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Everything posted by kevinmills1956

  1. A Canon HD LEGRIA HF20 video in a stubby holder in a pencil box strapped with velcro to the jabs headset holders ta Kev
  2. This stunningly beautiful landing strip can be challenging to land and take off on. Pilots who recently landed there , advocate only using a 6 cylinder aircraft on a cool day . .It is short ( 678m) and the grass can be " sticky" in the middle section. I practiced 100 short field take offs and landings before landing there with a 6 cylinder Jabiru 230 D. Hervey Bay , Australia is one of the worlds secret top getaways
  3. looks like fantastic fun.. gotta do it ..great location amongst the lions
  4. When my teenage kids ask me what is the point of life I show them this video; simple and beautiful beautiful
  5. stunningly beautiful runway;middle bit very sticky;practiced 100 short field take off's at Hervey Bay first Watch Now!
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