My prop is a Sensenich ground adjustable and pitch is set while it’s on the plane. Your looks quite different but I’m sure someone here will know how to adjust it.
I don't know what prop or pitch adjustment method the Sportstar has, but on the RV-12 we're told to try to get the blades set to within 1/10 of a degree of each other. I use a digital level and bracket that clips onto the prop.
Don, from what I understand North Dakota overall is pretty solidly pro-Trump. You obviously have a different opinion, as most of us here do. What's the general view of Trump in your neck of the woods?
Round trip from where to where? More to the point, why buy a plane with all the associated hangar and maintenance costs when it would be cheaper and easier to hire a plane and pilot when you needed to. Also, this is primarily an Australian site and assume you are wanting to fly in the USA?