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Everything posted by mek

  1. After fitting a dynon Garmin transponder I have a lot redundant wiring under my Savannah dash. Too big a mess. The original Icp wiring splits to feed a10and 20 amp fuse breaker. I’m going to rewire the power feeds with tefzel wire,probably 20amp,any suggestions? Next I have three options. 1. Put in a10 and 15 amp busbar of the existing fuse breakers. Option 2. Power one busbar and then individually fuse each line,most have their own fuse protection anyway. Option 3. Out in an automotive type fuse block and feed off that. Marc Ausman from EAA gives this system the green light in his tutorials. I think this would be the easiest for any future troubleshooting or maintenance. Any advice or constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated.
  2. After the  fitting of a Dyson Garmin And transponder I have a lot of redundant wiring under my Savannah dash..Too big a mess .The original Icp wiring splits to feed a 10 and 15 amp fuse breaker. I’m going to rewire the power feeds with tefzel wire, probably 20 amp, any suggestions? Next I have three options. 1. put in a 10 and 15 amp busbar off the existing fuse breakers..Option 2.power up one busbar then individually fuse each line, most have their own fuse protection anyway ..Option 3 is put in an automotive type fuse block and feed off that .Marc Ausman from Eaa gives this system the green light in his tutorials. I think 🤔 this would be the easiest for any future troubleshooting or maintenance. Any advice or constructive criticism will be greatly appreciated.           

  4. 'Ayr Born' was air borne today for the first time. A great moment, she flew (and landed) beautifully. Now for the fun part!!
  5. me&k have arrived again
  6. Brian thought Rankamateur might be you Steve. We follow Mark Kyle's blog with interest. Ours was a different salesman to the one you helped do a six and a half week build. Not sure if we are going to add any more apple green to the plane - want it visible, that's for sure. K
  7. Well done! We have done our share of de-riveting, and probably too much 'sanding' of the sharp bits. Life tends to get in the way too, having to go off to do things, or farming. We are going to call it 'Ayr Born'. Won't ever know if building a second one is faster : ) K
  8. Never ever give up!
  9. We did indeed - the salesman lied, a lot! Said seven weeks to build it; it is now more than two and a half years!! All the bits are built and the fuselage painted, have had the wings on to see if they fit and they do, so now have to be painted. At the moment we are putting in the engine with the help of Harrold. If I hear one more time that when you think you are 90% finished there is actually 90% to go I will shout a lot! K
  10. We had heard about this site and hoped it would help as we build our Savannah. A quick search has already been useful on the subject of primers. We'll keep in touch.
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