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Everything posted by rgmwa

  1. I do agree. I wouldn't wear wings either, even if I had them. But that's not what the original post was about.
  2. That's irrelevant. If someone puts in the time and effort and qualifies as a pilot and the aero club wants to award wings to acknowledge that, then why not? Nobody says you have to wear it or buy a uniform or epaulettes, unless you're planning to fly your weedhopper overseas in which case it's probably a good idea.
  3. That's nonsense.
  4. Which flight school are you training with? Planning to do a concentrated course or stretching it out a bit?
  5. Flying seven hours in a day on a commercial flight/s is tiring enough. Why would you do it in a light aircraft? I know plenty of people do, but it’s not my idea of a good time. No doubt age is a factor. I’ve done 3-1/2 hour flights, but after landing, tying down, organising fuel and accommodation I’m ready to head for the bar for some lemonade.
  6. Yes. Great product. Free periodic software updates. Does the job. Of course Garmin does too, but I think Dynon is better value for money.
  7. I have a Dynon two-axis autopilot in the RV-12 (standard for the 12 kit). Can't see the need for three-axis. The two-axis works fine.
  8. The OP asks for information regarding private airstrips around Taggerty, Victoria. Also mentions Coldsteam and Lilydale. How much more information do you need in a post? Seems clear enough to me where he meant even without checking an atlas.
  9. A few of us built and flew control line models enthusiastically from about the age of 14 before times moved on and we went our separate ways. Stunt and combat were the favourites. RC was in its infancy and way beyond our means anyway. The big event of the year was going to the Nats and drooling over all the ‘big stuff’. Casterton one year (the year the Beatles arrived in Melbourne), Warrnambool another time. Against all the odds one of our group never stopped building and flying control line models. I paid him a visit in 2020 and we took a couple of his models to the oval for old times sake. I hadn’t flown one since about 1968 but just like the full size ones you don’t forget how to do it. It was good fun turning back the clock all those years. Not sure what the local kids thought of two old guys going around in circles.
  10. rgmwa

    Martin Mars and Piper Cub

    Maybe a Lunatic
  11. Who manufactured these?
  12. Had a flight in one some years ago too as a passenger before I learned to fly myself. Definitely an experience being in an open cockpit surrounded by wings, struts, wire, wind and noise.
  13. Just realised that Mike Patey's plane is a modified Lancair, not a Turbine Legend, but too late to delete the post. It can (could) do 438 mph, so it's up there with the Legend.
  14. Mike Patey lost the engine in his. Rambles on a bit but interesting nevertheless.
  15. rgmwa

    Lismore RV-12

    The plane would have been controllable using the passenger-side stick but given his low altitude he didn’t have a lot of time to try to figure out the problem.
  16. Trying to reverse that down onto a pitching carrier deck using your wing mirrors would be a challenge, and if those wheels on the fins castor it would turn into a skateboard. No wonder they call naval pilots `aviators' - obviously a cut above the rest.
  17. What is this `black stuff' you guys are talking about?
  18. rgmwa

    Lismore RV-12

    It should take 25-30 seconds for the stabilator trim to run from full up to full down, so given he stalled at only twenty feet, chances are he may have had the trim set incorrectly rather than have experienced a runaway trim. His serial number is 120185 so it's an older kit. I started building mine at the end of 2010 and mine is 120346. The Production Acceptance Procedures for the RV-12 are quite detailed and thorough, so any trim malfunction or common builder's error such as having the trim wires reversed should have been picked up either by the builder or the DAR at sign-off. I understand the Lismore 12 got to about 200 feet before he pulled up steeply. The trim can be over-powered by the pilot, but it needs a pretty firm push/pull on the stick, and if he wasn't expecting it, he wouldn't have had much time to react. Another common cause of this type of accident in the RV-12 is forgetting to latch the canopy. His early kit would not originally have had the audible canopy latch warning that the later kits had, although he could have retro-fitted it.
  19. I totally agree. The whole point I’m making is that we are responsible for our decisions based on the best information we can get. We shouldn’t rely on others to make our decision for us.
  20. I phoned the roadhouse at the next strip on the Nullarbor once to check its condition. The problem is you can't always be sure that the person who picks up the phone understands light aircraft. Seems obvious, but you have to ask enough questions to satisfy yourself whether the strip is likely to be OK, rather than relying on the person at the other end of the phone saying that "it's fine". You're the one taking the risk, so you have to make the assessment. Relying on a stranger's opinion could get you into trouble.
  21. My RV-12 (912ULS) finished and painted with extras like lights, ELT and autopilot cost me $96k when it first flew in 2015. The current post Chapter 11 kit price from Vans (with the now-standard 912iS) is US$101,446 plus avionics at anywhere between US$23,982-US$45,362. With a basic single screen panel and no extras, that comes to US$125,428. Allowing for the current exchange rate and import costs, it would now cost $230k - $250k to build one, which I and probably many others couldn't justify.
  22. They did a remake that was pathetic compared to the original. The Great Waldo Pepper and the Blue Max are two other good old movies. George Peppard learned to fly to do most of his own flying in the Blue Max. The lozenge camouflaged plane he flew in the movie is in Peter Jackson’s museum in NZ.
  23. Yes, you gave the game away by including Biden. If you had just made it the Trump fund, I would have been convinced.
  24. Simpler to just ask ATC for a wake-up call.
  25. Given that a lot of people haven’t had any problems they have probably been fiddling with the code recently and broken it. Maybe they thought it was working too well, or perhaps they have reached their quota of Class 5’s. for the year. I hope they fix it soon.
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