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Everything posted by ben87r

  1. I wouldn't be worried about getting caught posting about sex, it's the AFL and Ford posts ild be hiding from
  2. Sounds brilliant. If you can achieve those figures for cost and fuel burn I'm sure it will be a winner. I've just calculated the Lb/Hp/Hr burn for our SOP cruise with the PT6 and its 0.68 at low level (5k'). Being reverse flow I wouldn't have expected it to be very efficient (as I'm sure you're aware). Do you have any idea how this stacks up against other conventional TP's? A Garrett for example?
  3. Would it be able to produce more power or be scaled up to compete with the IO320/360 ranges? 160hp TP RV7 firewall forward kit for a reasonable price should sell like hot cakes.
  4. If you can make those figures that will be a winner. It my maths are right that's about 20% less fuel than a PT6?
  5. Ok yep, certified but far from conventional.
  6. I would say your estimate for a CPL would be be correct for a bare CPL only, and over 100k would be a good guess and average for a CPL with MEand IR. You could potentially spend a bit less or a lot more depending on where you went. This then leaves you with the cost of ATPL exams, about $180 each time you sit. The cost of a theory course should you choose, between 5k-16k depending on the provider. Theory books, Jepps etc. Probably 2k if you did it in a 12 month period. Then you will most likely have to pay for your first few IR renewals (IPC) 2k or so. I could go on further but I'm starting to feel broke and sad.. I personally wouldn't know what I've spent but could guess at maybe 150k if you were to include every penny but that's not really how works as a lot of expenditures are after employment and tax deductible. Also comparable jobs have similar costs in establishing a career and similar ongoing costs. Where the industry is backwards is it's the lower end of th job spectrum, where income is at its lightest where you have to pay for the most of your recurring expenses. The further up the chain, the more the boss covers. No one pays for an ATPL, you get a CPL and obtain the requirements throughout your employment and most will have to change employers to obtain all the requirements. Also there is a flight test requirement in a multi crew multi turbine aircraft (sim) since part 61 so now you don't get an ATPL until your employer decides to give you one. Off the top of my head requirements are 1500tt 700PIC 100night command 75 instrument with only some amount in the sim allowable. I'm sure there's more.
  7. I can't think of any certified twins under 1500kg so even if that was the limit it seems that the 'cri cri types' would be what they would be considering. Flying conventional twins safely is above the level of skill set and currency of most private/rec flyers and shouldn't be in RA. Even the best/experienced have stuffed up OEI sequences, in a training environment, with an empty aircraft, with horrendous outcomes. With all this talk recently about NVFR/IFR and now twins, I agree with SSCBD, I think a bit of exposure would be a good thing.
  8. Tequila and lemon usually works well but I hear vodka also has great results.
  9. Yep makes sense now, thanks heaps!
  10. Anyone of the atc folk familiar with the class E north of Cairns? 123.8 specifically? Been some discussion at work recently about a procedure that's being used, just trying work out the idea behind it. Inbound we get cleared for the STAR CODIE6 but the feeder fix time is for 20nm CODIE if direct. Wanting to understand why it's 20nm CODIE and not CODIE? Cheers.
  11. Even a C210 would be questionable for 4 "fat blokes" and full fuel. Aircraft carry either fuel or pax.
  12. A 208 might be a KG or two over the 1500 limit ;) But a good question, do AD's effect RAA AC?
  13. Zoos I don't believe what I described is different to alerted see and avoid. I wouldn't suggest anything more that what the regulators have already written 'when required', it's too variable a situation.
  14. IFR aircraft in IMC don't give 15min position reports.... The quoted references on the previous page state that aircraft should broadcast when required (if you read the CAR it states when required to avoid a collision) not when the pilot feels like. Centre is already full of useless information I have to listen to (and they're required to give me so not a go at the controller) the last thing we need is every VFR Tom Dick and Harriet giving position reports on centre and the effect would be a decrease in the level of safety due frequency congestion and less diligent monitoring of area. Most definitely monitor frequency which is a requirement anyways if equipped and fly hemispheric, if unsure of a situation broadcast but don't come up with a 'rule' of your own that keeps you warm and fuzzy with a reduced safety level.
  15. CP in regards to the aircraft being reported as a single engine aircraft a simple google search would have corrected that, so I'm assuming they didn't even go to the effort for that?
  16. Journalism is a degree, you just don't see anyone doing it anymore. These days at best I would call them uneducated and uninformed reporters. And at worst? Well it's probably not fit for Ian's lovely site here. Even 60 minutes has gone down the drain.
  17. Not being very familiar with Melbourne, what sort of areas surround EN? How 'far' is it to town etc by ground and can ML/MB/AV cope with the workload? Is there a need for an airport in the area where it sits? Not suggesting it should be closed just trying to understand its use and arguments for/against a bit better.
  18. Phil, under 5700kg with 9 pax or less are the general rules for single pilot. Quire a few exceptions tho.
  19. Is that he approach to 35? Putting DFO on the right there?
  20. It's a joke and this will highlight it. Privatisation at its best.
  21. I did hear that but it was only one reporter and once, previous to that they had it correct which is why I gave them an ok. They at least seemed to be trying to have correct information and had zero baggage handlers as experts.
  22. On 9 (I know, I know, I should have expected it) their Aviation Xpert was comparing the safety records between "this single engine Beechcraft charter plane and the commercial aviation sector".. ABC to their credit have done ok.
  23. He (or she) would have been trying to stay airborne and beyond that I won't speculate. I can't believe how close they have built that DFO to the runway, no thought there at all. But as long as people can buy cheap crap they don't need right?
  24. Sad news indeed.
  25. No the corse is competency based. No where at all does it state times apart from Minimums. I agree that they shouldn't misuse their students trust and milk them. Even professionally there is a wide range of times that it can take a pilot to get checked to line. Sometimes as large as x5.
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