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Everything posted by sfGnome

  1. Thanks for the pics. Looking through them all for signs of my partners who were flying in, but I just found out that the little beast refused to start for them on Friday so they never made it. Back to the mechanics... :(
  2. MM, this might be telling you something you already know, so apologies ahead of time if I am (however, I know of people who did get stuck on this). Make sure that the lock symbol in the top corner isn't locked. It protects the display from accidental swipes, but it also gives the impression that the iPad has locked up. Depending on how you have ozrunways set up, it takes either one or two touches on the lock symbol to unlock the screen. Personally, I keep it locked most of the time, only unlocking it when I need to zoom in on something. I think from memory that it only locks when you go into flight mode, so you never see it when you're planning or learning the system.
  3. Maj, could you please expand on that? How does a higher Amp.Hour battery (I presume you were talking of higher, not lower) affect the regulator? Is it because it has a higher cranking current capability, which implies a lower internal resistance, and hence a higher peak charging current? In that case though, the regulator would just limit the charging current so I can't see that that would cause a problem. I'm not being critical - I seriously don't understand, and I'd really like to. :) Thanks
  4. The more I read things like these comments (and that letter), the luckier I realise I was. When I was looking for a school - knowing absolutely nothing about the process - I purposely chose a one-person school where the owner/CFI/instructor/dishwasher was well experienced from ATPL down. Ok, with hindsight there were the occasional shortcomings, but because it was always the same plane and the same instructor, I got consistency. It wasn't until after I got my license that I started to discover the variations between CFIs while doing checkflights at other locations. At least by then I had some modicum of confidence and could accept the different styles and different content, but if I'd had to cope with that in the early days when your brain feels like it's gunna explode; nup, I'm not sure I would have made it.
  5. Clouds broke up a little this morning. Aha, thinks I! I might just duck up to the strip and get a few circuits in... Brief look at the weather station put paid to that idea. Winds 20ktG25kt directly across the strip. Too much for this little black duck.
  6. Thanks Steve. Much appreciated.
  7. I redirect one of the air vents across the unit, and I haven't (touch wood) had a failure since doing that, despite the full sun of a low wing.
  8. Steve, do you have any photos? I'd love to see what you've done, but it's a bit far to drop in at the moment. :)
  9. I'm both a bit deaf and have a fat head (sigh) so my zulus have been a godsend. I can hear so much more clearly than with ordinary headsets, and they're as comfortable as, even after hours of use.
  10. Fantastic Ian. Much appreciated. It's like reading with my glasses on again - same meaning, but much less struggle!
  11. Like so many first time pax - grinning from ear to ear, and with the microphone down around around his adam's apple! How'd you hear anything he said?
  12. The Swift's a nice enough looking plane with it's skin on, but it looks like a flying bedstead when it's naked!
  13. I've been doing a fair bit of failed-engine practice over the last month (PLB in for service, so limited to the local area. Done lots of other exercise too...). Anyhow, two things I discovered. Shooting glide approaches from anywhere to the strip (on very quiet days so I wasn't disturbing circuit traffic), it's the last 300 ft that really tell you whether it was successful or not. It's a dirty feeling when you find yourself too low to make it when everything seemed hunky-dory. Also, come in from the dead side if there is no one else about. You're not always going to get left hand circuits in an emergency landing. Go a (known) decent distance away from the strip at a (known) fair height (say 5 miles at 4000' AGL). Glide towards the strip being really careful to maintain best glide. Note where you end up. Now go back and do it again from the same point, but glide 10 knots slower and see where you end up. Yep, we all "know" what will happen, but when you (or, at least, I) actually see it happening, it concentrates the mind somewhat.
  14. I walked into town and back a couple of evenings rather than wait for the bus (ok, so I'm impatient, but I also like walking). Pretty easy, and really beautiful at night with the country sky overhead.
  15. Love the rego! Is that your shot in the RA -vs- GA arguments??
  16. Wind speed is supposed to peak here tonight. I'm sure I tied it down well. I mean, I think I tied it down ok. Please - I hope I tied it down well enough...
  17. Actually, I should admit that I write real-time embedded control software for a living. Some years ago, I worked for a company that put remote control alarm systems in (very expensive) vehicles where the operators at the monitoring centre could shut off the engine when the police instructed them it was safe to. Unfortunately, the software was of dubious quality (actually, it was total crap) and occasionally it would just shut off the engine without warning. I'm told that it was pretty exciting to be pushing hard around a fast sweeping bend and to suddenly lose the motor... Having said all that, it is possible to write good, safe control software, but it costs a *lot* of money. (Oops. Is this thread drifting again?? )
  18. Interesting document history. Tecnam published it in October last year. Users who are registered on Tecnam's site received it shortly afterwards. EASA (and hence CASA) published it on 22nd Jan (three months later) and it's effective date in their version is 5th Feb. And do you know what the compliance time is? Within 10 flying hours or 30 days, which ever is the shorter. It takes them 3 months to tell you something that has to be done within a month...
  19. Oh, ye of little faitfaitfaitfaitfaitfaitfaitfaitfaitfaitfaitfaitfaitfaitfaitfaitfaitfaitfaitfaitfaitfaitfaitfaitfaitfaitfaitfaitfaitfaitfaitfaitfaitfaitfaitfaitfaitBlueScreen
  20. Exotic? Nah. They just look like Australia. Exotic would be, umm, say, Irish?
  21. I go down there each year to ride pushbikes up stupidly steep mountains (but my eyes always seem to be on the sky... ). Lovely place to live!
  22. Always track up, regardless of whether it is paper or GPS or tea leaves. However, I called that 'other' because of the gps choice.
  23. Ok, so what did the pilot do wrong - apart from not put it down on all that open land when it was obvious that it wasn't climbing?
  24. Beauty! make sure that you tell us all about it as you do. I'd love to see fair dinkum Electrics flying around (possibly with me inside one of 'em one day).
  25. Thanks Kaz. Don't think I'll be trying it at A025. In fact, don't think I'll be trying it at all if the weather is ordinary, but am looking forward to it immensely.
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