light Aircraft
  11. I recently installed an accessory plug in my dash and noticed that the iPad/iphone certainly brought noise into the radio, not from the charger but only when you connect the actual device to the charger and start shifting some current. I emailed Rainier from MGL (I have an MGL V10 radio in the Jab) and received the following rather logical response. As a result, I now have a couple of 7805 regulators and am going to experiment with them on an iPhone charger. Here's what was said- This is a well known issue with phone chargers - they are switched mode regulated supplies to make them small and this causes wide-band radiation. It has nothing to do with shielding of the V10 - your charger is actually transmitting a signal wide band that is picked up by your antenna. Proof ? Simply disconnect the antenna and things go quiet... Your V10 cannot do anything about it - it looks just like a valid VHF transmission. The only solution is to use a charger made with a linear regulator (you just need a simple 5V linear regulator such as a 7805 to provide the 5V on the USB plug). Rainier
  12. Thanks Bruce - still interesting to hear any jetting comparisons, but I've got a 40mm Bing, so will be a bit different. Still getting over how sensitive the whole darn show is with every removal and re-fitting of the carb and intake bits - painful!!
  13. Thanks Jet - got the table from the latest overhaul manual, but things vary depending on needle and the table isn't 100% on reality. As such, just after some 'real world' setups.
  14. Well, haven't posted for a while, so thought I'd touch base with some more findings- 1. Airbox to cobra head scat hose has been replaced with blue silicone intake hose. Much easier than the somewhat finicky scat hose and no issues. Short length, so very rigid. No interference with temps. 2. Strange fact - I can manipulate the temps between the rear cylinders by how much tilt in on my 'flattened' fibreglass style cobra head. Having noticed an unsual 9 degree spread between cyls 3 & 4 after a carby removal/refit, I landed and adjusted the cobra to level it more and went back to a 1-2 degree spread! After checking my records, this has happened a few times, so just trying to find out how to mark it for consistent fit. HELP NEEDED- Just fitted new carb jets etc to start trying to dull down fuel consumption a little and now have a 'Jabiru' needle with totally different jets. Can anyone running a solid lifter 2200 help out with what needle/main jets they're using with success?? I have an array of choices, but figured you guys might be able to save me some trial and error!!!! Thanks in advance!
  15. Hi all. Was just curious as to whether anyone can tell me what gives the SP500 6cyl airframe higher VNE than the likes of my trusty SP470? I have a 116kt VNE while most SP500's cruise at about that! Just wondering...
  16. Yep, it was a normal coroner's investigation from memory, as I remember reading about a few of the behavioural issues which had become apparent in the lead-up to the incident.
  17. Spot on Mark - I will be looking to see how much flex is in the hose due to lack of ribbing, but at this stage will try it just as the bridge between airbox and cobra head, as it will only be a short length, which will hopefully retain sufficient rigidity.
  18. You're right about that Ken - I thought I had suddenly forgotten how to land!!! In terms of bolts, I ended up grabbing the next size up for each, so basically popped the rear bolts in the front and getting new rears. I originally went with the standard flocking process and TWO poly packers on top, however it left large gaps between the clamping plate and the leg, so we actually now have used a cut down packer under the leg, epoxied to the plate. All very nice fit now. The camber looked mickey mouse, but once we got it outside onto the tarmac, the trusty iPhone clinometer said there was actually 0 degrees both sides, so will run with it for the moment, otherwise can see if some more neg camber is needed. Currently nothing in terms of shimming etc. The main bit is the fact that it now just tracks straight as a die, not only because of the lack of camber, but these legs have WAY less flex in them!!!
  19. Jet- that's exactly what I have sitting around to fit, but just the other day thought I might just cut a short section to replace the scat hose to start with. Things have still never been so good as when I deleted the external air intake, but who knows, might be even better?? Will be interesting for sure. Just trying to sort this damned oil temp first....
  20. Well, I guess that's where the question arose - I have seen a pic only today of a CAMIT install where the hoses are all strictly cylindrical, as opposed to mine, where the circulars glass section just prior to the carb is flattened slightly aka just light a cobra head.
  21. Well, first flight today since replacement of legs and, as per Ken's experience, it was like a new plane!!! Tracked straight and true on take-off and landing, but most noticeable was the ability to land and have the plane simply track straight down the strip like it was on rails, compared to the weaving and legs fighting each other. Brilliant!!
  22. Out of curiosity, does everyone run the flattened fibreglass 'cobra head' between the scat hose from the airbox and the carby or have some gone to straight hose? I am about to trial a short section of silicone intake hose instead of the scat hose, 'just to see....'.
  23. Should be around 15-16lph from what I can gather at 2850-2900ish.
  24. Mark, Just checking, but out of interest, is that a modified Jabiru lower cowl that you've used? Just interested in whether the intake opening is therefore the same as mine. For the record, I am in the midst of figuring out how I am going to emulate your lower cowl, given your fantastic temp reductions!!!
  25. Jetjr - The NACA style oil cooler inlet shown next to mine is actually from a 120 or 160 I photo'd up at the factory and is used with the small automotive oil cooler such as mine. The inlet is designed nicely to scoop the air running down the face of the cowl. The larger aero classics cooler is used with the box shaped inlet which does actually have more of a protruding lip into the airflow. Here's a 230 cowl- bit different to the NACA duct. I get the suction aspect, but scooping the air definitely has it's place, otherwise I wouldn't think the 230 one would look like this as opposed to a flush inlet. Mark - Thanks for the shots. I have seen similar things on some Jabs - very impressive CHT reduction, hence my interest!!!!
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