Back home from Temora. Got to meet a few forumites in the flesh; managed to not meet many more by the looks of it. Thanks for tracking me down Dexter.
'Twas a trifle cool at night!
The blokes next to us were scraping ice off their plane before they could leave this morning! Dome tents were popular in our neck of the woods.
The weather was a bit rough on Friday. Here's a bit of an indication of what it was like when we arrived, though our entry was a little more sedate...
Still, it started to break up nicely in the evening.
I know Ultralights has already posted a photo of this plane, but just what are you supposed to put into a heavy-lift aircraft that can only take 540kg all up?
Twister and Foxbat during the display.
A low pass.
The flying bedstead.
Day two ends...
We left around 10am today when most people had gone, so the parking fields that were packed are looking a bit bare. Still, if you look closely, there's 8 a/c lined up and one just in the air. They were streaming out thick and fast.
The two really memorable events of the weekend for me were
a) flying into Temora listening to the constant stream of announcements on CTAF and then being one of three planes all turning downwind simultaneously (one from midfield, one from up field and one phaffing around near the turn to base), and
b) flying home at 7,500' in pure bliss up above all the crap! Thank you to anyone and everyone involved in getting the extra height ratified. That was magic.