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Everything posted by seb7701

  1. Hi Markdun. As Bruce said, you've done a excellent job alright and I too would really love to know a little more about the lip you mentioned. 'I was getting over 140C CHT on no.1 in cruise and oil temps over 90C so I ditched the 50mm lip on the cowl outlet and replaced it with a ramp for more suction. Result was a 5-10C drop on all CHTs and oil temps now mid 70s...' That's a really dramatic drop in oil temp! As per my previous posts, my problem child is no.2 cylinder and you have things covered with regard to preventing ram air for the intake also. I am just about to investigate my oil cooler inlet, but now I am fascinated with your result!
  2. seb7701


    Hmm... not sureI follow as the SP470 vs SP500kg MTOW is almost neck and neck. (I just gathered that the 500 just has an ironically crook useful load as it has the extra weight of the big six up front??)
  3. seb7701


    Yes, if I could second Frank's query - I have always wondered the actual difference between the SP500's which cruise at say 115-120kt when the likes of my SP470 which is largely the same airframe has a VNE of 116?
  4. The findings published on the Qld Courts website relate only to matters where an inquest was held, hence the 60 odd findings - nothing to do with orders from the coroner I would think. Most other coronial matters are reported on to the coroner by police, (with RAA/ATSB etc assistance) and finalised. As such, the RAA simply needs to continue it's liaison with the coroners in the various jurisdictions to obtain details. Given that one of the primary purposes of the coroner is to prevent reoccurrence of similar incidents, it would be a rarity that findings would be much of a secret, that is once a matter is completed. Simple.
  5. In a nutshell - the flocking of the clamping plate (saddle?) to the leg is simply to ensure a good fit between the two, as the legs are far from 'geometrically perfect'!! It is basically performing the same function as what the poly packer does between the leg and the lower surface of the fuse.
  6. Thanks Ken -will take a look at the bolts sent and cross my fingers.... The left leg is worse than the right. We did manage to tighten the left up a little a while back, thinking that may have been the issue, but no.... My main concern will be the camber when I stick the wheels straight back on. Will be interesting to see whether simple shamming with washers can achieve the desired result.
  7. Thanks Ken - couldn't see anything in the manual, but did wonder. As for tyre wear, well, my tyres went from photo 1 to photo 2 in 20hrs.... The shots are fuzzy, but you get the idea!!
  8. Yep, that's probably the one from the Europa in the states. Looked awfully good, but I should just be able to either extend the lower section a touch or indent above. I am close, just need to knock some degree off! As for the location, I guess there was a reason somewhere!!
  9. This is interesting stuff Paul, as I am currently investigating what seem to be high oil temps on my Jab courtesy of the oil cooler inlet being a cross between the old and new. Those I have seen with great cooling seemed to have more of a 'scoop' thing going on. I can only hypothesise that this stops the airflow simply running down the face of the cowling below the prop, with only the occasional lucky bit heading into the cooler?? Mine is the first photo and the later version is the second. You can see how the indentation on the second type would at least cause the air hit the lip and go in. Also no rounded lower edge. Ahh, more glassing I suppose....
  10. Well, haven't had a chance to put my legs on yet, as I'll need a hand but did notices an interesting circular kinda deal between my old legs and the brakes. Does anyone know whether there is usually something between the bare gear leg and the brakes? In my case the spat bracket is the first item, but wasn't sure about how the circular spacer thingy got there?? I hadn't previously looked, but thought that there wasn't any washers etc required (unless for camber adjustment...) As per the first photo, the camber alone from my droopy legs explains a lot about what I felt were bad manners during the landing phase!!!
  11. Thanks heaps for that Ken - really appreciated. Dying to get my new legs on, but might not be until next week now. Tell me, the flocking that I was interested in was the flocking of the saddle to the leg. The tech manual suggests a dry fit to mark position of saddle on leg, then flock the saddle to the leg (24hrs drying time??), then tighten everything up. Was this how yours went? I am curious as to the need for flock on the saddle (aka clamping plate)??
  12. Thanks Ken. That sure does sound very handy in terms of adjustment and yes, a perfect addition from the factory you would think. If you happen to have the camera lying around.... I did wonder about the flock...not sure what it is in aid of...
