I agree with you silverwing, but i think the problem with everything these days is "safety". It is becoming the witch of our day, needing to be sought and captured and statisticsised (is that even a word?") The problem CASA has is that when a plane crashes, everyone looks to the "Safety body" and says, why? even if they arent to blame and have little control over it. The general public still see flying as witchcraft and a miracle that those "dangerous contraptions" still stay up.
I have to admit, that looking around NATFLY i was a little suprised at the wiring looms in some of the planes. I am in defence, everything is perfectly shaped, lengths are exact, everything is type 55 wire, J-STD-001 soldering, The works. But i understand that if a motor stops, there has been hours training in what to do, where to go, how to do it. I noticed on the report on the news some cop came on and yabbered on about how "i would expect he would have picked a more appropriate place to land" Like where? an apple orchard!?!? I personally think his flying and landing without incident was a credit to himself and training.