Hi Jeremy, I just bought some 1"x 12" nylon rod from aircraft spruce and turned them myself but I did see a bearing place SKF or Consolidated Bearings or something like that had some[nylon rod]. Hope that helps [oh the thing you described is the horizontal or vertical stabilizer]
Following on the square verses round type tires what effect if any would there be for a tail dragger having the different profiles on the main wheels. Cheers
That's why I put the question in this section as it comes under the HGFA. I was asked by someone interested in buying a used trike as to the TBO.So it appears that the RAA ops manual may be changed to include "on Condition" Cheers
Seems the HKS would workout at near $12000.00 which includes a new prop to suit [bolly]. Hirth 3203 at around $9000.00 for engine [gear box,dual ignition, electirc start, fuel injected] prop extra if required.Rotax 503 with B-box $5200.00. Cheers
How would a HKS 700e go on a TST and are there any installation or any other problems that may effect the aircraft. Also is a thruster flying in OZ with one fitted to it? Cheers
Well that's a nice thing to say about our beautiful part of the coast [but as i said before. i have never really been a fan of the south coast region... i have always been a north coast kind of guy.] might see what can be done to keep you up north. Cheers
The chance of getting a hangar space in the Illawarra area is not good at the moment.In the future IRA will have a section set aside for the ultralights. Flying out of Jaspers is OK after 12pm Fridays till Sunday [no hangars there either for lease or sheds allowed to be built ] Cheers
How long had the blue fuel line been on the Thruster? prior to deterioration and was or is the a/c stored in the open or in a hangar. Really need to be watchful of these and any other hoses/lines cheers
Section 3.3.1-2 Issue of Registration Certificate para H item 1 Aircraft of unknown and unproven design,fitted with an engine other then a type approved as fit for the purpose. Will be restricted to the test area for the first 40hrs. So how would a TBO apply here? Say it is a Subaru or BMW engine. Really needs to be sorted out in Black and White as it appears not all agree.
So does this mean then that ANY and ALL RAA registered aircraft to be legal under the regs have to be within the manufacturers TBO [Engines] and also that the insurance would be covered. Cheers
It seems it was the T-Bar type handle on the post attached via a safety cable. A mod which needs to be done is to shorten it, so if it comes loose it cannot reach the positive battery terminal and short to frame and the cable melt the fuel tank. [Airborne Trikes]
Seems one of the trikes had a bar drop/fall and it made contact with the battery terminals and short circuit occurred.Hopefully not a on going problem with the design. Two planes burnt and a couple of others had the Dacron melt including the sky lights on the hangar.
The drum brake system [new] I have on my aircraft is really really really hopless and no matter what I try it won't run freely and then brake as well.It seems to be one or the other. Hydraulic brake systems now come in such variety [from push bike to ATV to motor bike ], I'm sure one will come to the party. Just wanted to know if anyone has looked at or used any of these newer lighter units and with what sucess.Cheers
Looking at putting better brakes [ has drum brakes ] on the TST. Considering you only need them for holding the plane from rolling on a windy day on tarmac and a bit of [differential brakes] steering? To keep the weight to a minimum what would be an option? Looked at the new push bike hydraulic disc brakes and also the pocket rocket small motorbike hydraulic disc type which fit the budget.Any ideas out there? Cheers
Would anyone have a 5" length of 2 3/8 OD tube for the front spar wing tip insert .Just need one insert as I managed to get a piece for the rear spar. Thanks Alan
As long as they are not Fire Ants. We did have a bit of an emergency down the street from a 8' Brown snake. A lot of young children play by a nearby creek and could quite easy come in contact. Cheers Alan