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Everything posted by Thruster87

  1. I use exclusively only Alumiprep 33 as it's the choice of the experts.It's what we used at Qantas so that's what I was familiar with. Cheers T87 [i did sand blast the barrels of a Yamaha DT250 when I was an apprentice and then alodined it and left it like that and it lasted as long as I had the bike which was about 4yrs.]:thumb_up:
  2. Hey I was born in Haapajarvi and we left when I was 7yrs old and that was 50yrs ago.I still remember as a 5yr old seeing a Cessna 172 type A/C on its' nose after crash landing in the snow.It seems this lit a spark and I was forever interested in aircraft. CheersT87
  3. I went with the icom A210 as well but haven't put any electrons thru it yet Cheers T87
  4. We use duralac for dissimilar metal contact and overlapping joints to minimize corrosion and try and keep it dry.Tank sealant can also be used for lap joints to keep the moisture out. Cheers T87
  5. Stress risers are nicks,scratches.burrs,etc that a crack may develop from due to flexing [fatigue] of the aluminum structure. After precleaning with Alumiprep 33 or Metal Prep 79, rinse with water. Apply Alodine without dilution by brushing or immersion or swabbing with sponge. Rinse with water and surface is ready for paint. This is a visible coating which leaves the surface with a golden coloration.The alodized surface provides protection against weather and firmly bonds paint.ALODINE 1201 is a nonflammable, chromic acid based, coating chemical that will produce a chrome conversion coating on aluminum and its alloys. The coating formed by ALODINE 1201 is gold to tan in color and it becomes a part of the aluminum surface. This chrome conversion coating offers the best affordable substrate for both paint adhesion and corrosion resistance.If you use an etch primer it will remove the conversion coating. Just use an epoxy primer like Valspar VP50.If you do not want to do the pre-etching then use a etch primer directly on cleaned [metho] aluminum surface,but remember this will not have as good a long term resistance to corrosion .Cheer T87
  6. Sanding is not a good idea as it can create stress risers and can damage rivet heads.Usually the process consists of acid washing with alumiprep 33 and scotchbrite pads then alodining and priming with a NON etch epoxy primer + top coat [before the primer hardens so no sanding required] or a water based surface preparation product like Prekote then priming with a NON etching epoxy prime + top coat.Self etch primers would remove the protective coatings.Always do a sample test piece to see everything is working the way it should. Cheers
  7. Terve tuloa Cheers T87
  8. Hi Mike, it was on the matronics site and Zenair Europe News Index
  9. The results of the German-led GVT (Ground Vibration Tests) are in and they are unequivocal: The Zodiac CH 601 XL and CH 650 E are not subject to flutter if built, maintained and flown as intended by Zenair. The linear flutter tests confirmed this for all speeds up to 400 km/h and with aileron control cable tension down to less than ten pounds.:thumb_up:
  10. I was told by our CFI that you can also just do the course and no exam required. If you meet the required competencies as per Section 3.09 of the Operations Manual,by Attending an RA-Aus Human Factors course.
  11. I'd like a 7" unit with the purchased copies of the WACs, VNCs and VTCs from MapTrax. already installed.Cheers:thumb_up:
  12. Ken mentioned something around the $50,000 mark.There still are apparently a couple of production supply issues to overcome before they become available.
  13. "What are the security requirements? You need a valid ASIC if you require frequent access to a secure area of a security controlled airport that has Regular Public Transport (RPT) operations. If you want to use your CASA issued flight crew licence and you do not require frequent access to a secure area of a security controlled airport that has RPT operations, you must apply for a background security check and you will be issued with an AVID, provided your checks are successful. This does not apply if you are under 18. What's the difference between an AVID and an ASIC? ASICs and AVIDs show that the holder has a current security check but only an ASIC can be used at security controlled airports. ASICs are normally valid for up to 2 years and AVIDs are normally valid for up to 5 years. While an AVID and an ASIC are both evidence that background checks have been undertaken, the background checks for the AVID are not equivalent to the checks for ASICs. At a minimum, all pilots 18 and over must undergo the background checks for an AVID. Only those pilots who require access to a secure area of a security controlled airport will need to undergo the more robust background checks for an ASIC. To streamline processes and remove any duplication, pilots who undergo the background checking for an ASIC do not have to undergo the background checking for an AVID. If you require frequent access to a secure area of a security controlled airport that has RPT services you need to have an ASIC. If you are under 18 and you do not require frequent access to secure areas of security controlled airports that have RPT services, you do not need to apply for a background security check until you turn 18. Are pilots still allowed to fly without an AVID? Yes. Pilots only need to have submitted an application for an AVID or an ASIC to operate an aircraft. The application will be processed and appropriate background checks undertaken prior to the AVID or ASIC being issued to an eligible pilot. Pilots under 18 do not need to have a background security check."
  14. Shaft 1/4" SS, bushes phosphor bronze [turned on lath ],side/end plates 4130 1/16"[tig welded].Machined [milled] the plastic bearing lower so everything stays at the same height[nearly] and affixed a 4130 bearing plates using 10/32" counter sink screws,and made it a lesser angle then the original bearing.It still has a groove for centering the nose wheel but smaller to suit the bronze bushes which are about 3/8" OD. Currently I'm working on push/pull rods [1 1/4" od .058 wall out of 6061 T6] for the ailerons. Cheers
  15. [ATTACH]8851[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]8852[/ATTACH]Here's what I ended up doing and it seems a lot smoother and easier to turn while on the ground.Can't wait to see how it performs in flight.Cheers T87
  16. You mean like this[ATTACH]7558.vB[/ATTACH]
  17. This was added forward of the leading edge so the C of G ended up in the correct position.This mod really opened up the cockpit so now its' easy to walk thru to the front.[i did a repair on the seat belt attach points a while back.] Cheers
  18. Hi Ken Garland is working on bringing it back to production at Albion Park Airport.Not sure when this will happen but if you get a chance go see him there.He seems to be there most of the time. Cheers
  19. Know a person who recently bought a plane via NAT Bank finance but is having no-end of problems due to the fact that the A/C is VH registered presently and he wants to go the RAA way,but the bank having ownership, thus its name is on the rego papers needs to join the RAA to keep its name[Nat Bank] on the new rego from RAA,but the Nat Bank won't join the RAA [its' their policy of not joining associations]to get the new rego papers.
  20. Spoke to some recruiting members at Wings over Illawarra and they said they did not want pilots just wanting to build hours but also needed to have a religious outlook with respect to missionary work.
  21. Boy wouldn't the noise complaints come home to roost for Shellharbour council
  22. Ben did mention they had to land at Jaspers Brush just recently due to Tail rotor problems [seaking] and wait there for repairs to be carried out.Cheers:rotary:
  23. The gentleman in the middle of the pic using his mobile phone was the senior pilot [both pilots from memory were in their early 30's ].They also carried 300kg of spare parts and 3 or 4 mechanics in case of breakdown.They have a standing order to keep a lookout for cafes in case of an emergency landing so they can wait there while repairs are carried out. Cheers T87
  24. I spoke with one of the pilots and his name was Ben, he had some interesting stories about his exploits flying the Seaking.Cheers T87
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