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Everything posted by Amphibman

  1. I have the SeaRey LSX built from a kit by me in my shed. I was the first to use an e-prop on a SeaRey and changed from the IVO. The people at e-prop were extremely helpful in guiding me to the right prop to use - which ended up being the 69" 4 blade offset blades configuration. I just bolted it straight onto the flange when I took the IVO off. I have had the e-prop on now for more than 160 flying hours - rain and shine. Most of my operations would be considered as "harsh" as I do numerous salt water landings in less than ideal conditions with water going through the prop on occasions. I also do a lot of off runway landings in paddocks and on dirt roads - even though the engine and prop are essentially out of the way - there is still a lot of debris generated that goes through the prop. Having said all of that I cannot see any damage to the prop. In a nutshell - still very happy with it.
  2. Hi I am in Mackay and was wondering who you used in Townsville as I need my TXponder seen to a Garrecht
  3. I have an adaptor which fits in between my headset the plug thingies and works very well for me... People who I phone say they cannot hear any engine noise at all. and it works well
  4. I do not think there is a "draggier" aircraft than a SeaRey - with all the bits and pieces hanging off it - its like flying a Landrover with a full roofrack. The e-prop that I have now has certainly made a difference as I stated. I am not trying to sell the e-prop to anyone - just stating my experience with having flown it for about 7 months. The three main differences that I noticed is increased cruise speed at less revs - Some might say this is due to the pitch setting - but I am also getting a less takeoff distance and climb rate. Second it is very quite - to such an extent that people actually have commented about it - this could be because I have the four blade offset prop which has a different resonance in the pusher configuration. The notable lack of vibration is not due to any balancing that I did to it, but could also be a contributor to how quiet it is. I consider the biggest plus for a SeaRey, which are notorious for there aft CoG sensitivity would be the weight saving of almost 5 Kg back of the CoG. Like I say -not trying to sell it to anyone but if some one wanted to take it off me I would fight them off with a stick....
  5. Hi, I have been flying for about 7 months with my 4 blade e-prop fitted to a SeaRey. I honestly could not be happier. Performance improved dramatically over the IVO prop that I had on before. As an added bonus the vibration that I used to think was normal has completely disappeared. I gained about 7knots speed (a big deal in a SeaRey) and it climbs 300 ft/ min better. Worth every extra cent that they cost in my opinion. They look a bit flimsy - but it's handled water operations without a mark. They are certainly a lot tougher than they look.
  6. Sorry that's Michael Smith.......... Epic round the world trip ... his longest leg time wise was about 16 hours........
  7. Arguably the longest distances were flown by John Smith from Melbourne on his round the world trip in his SeaRey “Southern Sun” Check his blog out at Southernsun's Travel Blog: Lake Itasca, United States - September 29, 2015
  8. Have a look at the SeaRey
  9. Currently building a Sea Rey
  10. Hey Everyone Just landed as a newby - learnt to fly in a old Maule in the African bush but hav'nt been up for 2 years since I became an Aussie - want to get back into "it" and thought the best way would be to build a kit amphibian (because of where I stay -Whitsunday Islands). I really had my heart set on a "Super Petrel" - but they do not make the kit anymore so if anyone out there has any suggestions --I'm all ears.
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