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Everything posted by rgmwa

  1. Bex, surely you should simply pick the best tool for the job. If a lifting body works best for this technology then use that. What may come across as an unusual shape now may well be seen as mainstream for electric aircraft down the track. Something that looks like a space shuttle might even attract potential buyers of this technology. It's performance and utility that matters far more than shape in my view. rgmwa PS. It may also help keep you out of jail in 6 years time if you come up with something that doesn't look like a Cessna.
  2. Up elevator would push the tail down and add load on the main wheels (by taking load off the nose wheel) as well as producing drag. rgmwa
  3. Full flap would increase lift (likely more than drag) and reduce brake effectiveness? I'd go for no flap, brakes and back elevator below flying speed to increase drag. Happy to be corrected. rgmwa
  4. Assuming that this well intentioned and generous effort results in him building something that will actually fly, who's going to teach him to fly it? It would be tragic if he ends up killing himself because he's been shown how to build something that will actually get off the ground. At the moment, his biggest risk of a crash is probably from on-coming traffic on a back country road. rgmwa
  5. I believe the space shuttle is/was classed as an experimental aircraft. rgmwa
  6. Around 12,500 pulled rivets in an RV-12 plus probably another 500+ standard rivets. rgmwa
  7. That's how Vans do it. Makes it easy to check that all the required parts are there. The builder can then put all the common small items like nuts, bolts, rivets etc together in something like this:
  8. You could try: 82, 120, & 130 Degree Countersink Cutters | Brown Aviation & Aircraft Tools or Counter Sink Cutters - Cleaveland Aircraft Tool It would be a good idea to get a countersink cage too. rgmwa
  9. First takeoff was jumping off the garage roof with a potato sack as a parachute at the age of 8 or 9. The flight was pleasant but the landing wasn't. I started again 50 years later, but this time in a 152 with an instructor. Completed my PPL in a 172 about 18 months later, and went on to build my own plane over the next 4 years. Been flying about 7 years now. rgmwa
  10. I learned to fly on Cessna's. Nothing wrong with them, but the RV12 is far more responsive and a bit faster than the typical hire Cessna, plus much cheaper to operate. rgmwa
  11. Everyone will have a different answer to that question. For me 60 kts is too slow but on the other hand 180 kts would be too fast. What I have is a good compromise, so I'm happy. rgmwa
  12. I believe it was once flown by Bob Hoover when he was here. rgmwa
  13. King or not, I doubt he would get the right seat on scheduled flights unless he was properly qualified to sit in it. rgmwa
  14. Good thinking, OME. Can use it for lunch too. rgmwa
  15. A piece of 150 x 250 timber should just about do it for any reasonably firm ground. rgmwa
  16. How do you get the required bearing area from the soil density OME? rgmwa
  17. ... or maybe it's a plane with a rotor that has short wings for additional lift? Only way to find out is to build one Bex, but finish the other one first. We all want to see how she goes. rgmwa
  18. Probably go to a jet charter operator in Spain, or maybe an aircraft broker as you have already been looking at aircraft for sale, and ask them. The aircraft broker will probably try to make it sound cheaper than it really would be, and the charter operator may not be interested in talking to his future competitor, but you have to start somewhere.
  19. I think he means if you had $2 million to begin with, before long you would only have $1 million left. In other words, what you propose is likely to be a very expensive exercise. I'm not sure that anyone on this forum would be able to give you a realistic assessment of likely costs.
  20. rgmwa

    CH650 build cost

    Thanks. What about bending flanges, etc. Have you got a bending brake, or use formers/mallet etc? rgmwa
  21. Needs another bar stool.
  22. For what it's worth, Vans recommend using a digital level and home-made bracket to get the RV-12 blade angles to match to +/- 0.1 deg.
  23. You may not be aware that Rick passed away just a week or two ago. A sad loss. rgmwa
  24. rgmwa

    CH650 build cost

    Marty, what equipment have you got for cutting and bending sheet? rgmwa
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