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Everything posted by sfGnome

  1. Thanks Alf. Are the East Sale steps (R358) commonly activated?
  2. Hi Ho! In the process of planning Sydney to Bairnsdale and back, with two major requirements; one refuelling stop on the way (beloved not too keen on landing, so must keep them to a minimum), and Keep out of tiger country (I aim to get old, not bold). It's going to be week days, so I can't run through Nowra airspace, so figuring on (roughly) Goulburn, Polo Flat (landing), Orbost & Bairnsdale if there's no cloud issues so I can get up to 6500 across the Monaro. Alternatively, if the clouds say otherwise, drop down from Braidwood to Moruya and follow the coast, stopping at Moruya or Merimbula. This leaves Mittagong/Braidwood as the highest part of the trip with ground level at 2500. Assuming that all makes sense (please tell me if there are any holes in it), I want an inland option as well in case the coastal weather is crook. Albury to the Hunter valley is no problem. Question is, what's the best (safest) way from Bairnsdale to the Albury area. It all looks pretty rough and inhospitable to me. Is there an option, or is it the coast or nothing?
  3. Well, apologies if the owners are reading, but I had a bit of a giggle few months ago when, in the space of one flight, I heard Melbourne centre having a conversation with Golf Golf Golf, and then not too much later having to wrap their tongues around Whiskey Whiskey Whiskey. Then again, maybe it doesn't take too much to amuse me...
  4. FL, no worries! Alf, maybe next time.
  5. Ahem. I hope you didn't bend it at all! We are talking about 7155, aren't we? I mean, there can't be too many Tecnam Sierras sold from Wagga Wagga in the last year. And Brother Alf. Hopefully I might be in Bairnsdale for a few days in a few weeks' time (depending on a whole bunch of things lining up) so maybe the sisters can visit each other...
  6. My father always called his cars "Betsy", and he'd pat the dashboard and say "come on Betsy" as she struggled up the hills with too few horses up front and too many kids on board. Don't know if mum's name being Betty had anything to do with it.
  7. Yep, and I (ok, we) bought it. Love it!
  8. I recall hearing a story once of a jab cap being put on with the vents facing backwards, and the fuel being sucked out by venturi force. Does that seem possible, or just a myth? Diverging from topic slightly (but blame JakeJ - he mentioned oil ), I did get interrupted doing the oil check one day and left the oil cap in the engine bay. Luckily (purely luck), I did a final check of the engine and found it, so these days I leave the cap on top of the cowling where it's obvious.
  9. Ah, but did you get a receipt...
  10. Thanks OME (and congrats by the way!), but I ended up taking the lazy way out and got the maintenance blokes at the field to fix it. More expensive, but maybe not when I add in the travelling and futzing around involved.
  11. Thanks Maj.
  12. Managed to pick up a flat on one of the main wheels this evening. Didn't have the gear with me to examine it, so I don't know how much damage is done, but I'm hopeful that it is just a tube. Question is, despite googling at length (and searching this site), I'm none the wiser as to whether there is a supplier in Sydney. Anyone know of where I should look? The tyre size is "5.00-5" Thanks
  13. I was amused one day to hear an instructor saying (over the radio) "see that button you're holding down. You shouldn't be..." Click.
  14. Only guessing here, but given that Victor 1 is totally *not* over built up areas, I presume you could fly it with impunity. It's only to the west of the city that you'd need the exemption.
  15. I can't say that I've done Goulburn to Maitland in one go, but I've done all the constituent parts. I think that the easiest way is around the west side of the range, turn left somewhere north west of Mudgee and come down the valley (and admire all those lovely coal mines...). Alternatively, go via Mittagong, The Oaks, Prospect, up the VFR lane to Mooney Mooney and up to Maitland from there. Much shorter, but you'll have to be confident of sticking to your path well. I live under the VFR lane and it is scary watching the occasional light plane going up the down lane or vice versa. Of course, if you aren't allowed to take your aircraft over built up areas, then it's Go West, Young Man.
  16. Just remember the 'old bold' saying. I aim to be old; sounds like you do too...
  17. I have a feeling that you may be over-thinking things a little bit, Ayav. I don't know exactly where you're up to in your navs, but I remember being similarly worried before flying to my first 'other' strip. When I got there, it just looked like an airstrip; fly the same height and you'll automatically fly the same distance from the strip and turn at the same points. Really, it does work (and you'll have your instructor with you as backup). Give it a shot and try going in without 'learning' the ground first and see if I'm right.
  18. Hi Greg. Could you point me to the source of your quote? It's a very useful bit of info and I just want to be able to point to its source when telling others. Thanks!
  19. Bet it won't be your last!
  20. Back to the photos. Most of mine just replicate those already shown, but I did like this one...
  21. sfGnome


    Thanks OME. Hope there won't be too many takers or you won't be able to walk straight.
  22. sfGnome


    Thanks. Sorry for the dumb follow-on question (using mogas is new for me), but is there likely to be jerry cans floating around? I don't think that we'll have room to bring any.
  23. A whole new genre of home flight movies. Cool.
  24. sfGnome


    Does anyone know whether there will be any mogas available? I can't find anything on the site apart from the avgas tanker.
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