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Everything posted by ben87r

  1. Yea I flew in there tonight and left the AC there, that's what renewed the interest. Looks like there are 3 or more schools there tho. Have you had a go?
  2. Howdy folks! Thinking of trying my hand at a bit of gliding to try something different and looking for suggestions on places to look at. Also would like to know what is involved in becoming certified if already licensed for powered AC. Googled a bit but couldn't really find what I was after. Thanks in advance.
  3. Grandfather flew privately back in the golden era, not sure exactly how that transferred onto me but I'm into cars, bikes, boats too so seems like it would be the next logical step in expensive interests.
  4. I was there and was a little disappointed that it was an ADSBathon and may have been taken by the deputy and minister to be a single issue meeting rather than broader incompetence. Also points could have been more articulate and less emotive but that's easy for me to say as I don't have a business in aviation, just a career. I do believe that we were herd, wether we were listened to could be something different all together.
  5. Nobody you have highlighted my favourite part of the day. And Tony, I couldn't agree more. Impressed by the other guys but Halls precision was second to none. Although PB in the Trojan with his first loop did receive my "balls of steel" award for the day.
  6. I flew out of there this morning and seemed busy, large line to get in around 0900, around 4 in the circuit area on departure. WX was much better than expected.
  7. Well I'll be back out that way this coming Saturday afternoon/evening planning LRD WLG ORG through that bit of the flight. Ill say G'Day.
  8. Yep that's the one. I've flown through LRD WLG a few times recently in a PA30. Each time needing the bother you guys with a flight plan amendment or the like. Very pleasant time out that way! Good work.
  9. Either of you guys have the sector for far northwest NSW OCTA? Had two very helpful and good controllers that way recently.
  10. So your "rule" excludes Class D and MIL airspace then? So basically only a handful of aerodromes and actually the only time that it would be correct that I can see would be if the aerodrome had its own centre or radar freq. Like has been posted it varies and there is no rule as to what has to be done but with experience you will get what each place is asking for and as long as you leave enough time for them to get you to do it correctly it's not an issue. Make a call and do it early, worst that can happen is they ask have you contacted X if you have buggered it up or if they don't want to clear you that early "call again at X miles for clearance" best bit with that is you now know when they want you to call. Questions I ask myself C or D airspace on approach? If D contact tower. Is there an ACD? Yes contact them no do they have a X aedrome centre freq? Contact them Only one left which would be FIR centre freq or approach freq. I contact approach if they ask me to contact FIR for clearance (never happened btw) I will. I suggest to the OP not to get to caught up in it and let your instructor walk you through it a few times. Starts to make sense eventually.
  11. Do you have a reference for "the green one is the one to call"? I've never noticed an ACD freq on a chart.
  12. That's what I say to the boss, he disagrees tho!
  13. But that wouldn't be DR now would it ;)
  14. G1000 DR. Step one. Set CDI to track Step two. Adjust autopilot on HDG mode to align the tracking diamond with CDI. step three. Nap with alarm set for TOD -3min.
  15. [ATTACH]26916[/ATTACH] Just found this on FB, seemed fitting. I think you may have also forgotten the love of the subjectively larger woman.
  16. That's funny, because pepole from Melbourne annoy pretty much everyone!!
  17. Very interesting, can I ask where you got the video from and if there were and more with other topics covered? Would love to hear about the P61 implementation.
  18. That's what I thought I had, I must be mistaken.
  19. Well you learn something new everyday hey! How much was it? I'll have to add it
  20. Yea I can't access it either and I thought I had everything. Most of the times tho if it's not listed in the ERSA there isn't alott of info listed
  21. Which AC was that out of interest Nev? Speaking of tire limits, I was completely unaware that the C210 tire (may have been just the brand fitted, Goodyear from memory) has a limit of 160kph (86Kn ) until I had to change one a few months back, there isn't anything listed in the POH and I would have exceeded that many times if not every time as I assume it's ground speed and with a high DA and a few KN TW you are well over by VR.
  22. Was just reading the POH for the current 540/550 model and best glide speed is 120KN CAS and recommend approach speed of 100KN CAS, that does move it a fair way out of the C210 type world. I did like the sound of the 240kn TAS at 8000' tho
  23. https://www.airservicesaustralia.com/store/html.asp?/bookweb/details.cgi?ITEMNO=CAGQ That's the link for the strip guide and I don't have Texas here now I can check at work next week if you like. Also sometimes the pilot notes section of ozrunways will have at least runway designator, surface and length.
  24. At work we have an ALA guide with info from operating experience but most of that info started from the "strip guides" that you can buy, bout $50 from memory and serve a state each. I'll have a look online for a link and check my stuff to see if I have Texas.
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