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Everything posted by ben87r

  1. As for whether or not to do it I won’t comment on, but I will say some aircraft can’t be flown RHS single pilot. As to adjusting to the RHS, once you have the skill (ie flown with an instructor for a few hours) it’s really quite easy. I very rarely fly RHS but can change across fairly easily now, it becomes most difficult in the circuit.
  2. Na, we did an AZI in the sim just wasn’t an NDB.
  3. General competency - pilots | Civil Aviation Safety Authority States in that link that a FIR is required for the general competency rule, ild get a better reference but the MOS isn’t my area of expertise. It’s no longer black and white (maybe it is but I like a lot don’t really know the regs since 2014) but if you’ve never been trained to use an aid, then proceed to use it for sole navigation (rather than situational awareness) ild not like to be representing you in court. I have not renewed my NDB in my last 2 or 3 IFR renewal, and cant get a straight answer as to whether or not I’m allowed to use them as I conducted a 2D and 3D approach in the aircraft.
  4. I’m with Nathan, it’s to nice a day to sit here and nit pick too much but a lot of that post is incorrect. The WX is far from real time, I fly with more shiny glass than most and don’t get IAS and without a known wind (which you need ias to derive) can’t think of a way it could be displayed, relying on the airspace features is a VCA waiting for a place to happen.
  5. Rob, I can’t tell if you’re pulling our legs or you’re Dick Smith under an alias...
  6. GPS DOES FAIL!!! You don’t have to lose the whole system worldwide, it only takes your system to fail. Ive had one fail in the worst possible scenario.
  7. Without EFB approval you would be up for tree based charts anyways.
  8. GPWT in itself isn’t the issue, it appears they’ve used 1.25 degree boxes! That’s way to small for manual LL planning.
  9. Has been a shambles all day, no WX, unable to submit a plan without calling briefing... I expected it to be stuffed up but even I was surprised at how proficient at it they were.
  10. I did exactly as Jaba has advised not to do above for my first medical, and, as he mentioned it was a VERY expensive way for things to proceed, and mostly unnecessary. Do the medical and any additional tests they require once they have asked would be my suggestion.
  11. There isn’t enough information available to speculate with this one. The C21
  12. As they did with plus or minus a few years 310 402 404 421 414 441 and most BE58 are older than that as well. Even Oz caravans aren’t generally young but all operate safely.
  13. Yes, all have been completed now or removed from ops. Was a lot of work completed on the horizontal stabs when they were done, but I’ve not flown them for a few years now so I’m unsure of what has been required to keep them compliant.
  14. Even the other forum isn’t as bad as this, seriously. To avoid further baseless info. Reports I have received are that although there was weather in the area it was isolated and mostly to the NE. The pilot was deviating around it as would be expected. The C210 has no worse record for separating than any other similar airframe that I’m aware of and is negative G that is the issue. Condolences to all involved, this being a small industry these events do effect everyone, whether they knew the pilot, flew the aircraft, worked for the company or just remember being a bright faced, enthusiastic new pilot trying to get a start in what is a tough game at times.
  15. When you say for further training you mean onward to CPL? If so save yourself some money and buy yourself a pencil and a few charts.
  16. From memory, Isn’t the stroke the same and the bore different?
  17. Yea, it had nothing to do with creative accounting and oil at $45 a barrel. All of their costs are in USD, can you explain how a low AUD is helpful?
  18. There’s no way currency alone was responsible. The AUD has been much more volatile in recent years as we also have to buy everything in foreign currency. I was surprised that when the dollar was above parity no one was taking advantage of the situation here.
  19. DUI is more of a slang term these days, from memory the correct term is PCA? Prescribed concentration of alcohol? So not necessarily driving. Also it went to court so although stupid, I assume they were guilty.
  20. I won't steal poteroo's thunder, but I imagine that this may be one of the common misunderstandings he was referring too. Great thread! These are misunderstood at all levels.
  21. Poteroo,.385 speaks only of licence holders, I would have thought that would exclude RA? I had actually thought, possibly incorrectly that part 61 only applied to GA?
  22. Correct, but they were done DUI.
  23. That may be the case elsewhere TP, but I've also heard of people getting done for just being in the vehicle in QLD, one was a backpacker in the back of a converted Van.
  24. Seriously? Every RA VFR flight IS DR.... Also wasn't even till last year that GNSS was a primary IFR navaid.
  25. So you believe you were competent in DR Nav in reducing weather without ever being trained in it? What about lost procedures or diversions?
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