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Everything posted by webbm

  1. This is exactly the kind of situation I was worried about in this post. Though it wasn't directed toward a Board member (or a non-Board member for that matter!!) Although he is well within his right to be representing as many members as he wants to through proxies, and I agree that some items should be voted on directly by members (such as constitutional changes, board elections), I would trust that the attendees would take the appropriateness of motions into consideration when they are presented and debated. An overarching gag on the whole meeting is certainly not appropriate. Is the concept of quorums in our constitution? If not, there needs to be. In any case, this is a good reminder to try to have legal opinion prepared on motions you may raise and motions that may come up. If any actions of any attendee is considered illegal to our Constitution or the laws it supplements, have it on record. Demand it be recorded in the minutes (or video/audio recording preferably, which I checked should be allowed. RA-Aus By-Law 5.1.b is only applicable to Board Meetings) and lodge a complaint with the relevant authorities.
  2. Good points. I think it's important though to have a local rep for communication to RA-Aus and its Executive. If not as the Board (as positions are not state based under the model above) maybe have a Board Advisory Team, to bat for the members. Either way and whatever happens in the coming months. we desperately need more people to put their hands up to be on the board. Does the average member know what work is involved in being on the board, what kind of situations are faced and the kind of decisions that need to made? Are people not putting their hands up for nomination because they don't know what they're getting into? Should the magazine run a few articles on the life and role of board members, with reruns when it's time for nomination? Cheers.
  3. http://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/a/-/wa/15919763/men-in-hospital-after-kununurra-plane-crash/
  4. Great points mate. Thanks. :)
  5. Thanks for the replies fellas. The problem I have is, although those 150 people may be like minded, they still will vote differently on different issues - it's human nature and a critical part of democracy in any group of people. As long as we don't get into a situation where the success or failure of resolutions is reliant on one or two people who hold a large number of proxies, then we'll be OK. To me that sounds like a micro-replica of the situation some people are alleging is happening at the executive level. Andy - you articulated the pros and cons very well and I agree with everything you said. We would not be able to hold effective general meetings if every motion was predetermined. With this new system, the meeting can be more dynamic, productive and effective. Cheers.
  6. That's the one thing I don't like about the new proxy system. I'll be turning up to the meeting, with no proxies. I'll be potentially standing next to people armed with many proxies, bolstering the importance of their vote and my vote won't count for much. We could also potentially have people armed with a high number of proxies coming in with hidden agendas (absolutely not thinking of any person in particular as I write this). It has me worried and I hope I'm wrong. Time will tell. It is better than the old system (which is why I voted for the changes) but I wouldn't mind seeing a maximum number of proxies one can have, at least to spread the votes. Cheers.
  7. he he. Virtually every landing I do, I still hear one of my I instructors' voice when he got up me for not doing so. :). But I wanted to make the point that I haven't been taught to stick to 2000RPM, even if high or low. :) Cheers.
  8. It's an interesting topic. When I started to learn up in Queensland, I would go idle when parallel to the runway threshold, slow to 70 knots then 1st stage of flaps and start my base leg. 70 knots all the way to just above flare height. Second stage of flaps was optional, if too high on final (but within limits), they would go down. Got to about 3 hours solo using this method. When I moved down to NSW, a bit different. Power and flap settings don't change until the runway threshold is 45 degrees behind you. 2000 RPM and first stage of flap. At 70kts (pretty much straight away), start base. When established base, second stage of flap. Maintain 70kts same as before. Stick for speed, throttle for rate of decent (same as before) , but aiming for 2000RPM. Took a bit of getting used to going from one method to a different one. Both have merit, so I won't give an opinion on which is better ('cause I don't have one). I believe the second one helps keep the revs up for low outside temps, plus gives more flexibility with the option of higher and lower power settings. The first is simpler to remember in my opinion and I'm sure the awesome CFI at the club would have more reasons... :) Cheers, Matt. (I've left out stuff such as carb heat etc)
  9. So what was the actual Board resolution in regards to this matter? To accept a withdrawal or to reappoint? Can someone legally resign from the RA-Aus board via email under ACT Law? Is the exact wording of the resignation known to people? just looking for the facts... Cheers.
  10. Hopefully this is a wake up call to those who might have been flying in an unregistered aircraft. The Technical Manual recommends including a registration check as part of a daily inspection. Owners also have to display the registration certificate on the aircraft. Pilots should (in my opinion) be checking registration as part of a pre flight, especially in the environment we find ourselves in at the current time. If you're sending out a registration renewal, and it doesn't come back, how can you fly with no valid certificate displaying on your aircraft? Correct me if I'm wrong here. I'm a pilot, not an aircraft owner... Cheers.
  11. It doesn't matter one single bit if any board member is liked by other board members or not. The fact is, a Board Member has been elected to represent members. If he or she is not liked by other board members, too bad. No one has the right to deny a board member information. No one has the right to dictate how a board member should fulfill his or her duties within the boundries of the constitution and Australian laws. RA-Aus is not a "boys club". It's a serious force in the OZ aviation scene and hence must be treated and run seriously and professionally before it becomes a serious force down the toilet. It's sad to say that I'm getting a clearer picture of what's going on, and I don't like it.
  12. Wholeheartedly agree. Just keep in mind that if they're not publicly vocal, doesn't mean they aren't great contributors to the Board. I chat with my local rep from time to time. He is new(ish), you don't hear him here, but we gotta keep him on the Board and ensure that the Board will get the best out of him. Cheers.
  13. There will always be a need for certain matters being discussed by the board to be kept confidential. A good example might be an incident that is still under investigation by another authority, such as the coroner, police or ATSB. What is important (in my view) that declaring items as confidential isn't overused. Items should not be declared confidential just for the convenience sake. Full minutes of any confidential discussions should also be documented. Cheers.
  14. You need a variatety of people on the Board with different personalities, education, professions and backgrounds. A diverse board will mean different members analyse and discover things that others mightn't in different situations and topics. This is only effective if all Board Members respect and listen to different points of view. So if a Board Member wants a document because of a hunch that another Board/staff member doesn't, then it should still be followed through. Maybe some of the issues currently being faced by RA-Aus could have been prevented if a document was sought after, analysed and escalated by a Board Member (very hyperthetical here -hopefully you get the drift).
  15. That would have been a fun sighting. Off topic, but how was Cooma today? I was going drive down there for a flight this weekend...
  16. post removed... Sorry!
  17. Thanks for the clarification. That's what I thought, but I remember this discussion... http://www.recreationalflying.com/threads/working-party-for-2nd-organisation.52345/page-2#post-257538 Cheers, Matt.
  18. It would be interesting to see what information is available since I always tick "No, my details may not be made available to members of Recreational Aviation Australia" when I renew my membership. Cheers.
  19. I'm guessing some of the preliminary findings of the Old Bar incident has something to do with the photo requirements and the general look into the accuracy of the record keeping for all RA-Aus stakeholders.
  20. Thanks for the clarification. I'll be at the general meeting and am trying to get an understanding of what's going on... Cheers.
  21. Could this whole issue be as simple as the Board didn't accept his resignation? No need for reelection or appointment in that case.
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