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Everything posted by rgmwa

  1. Maybe for some, Nev.
  2. One of these: Empty the acetone first.
  3. An afterthought.
  4. Any tips on flights? Is that charter flight from Aus still going?
  5. Maybe, but the one I looked at was a lot weaker than that. I got the concentrate and mixed my own. It’s cheap enough that saving a few dollars is hardly worthwhile.
  6. When I checked Radicool Premix it was only about 30% strength not 50% so check before buying.
  7. I only use demineralised water to mix coolant. I don't think filtered tap water is acceptable, although others may have a different view.
  8. Has to be 50:50. Those pre-mixed ones may only be 30% coolant. Here's the list: https://legacy.rotaxowner.com/si_tb_info/serviceinfo/si-912-016-r12.pdf
  9. Rotax manual has recommended coolants. I use 50/50 Castrol Radicool as recommended previously. That has since been changed to Radicool’s replacement, which I don’t have details of at the moment but it’s in Rotax’s current recommended fluids list.
  10. Lock wiring and then slipping it on might be worth trying. I’ve done it on Adel clamps but didn’t think of it when I was doing the hoses.
  11. Yes, that’s them. Rotax recommend them in their maintenance manual. I almost gave up on that clamp with the standard pliers and was on the point of going to buy a set when I managed to get it installed.
  12. These are spring clamps, Nev.
  13. Swearing made it easier. If that fails, maybe try the cable operated pliers.
  14. Here you go: How to Make a Wing Stand WWW.EAA.ORG Experimental Aircraft Association
  15. I also had a seat let go and slide back in a 172 on takeoff for a solo flight during training at Jandakot. Luckily I was able to abort the takeoff and exit the runway. ATC initially didn't understand what the problem was and obviously weren't happy with the unapproved change of plan.
  16. If the military really had the technology to make conventional aircraft obsolete and gain an unbeatable advantage they would use it. SpaceX and others would also be out of business, and we’d have military bases on Mars. I believe Student Pilot’s story and other credible sightings, so I think there is something going on out there that we don’t yet understand.
  17. To go back to the original question, the Truth is still out there because despite all the sightings over the years, both credible and otherwise, we are still none the wiser. I also don't think the US Government has a captured flying saucer locked away in Area 51, or they wouldn't have spent a fortune on the F35. Or if they do have one, they obviously don't know how it works.
  18. rgmwa

    Cessna Bobcat.jpg

    Looks fantastic but you'd probably spend more time on polishing than maintenance.
  19. At the rate you’re putting it together when do you think you might finish it?
  20. FWIW I would just pay the money and use this: Fuel Tank Sealant, 3.5 ounces, 2 hour work time STORE.VANSAIRCRAFT.COM $21US plus postage. Probably the same stuff Thruster recommended from ACS.
  21. He was the registered owner and operator of the plane, so you would think friends or family would have been aware of what he was doing.
  22. Happy to try again for a good cause but I can’t fly a helicopter so I’ll have to trade it in on something that has wings. Maybe an RV-14.
  23. Interesting interview. Good to hear the details of what happened. If I’m ever in the same situation I hope I do as well as she did.
  24. Well, it went to someone in WA, but not me unfortunately.
  25. Unqualified, inexperienced and now dead. What a waste of two lives.
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