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Everything posted by Catsy

  1. This is what it used to look like, https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:cfPcgQf2n-wJ:https://www.aircraftpilots.com/tutorials/navigation/safety.html+&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=au Anyone know where the rest of it is?
  2. I really like the sound of Moree. :D Thanks again, such a wealth of info. Awesome! What a life! How wonderful is that! What an era we live in. Holiday in Qld, that's awesome! :D
  3. Yes, that's just the *new* manual, I'll be planning on the usual 105 knots that the old P92 echo super gave us. The Jabiru 160's and 170's I usually fly I always plans nav's at 90knots cruise. It's a matter of having a rough guide, see how we feel on the day, weather etc. See how long it takes to get to our first waypoint and we'll get a better idea of actual aircraft speed. Each aircraft is always that little bit different! That and we'll be taking off with full fuel (or as near as practicable to MTOW after weight/balance), 2POB, water back packs and two overnight bags.
  4. Thanks so much. nickduncs84, according to the new POH/AFM, 116knots cruise speed. A bit less than the 130-135odd knots of the bearhawke, but not too shabby! We'll likely take 2-3 days. Cheers for the ideas. Jabiru Phil, thanks so much for your detailed run down. $100 call out? That's a bit steep, but they are providing a service... so yes. Moree, yes, I've heard that town mentioned numerous times now. Looks very promising. What aircraft are you using for the extensive Caloundra return trip? For Work? Or is it in your 230? I've heard people also half follow the Darling River down also!
  5. Hi Everyone, How are you all? We're planning on flying a Tecnam Eaglet home from Runaway Bay QLD to Gawler SA in the near future. We have a few days at our disposal to bring her home at a somewhat leisurely pace. 1) Has anyone completed a similar such trip? 2) Any inside knowledge on good pilot welcoming places to stay overnight? As in, accom is at the airfield/nearby? 3) Any aerial views that we can't miss en route? 4) Any tips or tricks or suggestions? Thanking you kindly in advance. :-)
  6. For interests sake, I always show students this video, it details exactly which part of the wing stalls first. The slow motion part is very useful also. It really shows the wing washout effect (how the wing is aerodynamically engineered to stall the wing root (closest to the fuselage) first then out towards the wing tip): - How it reduces the angle of incidence on wing tip compared to wing root, - How the wing tip reaches critical angle later, - How the wing is engineered to ensure the wing root stalls first, thus providing control buffet and a more stable stall.
  7. Fly early morning or late afternoon to avoid these dreaded "bumps" :-)
  8. Catsy

    Jabiru Rumour...

