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Everything posted by pudestcon

  1. Jeezus Mark!!! All the best, and I know you will be back safe and sound talking to us as soon as you can. Take care mate, Pud
  2. Coming at you Mark
  3. How about this Mark. Pud PS. Can email the file as well if you like. Let me know
  4. I saw a photo of part view of your aircraft cockpit and your ugly:smile: mug in a Caravan World magazine the other day Kyle. I thought to myself "What's an aircraft cockpit doing in a caravan magazine article on radio communications?". It wasn't until I read the article that the penny dropped. Pud
  5. Anything less would be unacceptable in my view Jim. I want my rep, Gavin Thobaven, to have all the facts available so he can make an informed decision. Likewise for all member reps. Pud
  6. Make that 2 - I need one to keep my pants up:cheezy grin: Pud
  7. This webinar is one I would like to participate in - timing is the problem. Are these webinars recorded and able to be accessed at a later time? Pud
  8. You are good flyerme, seems like at most things except spelling:peepwall: Pud
  9. G'day Howatharra and welcome to the forum. I also know you - met you at a small back to ?????? Heritage Trail opening day a couple of months ago. Pud
  10. Could be a'Harmfull' armfull Maj:black eye: Pud
  11. Welcome to sunny Perth Mark. Yes, it's a bit warm, even for us locals:smile: I was hoping to have a couple of flights during my break (go back to work on Wednesday) but it's too hot to fire up the Thruster, so I'm not even contemplating the 3 hour drive to get to the hangar!!! Sorry I can't help you with your question. All the best Pud
  12. Well the bacon and eggs did not eventuate J170, but the coffee sure was nice.
  13. Can't see it Crayonbox Pud
  14. What's going on Maj, I've noticed double posts from you lately, and now a 'triple'? Too much Christmas Cheer is it? Pud
  15. I have thought sometimes that this site could do better in organising reference material. For example if at the forum page I search for "Rotax 2-stroke Engines", I get 96 entries which could be to do with the particular subject or not. If I go to the "Avionics, Engines and Props - Rec" page and search for "Rotax 2-stroke Engines", I get 4 entries. Again, which may be to do with the subject or not. Can we do this better Ian? Maybe we could adopt some aspects of (and I hate to give another website as an example) the Rotax-Owner.com website. Improvement here, I believe will help this site become a premier, go to site for reference material on most subjects to do with 'Ultralight/recreational aviation. Pud
  16. X1 Pud
  17. When seeing this one reminded me of the 'Plane Crash Proposal' video on the forums here. This one is not about aviation, but it does take place in an airport. Check it out Pud
  18. Put the kettle on and I'll be around soon:wink: Pud
  19. Very nice friarpuk, I especially liked the footage of the train - it gives me some ideas...... When are you leaving us to join those on the t'other side of the country? Pud
  20. I take it you guys don't believe there are other beings in the universe. Or are your comments just in relation to this particular video? Pud
  21. Trouble is, sometimes you can't see the bubble for the mortar, or the truth because of all the BS! Nup, sorry, not a Freemason, although was asked many times to join. Pud
  22. BUGGAR!!! http://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/a/-/breaking/15604894/no-red-bull-air-race-for-perth/ Pud
  23. When you're from the country, your perception is a little different. A farmer drove to a neighbours' farmhouse and knocked at the door. A boy, about 9, opened the door "Is your Dad or your mum home?" said the farmer. "No, they went to town." "How about your brother, Howard? Is he here?" "No, he went with Mum and Dad." The farmer stood there for a few minutes, shifting from one foot to the other,and mumbling to himself. "I know where all the tools are, if you want to borrow one, or I can give dad a message." "Well," said the farmer uncomfortably, "I really wanted to talk to your Dad. It's about your brother Howard getting my daughter Susie pregnant". The boy thought for a moment... "You would have to talk to Dad about that. I know he charges $500 for the bull and $50 for the pig, but I don't know how much he charges for Howard."
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