i cam across one about 3 years ago when i was 14 (to my parents disgust *coming across RA not cadets*) joined air force cadets, flew a few Cessna's and a chipmunk, the chipmunk was awsome the Cessna i can only relate to a barn with a brick floor and barn doors for wings.... they are a very um BORING air craft, the chief cadet officer (CUO) had a farther rolling in cash and aviation (5 gyros and a drifter) this bloke had commandeered the drifter of his dad and that's where it began.. went up a few times with him, decided this sort of flying is better than GA, went up again with him at the roto craft nationals and found out wongan hills is awsome flying country!!.... i applied for the RA-Aus GYFTS scholarship but because i dont have the money to start my training its hard to have a good relation with a CFI and therefore impossible to get a scholarship ..... so i have to sit back and admire the beauty of these air craft and wait... and wait.... and wait. and with uni looming its going to be a while
im lucky in the respect i live on a farm, plenty of room and plenty of sheds.. and free of charge :clap:but farming being the way it is... i dont have the $$$ and im not going to sponge of my parents because they need the $$$ too, i too would buy one tomorrow but i just don't have the funds. so life goes on.... will see what sorta money i get over summer and go from there... already sold my motor bike and dune buggie to get my car so i have nothing left to pay for lessons... and read above ^ for the rest....
thats a bugger mate, makes things hard living in the big smoke...