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Everything posted by rgmwa

  1. Agreed, but it probably still cost them a lot of money to mount a legal defence, plus the cost of management time to sort out the mess. rgmwa
  2. ` Maybe, but Van's were sued for $35 million recently when an RV-10 crashed after the engine stopped due to a fuel blockage caused by the owner/builder using silicone RTV to seal the fuel lines (despite warnings).to a transducer he had recently installed. The RTV blocked the transducer and starved the engine. The transducer manufacturer was also sued. The argument against Vans as I understand it, was that they were at fault for `recklessly' selling a kit that an average person couldn't be expected to build safely. Not a design issue, I know, but an example of what can happen. The NTSB investigated the accident and concluded that the probable cause of the accident was: " A total loss of engine power due to fuel starvation because of a blocked fuel line that resulted from the pilot’s improper maintenance practices and the pilot’s subsequent failure to maintain adequate airspeed while attempting a forced landing, which led to the airplane exceeding its critical angle-of-attack and experiencing an aerodynamic stall. "
  3. It's pointless waiting for a Windows version if you need an EFB now. rgmwa
  4. The Sling 2 and 4 have both flown around the world, and they are conventional alum aircraft. Not disputing the aerodynamic efficiency of composite aircraft, nor the remarkable ability of the Eastern Europeans to produce excellent aircraft, but all aircraft designs are compromises and for home building, aluminium aircraft kits are still hard to beat for ease of construction and performance. rgmwa
  5. For the average homebuilder, aluminium is much easier to work with than composites. rgmwa
  6. Perfect reason to build one! rgmwa
  7. That's terrible news. He drove up to Serpentine and did the first engine start on my plane about two years ago. Very sad loss. Sincere condolences to all his friends and family. rgmwa
  8. More information here: IAIO Qaher-313 - Wikipedia
  9. Panther: https://flywithspa.com/
  10. Here's another LSA contender. I like the look of this one.
  11. What about this one? Not an RV3/4 but it's aluminium, 600 kg and you don't need to win Lotto to have one (although that would be nice).
  12. The new Part 61 licence will replace your current one. There are also some ICAO compliant procedures that you will be briefed on, and your instructor will have to tick off a lot of boxes related to the flight test itself. Best to talk to an instructor first so you know what to expect. rgmwa
  13. Plastic or metal may be a static risk, although I've seen both used and never heard of a dip stick causing an explosion. Can't go wrong with wood though. rgmwa
  14. I went the RPL/PPL route, and while I have no regrets, had I known more about RAAus at the time I could have saved a lot of money. I'd suggest going with RAAus initially, then switch to RPL/PPL later if you want or need to. rgmwa
  15. Is One-Nation a company, and is he an employee? rgmwa
  16. Hope he has a commercial licence if he's flying her around the place on official business. rgmwa
  17. That would have taken quite a bit of work. Well done! rgmwa
  18. rgmwa

    Brake fluid

    My RV-12 has dual brakes too, so a litre (quart) should do the job. However we have plenty of Savvy owners here who should be able to confirm. rgmwa
  19. rgmwa

    Brake fluid

    The documentation that came with your brake kit should tell you what type of brake fluid to use. For example Matco say "red aircraft fluid Mil-H-5606 or other suitable petroleum or silicon-based fluids". I used Royco 782. One litre was plenty. Pump up slowly from the bottom using a one litre garden sprayer with some line connected to your bleed valve until the fluid eventually ends up in the reservoir. Do each brake in turn. Pumping from the bottom up reduces the chance of trapping air the system. Nylex 1L Manual Garden Sprayer rgmwa
  20. Airservices want to know where you think they should locate weather cameras: Airservices calling for industry to identify locations for weather cameras rgmwa
  21. rgmwa

    Brake fluid

    Do you mean dual brakes confronting each other in a duel, or just leaving their options open? rgmwa
  22. 43. Good quiz.
  23. Old fashioned Brasso on a microfiber cloth will take out fine scratches, or your can buy a scratch removal kit like this one available from Vans Aircraft, and probably Aircraft Spruce etc: Restores Optical Clarity Description Scratches on your canopy? Developed for the Aerospace industry in 1994, Scratch-Off™ has been hard at work restoring optical clarity to acrylics and polycarbonates worldwide. This easy scratch/defect removal system walks you through a thorough step by step process utilizing the most technically advanced system components available. Ordering Information Canopy Scratch Kit Part Number = CA SCRATCH OFF Price = $34.50 If your canopy is deeply scratched then be careful you don't end up with optical distortions caused by uneven sanding and polishing, rgmwa
  24. Others may know more than I do, but any solvent that would remove the paint would probably damage the Perspex too. Also, if the canopy was scuffed before painting you could go from bad to worse trying to remove the paint. I suspect that a new canopy might be the best option, but obviously also an expensive one. rgmwa
  25. Might as well move all the other threads over too Ian. it will save us having to change channels. rgmwa
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