May help...
SARWATCH is a generic term covering SAR alerting based on either full-position procedures, scheduled reporting times, or SARTIME. Full-position procedures and scheduled reporting times are only applicable to IFR flights in all airspace classes and most monitored VFR flights operating in controlled airspace. SARTIME is a time nominated by a pilot for the initiation of a SAR action if a report has not been received from the pilot by the nominated Airservices Australia unit.
A VFR pilot operating in Class G airspace may nominate a SARTIME to ATS but the progress of the flight is not monitored, though SAR action will be initiated if there is no communication from the pilot cancelling the SARTIME. Rather than nominating a SARTIME with ATS a flight note lodged with a responsible person, who will raise the alarm should the pilot not report in as scheduled, is preferred for VFR Class G operations.