    A one seater Jabiru?? Now that would really climb well! :P
  9. G'day all! The names Catsy (online) Chantal (in life)! I'm a recreational pilot (RAAus) who has just hit her 100 hour total aviation experience mark! and Loving every minute of it! I fly mainly Jabiru's and the occassional Tecnam and the occassional glider from the Gawler Airfield just an hours drive North of Adelaide, South Australia! If you leave your passenger door open, you'll find you have additional cargo! I'm eager to fly in anycraft and love being up in the skies every opportunity I get... restricted only by my hip pocket :-( Wonder if there are any other pilots here from Gawler, or from SA even?? Cheers, Catsy! :-)
  10. Hello! Short of knowing where to reply (as this is the nembie thread) Im not too sure when I'll be out next! Its the show season, so im now out most weekends doing some sort of show work.. adel show this weekend... so yes... workwise... 7days a week everyday for the next while! Take Care.. I'll get there as soon as I can though! Cheers for the msg! :-) Catsy! :-)
  11. Cheers Studentbiggles (Alley), I'll be sure to look them up and join! Thanks so much, Catsy! Ps: I didnt get to go either... ran outta dosh! LoL! Take Care!:-)
  12. Oh, BTW: the website i received the alert from is: Australia: Everything in aviation - Events, Clubs, Schools, Airfields, Aircraft and more... http://www.aeroclub.com.au/showev-2024-3f1422.htmlhttp://www.aeroclub.com.au/showev-2024-3f1422.html Here is the link for anyone interested in attending... its $65.00 per person! Celebrating 60 years of females in aviation as well as 100 years of powered flight! Not to be missed!
  13. Hello! Catsy here! Recreational Pilot from South Oz! I have been signed up to this mailing list called: Aeroclub.com.au and noticed that SA finally has some sort of a gathering happening. It seems such a rareity that anything in SA is listed on this. It is as follows: Aug 7 North Adelaide, SA, Dine with the Aviators Dinner. Is anyone in SA going to this event? If so... who.. and where is it happening and Time, etc! Thanks so much! Catsy!:-)
  14. Uh Hey! LoL! Just notcied this convo area! hehe!
  15. Sheesh! Thank goodness we have our great instructors!! Never had that happen before! Fingers Crossed! :p I always prefer it to be a bit more windy rather than no wind... aircraft flies better in general, and landings are that bit more easier! Often not even needing any power! :D Darwin Parachute club! LoL! Insane! Nothing but the parachute... I think not! LoL! Not doing my 100th jump there! (In the event that that actually happens!!):p G'day Ballpoint! Cheers for the welcome n words of wisdom!! Take Care! :-D
  16. my god... that was.. well... XXXX mate!! heading back to the hangers early!!! Ouch! What happened??? It bounced a few times... too much throttle??? moving left... must've been too much throttle... Lucky you came outta that one! Yep.. saw the dude running... Wow!! When did that happen??? Last weekend??? was way too windy to fly... Yep.. 100th Jump.. a lot of ppl become cocky at their 100th jump.. is that it?? lol... dunno if i'll ever make it to my 100th jump... if i win the lotto and invest it wisely perhaps!! LoL!!! Take Care! See you on sunday if ur there.. too hot on saturday to fly.. moving it to sunday!
  17. Hey Kevin! Yeah! Its Chantal! Sue's student! :p Net alias has been Catsy! since High school! :D I know who you are.. I was there the day you flew the beauty in for the first time! You eat Cats!!! :( Y you liddle... lol... Yeah... Ive caught the flying bug... and seems I might have caught the sky diving bug too:-( Am thinking about jumping again... just thinking... but would dearly love to!!! Landing a parachute is just as much fun!!! Thanks Jabiru Phil... Loxton... hmm... im not too far off getting my navs... in the next few months! I was just discussing, only two days ago, with my instructor that we usually dont have aircrafts booked on sundays, that I wouldn't mind hiring it and flying somewhere on the sunday having lunch, then flying back!! Sounds perfect!! :D
  18. Cheers!! Does anyone on here go skydiving??? I recently did my first three jumps of an A licence and am up to stage 4. I'd love to pursue this also... pending funding!! :p
  19. Heres some good ones i found!!
  20. Have a squizz on ebay: Focke-Wulf FW 190 Airplane Coffee Mug - eBay (item 230279903414 end time Feb-07-10 16:26:11 PST) There's always a lot of weird and wonderful items readily available there!
  21. Love it! :-)
  22. hello!! How do you add an avatar pic?? Im searching everywhere... I must be blind... Thankyou!:-) Ahh.. never mind!!! I found it... and siggy update also! LoL! If you seek you shall find! And sorry.. i will no longer double post! I am aware how annoying this is! Soaring High! :-)
  23. Heya! This is great! Can I get one saying: "I'd Rather Be Flying Free!" or something of the like.. hmmm... when do orders have to be in by?? Any suggestions?? Cheers:-)
  24. Thanks for the warm welcome guys!!! Have to let more Gawler people know about this forum. Never knew about it!! I'm most fond of Tigers! So fear not! ....and BlackRod.. well.. what can I say...??? your signature says it all!! LoL! Welcome to The Wolf also!! hehe.. he just signed up and was also the one who informed me of the site!! Thumbs up to ya!:-) :-D
  25. Hello and welcome indeed! Fancy meeting you here!! LoL! Did we join on the same day?? hehe
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