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Everything posted by ben87r

  1. Do you also appreciate the same with a departure call Ian? "Centre abc departure" currently getting a bashing on the other flying forum.
  2. Gold nev, holds it value better than cash but is as solid as.
  3. That's a full time job, every time I think I'm up to date again, a whole bunch of new exemptions come out.....
  4. Not since P61 Robbo, it's under 5700 now like the singles. With some exceptions. Which has been good.
  5. Much appreciated.
  6. Either or. Just wanting something reasonably priced.
  7. Would anyone on here know of an IFR aircraft I could hire for a few hours in Cairns? Happy for the owner to come along I just need a couple more hours planned IFR for a job requirement and I still haven't got up off the floor after calling the aero club. Cheers.
  8. Never seen or herd of them. Don't dislike the idea tho, it's effectiveness would be limited tho.
  9. Yea it's fine, the local operators run 400 series Cessnas in there. I haven't been in there for a few years now but from memory it's in good nick and over a 1000M. If you need any more then that let me know and I can ask the guys still up there how it is.
  10. As in north of DN?
  11. Ah that makes sense, I hadn't herd of any my HK mates having done it over there but they would have take L6 over with them. Sucks to be the guys that got stuck with L5 tho...
  12. Was that based off their CASA licence Benny or were they "reassessed" locally?
  13. Probably started writing after the first post, would take a while ild image!
  14. Where are you Nev? I'm waiting with anticipation.
  15. There aren't any from the original manufactures either that I can think of but the DA40 and 42 both have tip up canopies, when I flew them it was discussed that if we ended up on its roof we would have to use the rear exit by climbing over the seats and going through the baggage door. Wouldn't have been easy nor fun. Each design has its down falls, Cessna style doors may not open after if the fuselage has been crumpled, piper style doors (one side) don't offer many options (especially twins) if there is a fire near the door.
  16. The centre of pressure moves rearward after the critical AoA and after there is LESS lift, not no lift, this moves it further aft of the CoG which increases the moment between the two, aiding recovery. Very important with this to understand that it's RELATIVE airflow as well because you can stall inverted in a loop for example and the "nose down" actually becomes a reduction of elevator input or more correctly a reduction of the AoA. There are quite a few different forces going on but as you would have seen the result of the AC wants to correct itself, and is the case in most examples with a few exceptions such as spiral dive.
  17. Anyone able to tell me the minimum height for deployment?
  18. I somehow managed to get 100% ...
  19. He already had the aircraft after winning the normal lottery. I kid you not, luckiest man ever. He had a mooney. Either or, personally I like the low wing but once again personal preference. I don't think you would get much change from 100k at RRP. Others would have more accurate then that.
  20. You're not going to be able to please everyone. Even tho I suggested the jab, if I won it ild most likely sell it and buy something a bit quicker and with more room. It's the general appeal of the prize that would be important. Aussie built, easy to fly, cheap to operate or learn in I would think would all be important factors. As far as polarised views? Unfortunately that may not make it ideal but the Brumby would still meet all the requirements. My grandfather won one of those letterbox lotteries many years ago and ended up with a Porsche Boxster which he had traded in on a Mercedes before even taking delivery of it. I'm sure he was just as happy.
  21. It's not limited to PPL holders tho obviously, there are another 10K CPL and ATPL holders. So is that 40k all up then?
  22. True, but they did descend through the last level maintained by aircraft 2 after becoming aware of traffic without assured separation. I would have wanted to have spoken with them before further descent.
  23. I should have added the 8, was just thinking off the top of my head for two place RVs. Also obviously wasn't suggesting that the aircraft should be part of a convent but it's too late to edit the post.
  24. Being a GA guy, I would want something fairly conventual , would be nice if it was an RV7/9/4 or similar but they would be priced out slightly. Maybe a Brumby/Jab to support the locals?
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