Maybe, but Van's were sued for $35 million recently when an RV-10 crashed after the engine stopped due to a fuel blockage caused by the owner/builder using silicone RTV to seal the fuel lines (despite warnings).to a transducer he had recently installed. The RTV blocked the transducer and starved the engine. The transducer manufacturer was also sued. The argument against Vans as I understand it, was that they were at fault for `recklessly' selling a kit that an average person couldn't be expected to build safely. Not a design issue, I know, but an example of what can happen.
The NTSB investigated the accident and concluded that the probable cause of the accident was:
" A total loss of engine power due to fuel starvation because of a blocked fuel line that resulted from the pilot’s improper maintenance practices and the pilot’s subsequent failure to maintain adequate airspeed while attempting a forced landing, which led to the airplane exceeding its critical angle-of-attack and experiencing an aerodynamic stall. "