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Brian F

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Everything posted by Brian F

  1. I received one today.
  2. keen eye spot a half empty gin bottle protruding from Mavis's....
  3. Good lord your a woman! well while your down there....................
  4. but wait.. thats not gold its his conopy turning brown as the last drop of rego is squeezed from his tanks and plumets towards a field of importers, manufacturers and hostile instructors!!
  5. perhaps you could administer a 4x2 or if that fails have it beaten by a serial trash peddler, failing that another troll may descend and do the job..............
  6. They toook ar jerrrrbs
  7. Certainly hope that is the case Gentreau.
  8. Cazza, I understand people have been put in bad situations over this, hopefully those that have caused this will be dealt with in the near future. I would hate to think that in the future raa would go down the path of preferential treatment for commercial interests at the cost of ordinary members who are the backbone of this association. Brian.
  9. My point is that all registrations should be dealt with as they fall due. What the hell are you trying to say i am? If your comment of fairness and decency wasn't directed at me, who was it directed at?
  10. I dont think my fundamental belief in fairness and decency has gone out the window, a bit over the top with that statement... i have a different view than you, you cant see my point, fair enough, leave it at that.
  11. Kiwi i think i understand why you are so passionate about flying schools.. is that a picture of your instructor you are embracing in your avatar? ONLY JOKING!!!
  12. I am not trying to make an us and them case, all i am saying is that in my opinion all registrations should be dealt with when they fall due. If you wish to put in place that if this sort of thing ever happens again, flying schools, importers and manufacturers should take priority, Lets put it to a vote of the members, i will be happy to go along with the decision, but for now i will just stick to my opinion.
  13. No the flying schools didn't cause this, neither did the members with grounded aircraft, neither did importers or manufacturers, so do you really want to go to the end of the line, being a fully paid up member of raa.? I hope your local flying school appreciates you and your fellow club members support, perhaps the will show their appreciation by giving you all a free flight occasionally while you are still waiting.
  14. Kiwi, i dont want anyone to fail, i just think all registrations should be dealt with as they fall due. you may have been grounded yesterday, let me know if your opinion has changed if you are still grounded in 2 months.
  15. Shane, I hear what you are saying, my original question was on 1 point in a list of many, the rest i totally agree with, i am giving my proxy for the feb meeting to a person to vote as he sees fit on all matters. I just dont want to see ordinary members rights being second to commercial interests, thats just my opinion. Brian.
  16. I didn't realise the problem was so big!! All the instructors are going to go broke?? No i wont winge, I'll probably sit back and wonder how i brought down the Raa organisation by asking a question and expressing my point of view on this forum, after all it it probably is my fault!!!
  17. A flying school owner is partially to blame for all this, it just pisses me of to think he would get priority while the rest go to the end of the line.
  18. Gentreau, I do feel for these people, maybe raa should have had extra people working on commercial members without delaying process for ordinary members, I just dont get the the idea of priority treatment for some at the expense of others, surely we are all entitled to have our aircraft registered just the same. I understand this is not a normal situation but is this how it is going to be when the s..t his the fan next time? Is it a good idea to have commercial interests a priority in any situation in the future?
  19. Jim, Is it a case of if you are not in it for a dollar your problem is not as important .... get to the back of the line? or is there something else going on that i am not aware of? because the point that the future of raa seems to be in jeopardy if commercial interests are not a priority seems to be coming up a bit.
  20. already organised.
  21. Kaz, I did not realise that court actions were in progress over this issue, I just wouldn't like to see importers, manufacturers ect. getting priority while the the ordinary members go to the end of the que. the pace that registrations are being processed we could be waiting a long time.
  22. Andy, I think that every member in this situation should be dealt with as their rego expires weather they make a living from other raa members or not, but after reading the email from Gavin, this issue doesn't seem as important at the moment as sorting out other issues in feb. and hopefully getting rid of tossers like him from the board.
  23. Hope my post above is not confusing not sure how i did that.
  24. Well bugger me! 2 working days after complaining here my registration payment has been processed, It really does work.
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