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Everything posted by webbm

  1. Sorry, wrong thread, not on topic...
  2. Awful news: http://www.amsa.gov.au/About_AMSA/Media_Releases/Current_Media_Releases/documents/130204_UltralightSearchCeases.pdf
  3. http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/queensland/search-to-resume-for-missing-pilot-on-solo-flight-over-glass-house-mountains/story-e6freoof-1226568211157
  4. Yep and agree. But I emphasise it's the only explanation that I can think of. I'm sure there 1000's of others...
  5. Confused with part of the rego of the plane is all I can think of...
  6. Some info... http://mypolice.qld.gov.au/blog/2013/02/03/search-for-overdue-ultra-light-aircraft-caboolture/
  7. Some more info on the plane circling above and its capabilities... http://www.amsa.gov.au/publications/fact_sheets/dornier_2012.pdf I hope they're holding up OK at the flight school - they are a great bunch of people...
  8. Thanks Mike. That aircraft is showing up on the radar mentioned above. I hope all will be OK...
  9. I would much rather see the audits before I jump to conclusions with serious accusations (not directing this at anyone in particular). There are a lot of hypothetical scenarios ranging from incompetence of RA-Aus to incompetence of CASA. I'm not suggesting either, which is why I would like to see the audits. I would like to see how clear the audits describes the problems and if they are the exact problems not fixed in the next audit. I would also like to see a written statement from CASA as to the exact reasons why certain RA-Aus privileges were suspended and see them outlined in a previous audit as clearly stated items to rectify. turboplanner, I commend you for successfully seeking this information so the facts of the audit can be known to at least one general member and preferably all members, hopefully before the meeting. Cheers.
  10. I don't trust my life on any engine...
  11. Here you go... http://www.recreationalflying.com/threads/video-aircraft-crash-with-good-avweb-comments.56322/ Cheers.
  12. See more here: 2012 Financials
  13. Just be careful with formal accusations. We don't want the office diverted from getting those registrations done to dealing with legal eagles, at our expense...
  14. Got my "board" letter and proxy in the mail today.
  15. Thanks for the info John. Much appreciated.
  16. Thanks John. I should have pointed out in my post that I wouldn't think that the letter would have been sanctioned by every board member. Certainly I can not see my local board member sanctioning it...
  17. I thought it was an interesting read, filled a few gaps, put a few things into perspective, disagreed with some of the points, but we we human, so that doesn't bother me. But then I read the last few paragraphs which left me furious. Just a letter trying to canvass proxies for board members. I trust the gathered proxies will be used to improve RA-Aus and not themselves. That fact that the "Board Contact List" contains everything required to give a Board Member a proxy, but no phone number or email address so you can contact them makes it kind of obvious... Is it possible for members to view the CASA audit reports?
  18. In my opinion, this isn't taught enough in the Human Factors syllabus. When you've got 3 passengers (and/or bystanders) there, there's a lot of pressure to "go on". I'm sure the pilot would have known the situation was deteriorating, but peer group pressure took over giving the pilot a "I can save this situation" attitude.
  19. Agree with all of that, but I wasn't talking about Middo, so that's probably how we disagreed. I'm talking about other Board Members that I suspect don't have a full idea of the state of RA-Aus at the administrative level, which concerns me. On a side thought, are the CASA audit reports available to members? Can we go to the office and view them? Cheers.
  20. This gives a new meaning to the term "ground effect"....
  21. AlfaRomeo, totally agree with your post. It was well made and made a lot of great points. I would have to respectfully disagree with this part of your post... I think if a Board Member (or anyone for that matter) wants to volunteer his/her time to get us flying again then that's a pretty admirable thing to do, especially when compared with the actions of (at least one) other Board Member(s). And it wouldn't surprise me if it was part of managing the fix. You can't fix something if you don't know how it's broken. Hopefully this Board Member getting his hands dirty will have a first hand idea of what has been going on and what the current state is. One would argue a task above a Board Member, but at the same time, I'm sure many questions directed at the Board at the General Meeting will be a a bit lower level than policy and governance. Cheers.
  22. I think the Old Bar incident is not the only catalyst here. The recent post here regarding "fly at your own risk" stickers seems (to me) driven by the current litigation where RA-Aus and CASA are defendants.
  23. Me too. Also looks like it could be called Pricey Pilots Licence, but it wouldn't be appropriate, because its worth every cent. Congrats!!!
  24. Let 's hope at least 7 turn up...
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