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Everything posted by AV8A

  1. Thanks for the update, I look forward to reading about it.
  2. I was enjoying that, did Laurie finish his trip?
  3. Err - no serious was my obvious intention. If i key the mike on a police frequency and tell them what I think of them - I will have a knock on the front door in less than 15 minutes or atleast have cops driving up and down my street.. A mobile phone will periodically try and ping a repeater tower. When it does that it sends the phones sim id - that way towers can direct incoming calls to the nearest tower to initiate the call. It's not rocket science.. And yes if they had a dedicated and active EPIRB the results would have been more efficient. But a phone is doing essetially they same thing..
  4. Yet it still it took them 3x days to get some kind of a fix with 2x search planes and 14x helicopters and a relatively small nomintated search area... Unfortunately in this case it didn't matter - but it would be nice if they could get their act together in the future. /end of rant RIP guys.
  5. Bugger. In saying that - surely a mobile repeater could be flown over the search area and see if something pings it. I was trailbike riding at Kia Ora the weekend before last - Telstra coverage was good to the north east of Gympie.
  6. Just an idea. Assuming one or serveral passengers had mobile phones - its unlikely they were turned off for a short hop. Why not try and see if any of these are hitting local towers and possibly be triagulated?
  7. Just plain dumb luck really. Glad no one was hurt! (too seriously). Sure its easy to point fingers and what not. But at the end of the day I keep hearing in my head - : "Charter boat? How did you NOT see a charter boat?"
  8. Herbie Lives! Should of taken it as a sign of things to come!
  9. I was having Dejavue - a little old C150 at Avalon use to do this to me all the time!
  10. A ballistic chute is an option on these - did Peters demonstrator have one?
  11. Another link http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2011/06/24/3252714.htm - It was a Super Petrel. Very sad news indeed!
  12. from - http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/breaking-news/aussie-pilot-dies-in-german-blimp-crash/story-e6frf7jx-1226074436627 SNIP - "An Australian blimp pilot died in a fiery accident in central Germany but saved the lives of three passengers after ordering them to jump to safety, the German tabloid Bild reported today. Onlookers in the town of Reichelsheim, near Frankfurt, reported hearing a loud engine noise from the Goodyear blimp during an event yesterday evening. The smell of gasoline was reported, and then the four-seater blimp's engines caught fire. With the blimp hovering two meters (six feet) above the ground, the pilot yelled at the passengers to jump off. It then shot 50 meters up into the air and exploded, before plunging back down in flames." I just seen this sad news on the telly. My thoughts and prayers to the pilots family.
  13. Hold my bag for me when you get you medical and you might also be eligible for FREE accomodation and meals indefinitely!
  14. I have been thinking of this bloke the last few days and have been meaning to PM you Swanny. Glad to hear things are on the up! :thumb_up:
  15. Too bad the Foxbat has shrunk - I am yet to try the new one myself. I spoke to you last night btw
  16. I would of thought contructive discussion to prevent another pilot from enduring the same ordeal in the future would be helping. How can we help this pilot anymore directly? We don't even know his name. As I said before I didnt raise the issue to be offensive. Can we nominate a bank account or somthing and put the hat around for this guy? Swanny would you be prepared to administer somthing like this on this fellas behalf?
  17. Thanks Swanny for letting us know how he is going. Is he a member of this forum? Can we ask his name at the very least so we can aleast stop referring to him as 'the pilot'. I hope you don't think I was being insenitive by raising the question on fuel tanks - but as we are pretty much self regulated, if we don't discuss - we dont learn.
