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Everything posted by rgmwa

  1. How did the fly-in go?
  2. It would be good to have 5 mins to edit a post for some small typo without the Edited by ... tag in bold appear for no good reason.
  3. NRMA recently took over SGIO in WA after moving across here a couple of years ago. Buying out the competition.
  4. Designing an alternative that clearly doesn't work can hardly be claimed to be a safer design. Didn't the manufacturer dispute the claim?
  5. How to they get away with that? Surely the manufacturer had an opportunity to point out these proposed `safer' design solutions that they should have implemented were not viable?
  6. Nice work, Marty.
  7. How would you know if it was invisible?
  8. That's similar to the one I have. I found the serrations in the clamp tended to score the soft aluminium tubing which I wasn't very happy about, but a single wrap of masking tape around the tube helped a lot. Making good flares is definitely an art. The number of pieces of tubing I threw away could almost have built another plane.
  9. Vans supply this for the RV's: https://store.vansaircraft.com/aluminum-tube-035-x-3-8-x-29-coil-at0-035x3-8x29-ft.html
  10. Looks like a pretty decent set for the price. If it's 37 deg, should be fine. You can easily pay $250-$300 or more for a top brand. Edit: Be careful. I zoomed in on the dies in the link and they have 45 deg stamped on them.
  11. When were starter motors introduced? That would be a hard prop to swing.
  12. Make sure you get a 37 deg flaring tool with AN fittings, not the standard automotive one.
  13. I really enjoyed building and ended up with a new plane. Best of both worlds.
  14. Ah yes, but it’s not an RV 🙂
  15. My 12 can take 50lb in the baggage compartment. The current 12’s can take 75 lb as the fuel tank has been relocated. My long trips have been solo so the passenger seat has been available for whatever I wanted to take.
  16. A Sling 2 is good for 700 kg and would be a nice choice for either weight limit. I've never yet been loaded even to 600kg in the RV-12 on any trip.
  17. Just watched the video of the ditching. Great example of how to do it well. Calm ocean and bystanders nearby also helped.
  18. That should keep Lycoming in business for a while longer. Vans will sell you a 160hp Lycoming for US$35-$38k.
  19. Are you a distributor for e-Props?
  20. This link might be useful: https://www.stolspeed.com/nid/46
  21. Yes, but lots of light planes have done similar trips going back to the biplane days without any anti or de-icing equipment. It's just another risk that has to be managed as best you can if you are game enough to tackle something like that.
  22. Those Slings are very capable aircraft. They've done quite a number of similar long distance flights now.
  23. Paint or powder coating under washers can result in torqued bolts losing tension over time which you can't check easily if Loctite has been used on the nuts or bolt threads. For example on engine mounting bolts.
  24. No visible hatch to enable the chute to be deployed, and those external shroud attachment points would not work with a chute stowed inside the plane. Looks like an April Fools joke to me.
  25. My prop bolts are secured with Nordlocks.
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