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Everything posted by webbm

  1. According to news sources, it was reported to the authorities that up to 6 people were onboard, creating a And the benefit of hindsight.
  2. That reg matches the debris. :( http://www.recreationalpilots.com.au/gallery/details.php?image_id=3834&mode=search&sessionid=b7e82fd4111ffa7169b067b36d827bf3 RIP and condolences to family and friends.
  3. PDF would be nice - can then chuck it on my tablet and read it on the train. :)
  4. Now that the "last flight review" is on the RA-Aus certificate, hopefully we don't need that extra paperwork to carry around. ?
  5. Time for me to get a jet endorsement.
  6. http://www.minister.infrastructure.gov.au/wt/releases/2014/April/wt056_2014.aspx
  7. This thread is making me homesick.
  8. Just started flying at Lilydale - same situation as you - moved to Melbourne after getting my Pilot Cert, but nothing else yet. Lilydale Flying School gives an excellent pack to get you going with airport diagrams, checklists, brochures, etc. Their instructors are friendly and the facility has a nice atmosphere. Depending on what aircraft you've flown so far - (for RA-Aus) they fly Jabirus and a Eurofox. A very short distance away, there's Coldstream, which flies (for Ra-Aus) a Tecnam P92. http://lilydaleairport.com.au/ http://www.ycem.com.au/yarra-valley-flight-training.html
  9. You could always go to Officeworks and print it yourself: http://www.officeworks.com.au/shop/officeworks/Print-And-Copy/Bound-Documents Our Ops Manual is 78 pages @ 0.07c / page = $5.46 + binding (I like coil - but not good for updates) $3.80 = $9.27.
  10. Back on topic - anyone know the condition of the pilot?
  11. That was pretty stupid.
  12. Great vid! TCAS would have been going crazy!
  13. A terrible loss of a great man at a young age. Thoughts are with his family, friends and the many who never met him but are saddened by this terrible event.
  14. Given what they did to RA-AUS to force them to get their house in order, I don't have the same fear.
  15. http://caboolturerecreationalaviation.com.au +1 - great flight school. Got up to solo standard before I moved interstate. Great school with a very friendly atmosphere.
  16. Head in the sand. IMO. To hear countless stories of Jabiru not giving a stuff about its customers after money has changed hands and then pretend they are in Canberra fighting for customer's privileges...???
  17. Maybe he has been talking to them, but got the same response that pilots do when they report problems. --- Airbus A350 ETOPS 370 minutes Boeing 787 ETOPS 330 minutes Jabiru ETOPS 2 minutes
  18. My last flight? BFR in December '13. Moved interstate and haven't had the time or money since! I expect to be back in the air by the end of this December. :)
  19. Got mine too - and will be "re-joining" in the not to distant future... :)
  20. 60 minutes has about 30 seconds of intelligence these days - and that is one of the commercials.
  21. Caloundra Aerodrome Draft Master Plan http://www.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au/sitePage.cfm?code=cal-areo-draft-mp
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