  18. A flexible product is readily available that could be used to assist keeping fuel out of the cockpit in an accident. Its essentially the same material as used in inflatable boats and fuel bladders etc (like Hypalon). Its something I am thinking might be useful to make a skirt or outer bladder in the Sierra. As it has been said - seconds make the differance. I was talking to a rep from Germany the other week whos company manufactures woolen felts used in the construstion of seats in highspeed trains in Europe. Their woolen felts go between the seat outer fabric and the foam base. The proven fact is that this product acts as basic heat resistance between the seat cover and the foam in the event of an accident and fire. The seconds of fire resistance it offers before it is compromised the toxic foam base is ignited by fire, is worth the expense to the train manufacturers! It also isnt toxic like normal synthetic fibre or flammable. The little things... I should also mention the company I work for manufactures such coated fabrics used in the construction of fuel bladders, inflatable boats etc. But the thought of using this material only just occured to me as I am not directly involved with this paticular product. Nor is my intention to sell or promote this product. I am just mentioning it in the name of safety only and mentioning my involvement as I would like to remain transparent.
  19. I beleive he already does, at the very least others are doing it themselves. But I beleive you still need the main tank to act as a sump tank. Thats why I am thinking fuel cell might be more appropriate - if it can fit.
  20. The "Fuel Safe" is FIA approved and made from high impact rubber and also has a fuel bladder. The Jazz fuel cell a "seamless cross-linked polyethylene outer shell" - which is proberly more forgiving than an alloy tank in an accident. Both tanks have "Fuel Foam" which - and I quote "Stops sloshing, great for holding down pumps, hoses or pickups. Can be cut down to fit. important purpose or function of Fuel Cell foam is to stop a flame front from advancing, therefore helping to eliminate the possibility of an explosion. When a racing car changes direction quickly, fuel foam helps reduce surge or fuel "slosh" inside the fuel cell, creating a baffling affect. Upon receiving a sudden impact, the fuel foam inside the fuel cell helps dissipate and absorb a great amount of energy of the impact, thus reducing the risk of fuel cell rupture. The fuel foam will expand upon contact with fuel. To properly function, the fuel cell should have no more than 75% of the area filled with fuel foam. Foam should be changed every couple of years as additives in most fuels will cause the fuel foam to deteriorate over time. Check your fuel filters and other system components for signs of deterioration."
  21. I guess the next step is to learn from it and and take steps to avoid it happening again. I beleive the main tank is 100L? Not knowing the size limitations - would a foam fuel cell (ie such as those used in drag cars etc) of diminished capacity be a suitable alternative (80L)? Also can it be sheeted out so that the current fuel cell isnt in the cockpit per se? (assuming it isnt already). You always add wing tanks for extra range. Would these work? [ATTACH]13361.vB[/ATTACH][ATTACH]13362.vB[/ATTACH] http://www.gmpracingproducts.com.au/fuel-cells/fuel-cells-bladders-fill-plates.php
  22. There's method in your madness!
  23. Thanks David, I was just thinking it might make life a little easier for all concerned. As useful as CASA is - it should perhaps print this on demand/backorder (every 90 days or so) or in limited numbers for those who still find this a handy resource.
  24. Thanks David, I have an iPhone but find it too small. I was thinking maybe I need to bite the bullet and consider getting an iPad, they seem to be the way to go these days. Jeppesen have FAA approval to for their own 'APP' that displays maps, airsports etc. http://www.recreationalflying.com/showthread.php/138496-FAA-approval-of-iPad-EFB-for-Executive-Jet-paves-way-for-industry. I am sure it only a matter of time before CASA allows somthing similar here in Oz (edit. its CASA - make that 10 -20 years). I am surprised there isnt a nominated publisher that produces these on demand for a nominal fee. I work in various industries, printing being one of them. I might put the feelers out and see if I can get a book printer/binder to quote to reproduce the book? Obviously this would be cheaper to get a 'quantity' of these done. Perhaps if there are any others who would find this useful we could arrange somthing through an expression of interest? Does this forum allow a 'group buy' scenario amongst its members if undertaken in a not for profit capacity? Another member has contacted me and I may be able to get a book from him. But I imagine there are others who would like this in print in its current valid state? I am happy to do the exercise and investigate this if there is interest and the forum allows it.
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