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Everything posted by sfGnome

  1. Is it possible for me to delete a classified ad? It’s a ‘wanted’, but I no longer need the item and there’s not much use in marking it as sold.
  2. I have seen it strongly suggested that you should always make your cockpit as similar to everyone else’s as possible, so that other people can fly it without any problems (also helps with selling in the future).
  3. I should add that if you don’t like making phone calls (I know I don’t) then the people at RaAus are very nice and helpful on the phone. 🙂
  4. RaAus recently published an invitation to apply to fly in to and display RaAus aircraft at Avalon. The only glitch is that you have to be there for the entire period (which may suit your purposes?). Ring RaAus and they’ll fill you in.
  5. My home airfield some years ago had two Cessnas on regular rotation with the school there. You could identify which was which by their radios when they made calls. One went “Shhhzzzzzss” and the other went “Crkshckxk”. Never did understand a word they said. 🫤
  6. Welcome, Hayden. Looking forward to you joining in the conversations. It’ll be good to have a young voice around. 👋
  7. Isn’t it amazing how bad drivers are these days? I mean, when we were young, we were all really good drivers and no one ever got killed in car accidents (I think the weather was always nice back then too).
  8. If the problem followed the probe swap, then it shouldn’t be related to the exhaust remodelling. Is it fair to assume that when you swapped the probes, you didn’t swap the wiring at the same time? That precludes noise spikes being picked up by the wires as they didn’t change while the reading did. Hmmm… I join you in your confusion. Out of interest, are the probes simple thermocouples that require correct thermocouple wire all the way back to the meter, or do they have inbuilt electronics so they can just be connected with ordinary wire?
  9. I could never get the sucker to suck consistently, so I ended up getting a RAM screw base and bolting it to the panel.
  10. Never occurred to me before, but I wonder what the aerodynamic effect of lowering the nose is (on the real Concorde, not the model). Does it just add drag, or are there other effects? Now all we need is an ex-Concorde pilot. 🙂
  11. That’s been my experience. 🫤 I will add to my earlier comments that although I was taught “inbound, joining and base” and generally did that for years, I noticed that when I was recently regaining my right to fly, my instructor would also give our position in response to any first call from a ‘new’ aircraft in the area. Given that we have RPT (straight in, very fast) and lots of commercial flights that join on base (aka straight in but with a slight kink so they don’t have to set up 3 miles out), it made a lot of sense to me.
  12. Just to clarify, where you talk about etch primer on the rivet lines, you mean on the outside of the skin only (ie not on the inside where the black stuff is)? Does having primer under the rivets stop them from making a tight joint? Could the layer of primer flatten over time and allow the rivets to loosen?
  13. Interesting. I was taught that the minimum (minimum sensible, not minimum legal) was a call on joining the circuit, and then on turning base with intentions. Where I’m currently flying, I often hear calls on downwind, base and final. When there’s two or more people doing that, the airwaves get a bit crowded… 🤨
  14. Well, look what just landed in my garage… Yep, I’m building a Ventura too (hi Christin! Bruce here). I was watching Grand Designs last night, and the general theme of that episode was that the builder was so focussed on enjoying the build that she wasn’t at all worried about when she was going to finish. I think I can identify with that. 😛
  15. I did a trip from Bairnsdale to Cessnock in early January one year. No worries about rain and clouds, but hot as hades, massive turbulence the whole way and dense haze through Sydney. Flying solo, I had no extra pair of eyes, and was utterly exhausted by the time I got to Cessnock. Didn’t fly for a while after that one…
  16. The picture of the Wacker tube says ‘silicon’.
  17. Without wanting to get involved in this discussion, it’s worth noting that ‘silicon’ is not ‘silicone’. I think you’re talking about two different things.
  18. Ok, dumb question time. If all you need for RAA is self declaration that you meet a car license standard, then why do you need to tell them about CASA medicals?
  19. Yes, the prices now are nuts, but they’re not going to get any cheaper. If you want to build (as I do), then you either pay the price or go and take up lawn bowls. 🤷🏼‍♂️
  20. My dad retired twice - once from his employment, and the second time from all the things where people said “now that you’re retired, could you just…”. I’ve learned his lesson, so I’m only retiring once. 😛
  21. Not quite as elaborate as KG’s, but when I lost our dipstick (left it on the wing and then took off… 🙄🫤), I just used some Bunnings dowel (can’t remember if it was pine or tassie oak, probably pine), and tattooed lines and numbers on it with a sharp point. Otherwise unfinished. It was quite readable and I don’t remember it wicking, though I expect that we did a quick dip-and-read so I don’t know if it had time to wick. Hint for young players. Don’t lose your dipstick, ‘cause if you do, you have to drain your tanks to calibrate a new one. No fun.
  22. When we were moving, we looked at houses in the Canberra area, but travelling hours to get to an accessible airport put the kybosh on that. My beloved would have been very happy to live there, but I gave up flying because I was driving a 4 hour round trip to do a hour of circuits. No way I was going back to that again. Anyhow, I’m no longer in the Canberra market, but as I have a son living there, I’d be more than pleased to use a facility if it were available. 😁
  23. Of course they were dumping fuel! It’s just that they were dumping it into the engine. 😁😁
  24. Yes, you’re right. I was looking at a draft (easier to find) which included some extra conditions like the ones I described. Thankfully, they’ve been removed from the final document.
  25. There’s a few conditions on the exemption that make interesting reading. Like, if you are carrying a passenger, you not only have to tell them that you’re on a class 5 medical, but also show them the paperwork and (if I read it right) carry the list of conditions in the aircraft with you. If you don’t have a passenger, then you only have to carry the printout of the medical, not all the conditions. Strange…
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