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Everything posted by bedwa38

  1. Hi Kasper, I've spotted a nice cross strip on a property a couple of miles east of Kentucky South, NSW. I was wondering if you know of it or the owner. I'd really like to see if I could utilise it to visit friends that live on a nearby property. Kind Regards, Bart.
    1. kasper


      I have had them Mentioned to me ... they are only about 6 miles from my paddock as the crow flies but I've not been down there. I'll check tomorrow with friends to track down who's it is.
  2. Great news Nathan, happy flying. It is an incredible spot that we are so lucky to have access to.
  3. Well I might be an idiot but atleast I got my idiot-self, my passenger and my Jabiru in and out of orchid beach safely. Ryan, if your intention of posting on here really was to make others aware of the strips current condition you could of said something a little more tactful like... "Hey guys just went into Orchid Beach today. The grass is a little long from recent rain, excercise a little extra caution at the moment. The owners are probably just waiting for the strip to harden up again before they run a big heavy tractor and slasher on it."
  4. I think what we are all frustrated with is your attitude and choice of words like death trap. Also your disgusting attitude towards the caretakers, its not a certified or licenced airstrip, they are free to take care of it however they please. Once again, its up to the PIC to decide if a strip is safe for his aircraft. Even if your landing at bloody brisbane international, you still have to decide if that strip at that point in time is suitable for your aircraft. And it keeps on getting better, now your saying Jabiru have built an aircraft that doesnt have sufficient rudder authority to overcome P-factor on takeoff.
  5. I just rang and spoke to the lady at the shop, I think i've been able to pass on a postive and greatful message on behalf of the aviation community and restore the peace to some extent, so the rest of us can enjoy the strip for years to come. Apparently numb nuts here is the only person to have made a complaint in the 10 years shes been collecting the landing fees. Also, straight off the back recent rain just about any grass strip in SEQ is probably going to be a little longer than normal.
  6. SSCBD - it is a Jabiru J400. Roughly 100 hours experience (60 on this plane). Mainly tar strips. Holy shit dude, you have basically no experience and orchid beach certainly has clearly proven to be beyond your experience and skill level. I think you should shut your mouth and learn from this. I can't believe you rang the owners and complained, bloody hell your going to wreck such a good thing for the rest of us. You just mentioned that you felt the drag on your wheels and yet you decided to commit anyway. Did you consider short field landing technique? Was your short field skills practiced on a bigger strip first and up to standard before attempting orchid beach. I'm also disgusted that you try to lay blame on the airstrip for the Jabiru 160 crash. Taking a Jab 160 into orchid beach in summer with two people sets of huge alarm bells in my mind. You also try to say mowing the centre section will eliminate the problem. Appropriate decision making on your part as PIC eliminates this problem. My experience with that strip is that grass helps to keep the strip hard and not so sandy. I'd rather the long grass than sand. I'll be ringing the caretakers tomorrow to offer then some positive reassurance so the rest of us can continue to enjoy this magnificent airstrip.
  7. Hi All, I want to touch up some spots on my Jabiru. Any idea where I can buy a suitable touch up kit? Leisure Build in Bundaberg have told me that they use Protec Matterhorn White paint on new Jabirus. Cheers.
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  8. Hey Daniel, what was the name of the flying school that quoted like 20hrs for a GFPT, I'm in the same boat, looking to convert my RAA Cert to PPL.
  9. bedwa38

    170 v 230 v 430

    I was just thinking about this myself today, I'm trying to justify to myself the purchase of a 230 or 430. If you look at the fuel consumption as litres per mile instead of litres per hour, its not much more than the 170.
  10. Haha I just put that photo up and I was thinking to myself that someone might make a comment along those lines. The savannah is a brilliant machine, solid, reliable and capable. I'm looking for an a/c with 600kg mtow, 35kg+ of baggage space, 100knots cruise and 5hrs endurance. The Jabiru 170 ticks many of my boxes for an aircraft in that price range. I've done around 50hrs in a 170-C, so I'm somewhat familiar with the type. Cheers Frank, that's great to hear, the fuel burn sounds good too, the 170C I flew would consistently burn 17L p/h, must have been built on a Friday. :-)
  11. I'm interested in purchasing a 170D. How has this aircraft preformed so far? Any negatives? Any positives? Any things to beware of ? Cheers. Bart.
  12. Hi Arron25, I'm interested in the foxcon terrier 200. How much baggage capacity (in KGs) can the aircraft take?
  13. In additiona to balls on the powerlines should that airstrip also have a displaced threshold.
  14. Gday, i'd like to get in contact with any glider pilots of the Leichardt Soaring Club that still live in Mount Isa. I'm looking for a pilots emergency parachuteto borrow/buy/hire. If anyone could help that would be fantastic.
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