Hi Ho! In the process of planning Sydney to Bairnsdale and back, with two major requirements;
one refuelling stop on the way (beloved not too keen on landing, so must keep them to a minimum), and
Keep out of tiger country (I aim to get old, not bold).
It's going to be week days, so I can't run through Nowra airspace, so figuring on (roughly) Goulburn, Polo Flat (landing), Orbost & Bairnsdale if there's no cloud issues so I can get up to 6500 across the Monaro.
Alternatively, if the clouds say otherwise, drop down from Braidwood to Moruya and follow the coast, stopping at Moruya or Merimbula. This leaves Mittagong/Braidwood as the highest part of the trip with ground level at 2500.
Assuming that all makes sense (please tell me if there are any holes in it), I want an inland option as well in case the coastal weather is crook. Albury to the Hunter valley is no problem. Question is, what's the best (safest) way from Bairnsdale to the Albury area. It all looks pretty rough and inhospitable to me. Is there an option, or is it the coast or nothing?