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Everything posted by ben87r

  1. Any idea how many engines they were 'certified' to lose nev? I would have assumed the rudder requirement would be larger for a twin?
  2. Tradesmen also charge for what would be considered duty for a pilot, so It would be more like $300 if they were only charging for a third of their time. These insturctors would be making less than $35 (based of pots 3-1 ratio at $100ph) per hour BEFORE expenses (which are thousands per year), without any guarantee of an income at all half the time. I can't actually believe that we're having this discussion. Hands up how many here would do it?
  3. At the end of the day GA companies go broke on a monthly basis and their staff probably live on 2 min noodles so they're not charging enough generally. Are they charging more than what people will pay? Probably. Does that mean the staff should work for free to reduce your cost? I'm not going to dignify that with an answer.
  4. Well I won't comment on the religion debate (Oz V Av), but my most used aviation app is Spotify :)
  5. I remember once with a different company, we "couldn't afford" the Mags for one of our two AC in the base. I was turning down 5k+ a week in work until they eventually 'let us win', owner the same month spent a large sum of money on a toy. I don't trust accounts with money, let alone Saftey.
  6. In AUS not accountanting for altimeter error we've 45 hectobars/millipascals of terrain clearance minimum en-route so although not changing the altimeter setting would be an error it would take an extreme example to bump into Mother Earth. Phil do you mind educating us on the difference between area and RPS?
  7. We usually fly 4-6 hrs per day for 9-11 hrs duty so roughly 2-1. We fly around 5-650 hours a year depending on who you ask. We have it pretty good, the guys doing charter would do a bit more.
  8. If you were to work my pay out per flight hour it would be well in excess of $100 per hour and I'm far from over paid.
  9. Not above 500 is pretty standard heli call, basically saying they won't be high enough to bother anyone. Around here that may also become not above 1000 as well.
  10. Was on an unnamed link subsidiary carrier for an iconic Australian airline recently and on landing my iPhone, pad and glasses ended up 5 rows in front of me on the floor. We managed to pull up by B2 tho. Was also a "Charlie challenge" at a major aerodrome until an aircraft blew a tyre.
  11. I should also add I've cancelled 3 AF flights, 2 Because of WX whilst IFR in a capable AC and once because I had something unexpected come up. At all times AF were supportive and thankful.
  12. No, it's not. AF put no pressure on the pilot to 'push on' its the PIC responsibility to manage their pax, regardless of how happy/unhappy they are. As nev said it's a lesson for US in HF. This is where experience comes into it. There is also a large difference between multi crew ops (which this would never be for private ops excluding the citation) and carrying a second pilot. An inexperienced pilot carrying a second more experienced pilot COULD be a good idea for some but shouldn't be mandated because as I said there is a broad spectrum of pilots. Where you get into trouble is with two inexperienced pilots, one can easily reaffirm the others poor decision making.
  13. It 'greys' the area of private operation by firstly allowing public notification and also in the way they 'cost share'. CASA are well aware of how it works and to their credit allow it to continue for the good that it achieves. As mentioned above AF isn't the issue. Personally I can see increased pilot minimums coming.
  14. Having two pilots could create as many issues as it fixes. There is a wide spread of pilot ages and experience with angel flight as well as aircraft types. I've heard of a B200 and a citation doing angel flights on empty sectors. I don't think a blanket rule here would be appropriate but I imagine CAsA will come up with something, what that is ive no idea.
  15. There's no requirement to be IFR for an angel flight but they do prefer it and do allow it to be in a single.
  16. Just finished listening to the podcast and found it very interesting, nice to hear his memories of flying up this way. Found his texts fantastic for CPL and greatly wished he had done ATPL texts.
  17. I think it's more the hat, everyone knows emu's don't wear hats.
  18. Just need the right job Wally!! ;)
  19. No sim for the 441 in Oz. If there was the RPT operators would have to use it.
  20. If they're doing it correctly and I have no reason to think they wouldn't be then him being King would have no influence on checking or CRM. Some would argue that the real 'king' would be his check pilot, that's what most checkies would lead you to believe anyways ;)
  21. I would say he is planning on using the hours from this for his CPL, so a 172 is more beneficial. Also, considering he is trying for a time record, a break down of some description in a Cessna would be easier to get fixed out that way.
  22. G'day Carlos, first I'm hearing of your show and interested in viewing it. Is it available on the net?
  23. Credit where it's due but, of all the aircraft they could have put their skills towards they chose a Bongo? In saying that, it's the best performing Bongo I've ever seen!! Kudos.
  24. That's a rough day, near death experience, a partial gear up and no where to stay!
  25. Certainly has, we have hired recently and taken drivers on the RPT minimums, guys are getting jet jobs on a monthly basis. 2000 hours and you would be over qualified at the moment!
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