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Everything posted by rgmwa

  1. Correct. It used to have a pair of Limbach motors, until the two owners decided to go for something a bit different. Very short endurance, makes a lot of noise but flies well. Not something you see every day. rgmwa
  2. I don't have any names but these is quite a bit of flying activity down that way (airpark). Maybe take a trip out to the airfield at the weekend and have a talk to the locals. rgmwa
  3. Plenty of room for a production line there, Bex. rgmwa
  4. Hey Bex, just the thing for that plane. Rivets are so last century! rgmwa
  5. Bex, I think he was talking about the plane. rgmwa
  6. Apparently SAP stands for `Suffering And Pain'. Luckily, I wasn't one of those at work who had to use it every day. rgmwa
  7. I don't pretend to understand the aerodynamics, but it looked to me to be flying `tail-heavy' and sluggish in the climb. A tragedy for all concerned. rgmwa
  8. Sorry OME. I agree that most TV documentaries cover much the same ground. On the other hand, for those who are particularly interested in details, there are a lot of original instructional videos available on uTube that show you how the controls work and how to fly the plane. Kermit Weeks has also made quite a few walk-around and cockpit view videos on various aircraft that are well worth having a look at. rgmwa
  9. Airplane or aeroplane? Seems like we are gradually adopting the US pronunciation more and more. The newspapers seem to use `airplane' these days, and even the ABC newsreader was talking about`airplanes' recently. rgmwa
  10. An RV-12 should tick most of the raffle boxes. rgmwa
  11. Trump comes across as crass, unpredictable and erratic with more than a hint of megalomania, but he obviously appeals to a lot of Americans who like his simple `just leave it all to me folks, I'll fix everything' message. His ego may be in for a rude shock if he ever gets elected and actually has to start dealing with real-world problems. With no previous political experience, that experiment is not likely to be good for America or the rest of the world. When Putin was asked what he thought of Trump, he said "he's a very intelligent man isn't he?' but he couldn't wipe the sly grin off his face. rgmwa
  12. Cheque's in the mail Bex! Don't worry about the tow rope. He wasn't much of a mate anyway. rgmwa
  13. No wonder he cropped it. rgmwa
  14. You might like this recently published book then: The Man Who Saved Smithy - Rick Searle - 9781760113407 - Allen & Unwin - Australia. Probably available on Amazon, and well worth reading. rgmwa
  15. Sounds like the jig might be optional. Others may prefer a jug. rgmwa
  16. And still missing 50% of the rivets! Not looking good! rgmwa
  17. Charles Lindbergh was a good friend of Henry Ford and was closely involved in advising Ford's executives and helping the Willow Run plant to work through the many teething problems they had in getting the production line and workers up to speed on building aircraft to the required standards. Not surprisingly, early production examples had lots of quality problems, delays in delivery schedules, etc. There was also a lot of friction between the Ford operation and Consolidated over lack of adequate drawings, parts incompatibilities, resistance to making design changes that Ford wanted to suit mass production, and personality clashes between senior executives from both companies. Still, they got it done in the end. rgmwa
  18. Might be worth checking the area around Tyrendarra too if you're over that way. There's a similar aboriginal settlement there: Tyrendarra Indigenous protected area rgmwa
  19. This may be helpful: Pirep: Rutan LongEze rgmwa
  20. Out of curiosity, decided to see how high the RV-12 would go today. Got to 11,100' (12,400' DA), and was still going up at better than 300 fpm before deciding it was high enough for me, even though the plane could have gone higher. Not bad for 100 hp. The view was pretty good too! rgmwa.
  21. I thought the NZeds called them Chilly Buns, not Chilly Willies. Obviously neither would apply to the couple on the bike. rgmwa
  22. I've recently managed to recover from the new kit bug, so hopefully should be immune for a while. rgmwa
  23. Thinking about going, although not this year, maybe in 2017. For you regular Oshkoshites, what's a ballpark cost for the trip so I have some idea of what to plan for? rgmwa
  24. Sorry my fault. Full version here, 10th item down at the bottom of the page. Van's Aircraft - Service Information and Revisions RV-12 rgmwa
  25. I'm sure I've posted this link somewhere before, but download Section 05 (scroll down, third item. It may take a few minutes to download). It has a lot of good information on proper construction techniques and other useful data that should come in handy. Van's Aircraft - Total Performance RV Kit Planes rgmwa
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