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Everything posted by ben87r

  1. But you will pay overs on the hourly rate, much more than the 10% "discount".
  2. Nev, CASA don't know what CASA is doing next, how are they to be expected to be able to inform the industry?... Maybe they could regulate less expectations of the regulator...
  3. Out of interest Nev, where have you got your speed figure from? Me and a mate were interested how close to V1 it would have been.
  4. I herd the ATC recordings, seemed very professional, and well executed.. Someone should shout their beers Ild reckon. One of the photos I saw showed an un-contained failure.
  5. And I had thought that ALL the Mexicans had moved North of the boarder! Cant comment on Sale but, Tindal you could set your watch to the early Friday knock off ... Lucky buggers
  6. I have to agree with Farri, spin recovery at 400' isn't going to do much. Ac dependent.
  7. Isn't recovery from a developed spin part of the GA FIR? All the instructors that I know did spin training as part of it, I just assumed it was required.
  8. As robbo has mentioned, live atc (or other websites) hold recordings, that's how Pepole im aware of have done it.
  9. Had similar a while back but was on the ground roll not increasing till 60-70kn. Was water in the static.
  10. Funny enough, I had more trouble coming back home and now being comfortable driving two different ways. It was no longer a case of do it all opposite to what I was accustomed to.
  11. Funny enough, I had more trouble coming back home and now being comfortable driving two different ways. It was no longer a case of do it all opposite to what I was accustomed to.
  12. The day you stop learning in aviation should be the day you give it up.. I'm flying 80 hours a month at the moment and still struggle between different types until I have a comfortable amount of recent time on type (currency)
  13. The day you stop learning in aviation should be the day you give it up.. I'm flying 80 hours a month at the moment and still struggle between different types until I have a comfortable amount of recent time on type (currency)
  14. C'Mon HH, Coupled ILS is cheating!!
  15. Ummmmm...what? (stand for Night Visual Flight Rules there has to be enough light to navigate by visual flight rules just as you do during the day.) Light has nothing to do with visibility, you can "see' Nothing and have unlimited visibility. (Many people get the endorsement in case they fail to make their destination by last light, but again, unless you can see a horizon, you need an IMC rating, as we saw with the Angel Flight crash in the Wimmera) Although I agree that this is what it was designed for, you do not NEED an IMC (instrument) rating if you cant see a horizon although, It might be a bloody good idea to reconsider the flight depending on experience.
  16. Are you talking about EGT temps only there UL?
  17. Good on ya mate!! Well done, now if you find yourself up the Kimberley way, drop me a line and I'll show you what it looks like without all those pesky lights
  18. And Geoff nails it.... To answer you question there are a few very solid ways to find out, one is when around a pilot with better/proper/sufficient training you find holes in your knowledge/training/skill level. The second is whilst flying and finding holes in your knowledge/training/ skill level. The later being deadly.. Unfortunately you just don't know, what you don't know...
  19. Night flying is a big, and sometimes scary (depending on how much equipment the aircraft has) step up from day flying. On a dark night I fail to see the deference between IMC if you are in sparsely populated country. It is also one of the most fun and rewarding flying I've done on a good night. Full moon nights and a day either side are magnificent to say the least. Good on you for trying it out! It's good training even if you chose not to continue with it as, you will have a better idea of just what awaits should you "push" last light and come 2nd.
  20. When i used it the other day, first time with close traffic, it showed +055, and I was at A095, sure enough he passed 4k' below me, is this an error?
  21. I tell you who would be on to a winner, someone who came up with a cheap, small separate app that just broadcast position and notified by sound when another broadcaster was within XXX NM (user defined) and was able to show position on a map. Map could be simple enough, no need to be a WAC, this would solve the issue of different EFB users or, guys like myself who use an EFB for charts and plates and who don't use the flight plan options, or, to be honest only really use it when in new territory or doing an instrument approach. Also, be more likely to get everybody to use it. Could work similar to ADSB notification... Just my 2c anyways, i"mno software designer and if push came to shove, probably couldn't spell EFB...
  22. By the time you get a sim that's "realistic" you are into the tens of millions. I've used a $5m fixed base sim and, still, was vaguely realistic at best. Procedures tho, a few thousand dollar sim is very useful for that.
  23. To be fair, 180K is around half the cost of a regular training aircraft.
  24. It isn't like they will bother doing this everywhere. Few that it would suit from my experience would be Ayres Rock, Curtin, possibly Kununurra but that might be fixing a problem that doesn't exist, and I'm sure there would be a few on the QLD coast. There are a few that they considered class D for, at least with class E RA still has access, if it goes D RA loses allot more.
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