  13. Ken - that was quick, but is great news. I was starting to think that I had lost the plot with some of my landings and was reluctant to 'blame my tools', but was my plane was/is behaving similar to what you have touched on. I am hoping to get to mine on the weekend or early next week. Can I ask how you went about adding the camber and toe-in? Was that shimming with washers or did you hit it with the flap disk little? Definitely interested in any tips before I tackle it. Was sounding quick and simple until I read that I needed to flock the saddles and wait 24hrs for them to dry!!! Doh!!
  14. Yep, 470 does relate to the MTOW...
  15. Thanks Oscar. Always careful, but it will hopefully be fairly prominent, should the clamp plate (the saddle your referring too?) have been chewing into the leg, as there should be around 13yrs of indication! There's no difference in specification for the legs these days, only the type 1 and type 2 (curved ones). Given that I'd be goose not to replace all fittings when the legs are off, I have all new hardware, including the new red poly bushes and packers, which, like the nose wheel donuts, are superior to the old black rubber items. The packers only go between the leg and the fuse it would seem though. I have seen the drop test plenty of times, but that's the type 2 gear, so probably not a lot of relevance to me in behaviour. Looking forward to getting them on and see how it behaves, so watch this space!
  16. Having only around 15hrs in my SP, I always had the opinion that it was behaving badly on touchdown. Upon analysis of the camber and toe-in of the wheels which was waaaaaaay out, I came to the realisation that to shim the wheels would mean around 5 gazillion shims. I then turned my attention to the legs themselves, which were looking a little 'bowy' in the centre of the main section, particularly one side. Upon sitting in the aircraft and watching the leg on the left, it was really much squishier than desirable which drew me to the conclusion that it's life was over and that the camber, which was really the direct opposite of what was required, was caused by the legs having lost their mojo. It was also evident in the fact that they ended up either wide or narrower in track depending on whether you pulled the plane forward or aft. Following a call to Jab, it was confirmed that they do in some cases deteriorate over time. As such, just like 'Lieutenant Dan', I have new legs!! Hope to get them on this week and we'll see.
  17. On does say 'helicopter' in the description. The others would just be bluetooth and non-bluetooth GA models I would think.
  18. The only problem I have had with mine....is that it has ruined me when it comes to using any other headset!!!!
  19. No worries - I got all excited last night and after an eternity, found them on p.2. Minimum 70-odd thousand points contribution sunk me.....
  20. Here you go Frank- Qantas Store AU Catalogues (Department)
  21. Thanks mate - appreciate some jetting to compare to, as well as the snaps overall and I can see what's really going on in another similar aircraft. Unfortunately and oddly enough, I'm quite a bit hotter, would justo love to know WHY!!!!! Just saw that on the last 20 degree day, whilst most of my figures were had at around 2500 AMSL, my hottest cylinder was still in the 140 range, whilst cylinder 1 & 3 were around 100 and 111deg! Go figure... Would just be nice to know where the main differences lie between the intakes etc of the J160 vs my little 'ol 470. Ah well...
  22. Spoke with Ian Bent about their exhausts, as was only seconds from buying a pair, until he very honestly stated that they are unlikely to be the cure to any problems and that they had not really done any testing on them. They were more or less produced as a result of requests to do so. They sound great thought, I'll say that!!
  23. Roger- will be interested to hear about the oil cooler, as that might be my next port of call. Chats with some trusted names has convinced me that uneven mixtures are the cause of odd CHT's when ducting etc look fine. My intake mods certainly confirmed it, so you simply keep that in the back of your mind. On a side note, I last week had the two baffles removed from my muffler to minimise back pressure, as Oscar's experience has indicated strongly that exhaust mods can do wonders for temps, in particular oil. Haven't had a chance to see what happens, but their appearance tells me it may do a little something....hopefully!!
  24. Oh, I have read about everything it is possible to find on the net I assure you!!!! As you have said, it's not the figures entirely, but moreso the differences between cylinders.
  25. Not sure if I asked HF, but have you got EGT's also? My problem child cylinder appeared to be mixture rather than airflow, as both my ducts are identical as can be and have extremely similar pressure differentials compared to the outlet. As such, blowing more air over my problem cyl head would only get me so far. Mixture first... The upstream of the carb (I am now convinced) is everything!!!!
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