I would say your estimate for a CPL would be be correct for a bare CPL only, and over 100k would be a good guess and average for a CPL with MEand IR. You could potentially spend a bit less or a lot more depending on where you went.
This then leaves you with the cost of ATPL exams, about $180 each time you sit.
The cost of a theory course should you choose, between 5k-16k depending on the provider.
Theory books, Jepps etc. Probably 2k if you did it in a 12 month period.
Then you will most likely have to pay for your first few IR renewals (IPC) 2k or so.
I could go on further but I'm starting to feel broke and sad..
I personally wouldn't know what I've spent but could guess at maybe 150k if you were to include every penny but that's not really how works as a lot of expenditures are after employment and tax deductible. Also comparable jobs have similar costs in establishing a career and similar ongoing costs.
Where the industry is backwards is it's the lower end of th job spectrum, where income is at its lightest where you have to pay for the most of your recurring expenses. The further up the chain, the more the boss covers.
No one pays for an ATPL, you get a CPL and obtain the requirements throughout your employment and most will have to change employers to obtain all the requirements. Also there is a flight test requirement in a multi crew multi turbine aircraft (sim) since part 61 so now you don't get an ATPL until your employer decides to give you one.
Off the top of my head requirements are
100night command
75 instrument with only some amount in the sim allowable.
I'm sure there's more.