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Everything posted by Thruster87

  1. Vertical Limits: ground level to any height above the designated aerodrome at which an aircraft may conflict with another aircraft that is arriving, departing, or carrying out local operations at the aoerodrome.
  2. In all the testing done there was NO Flutter issues found with the Zenith 601 design. The current upgrade mods required to be performed was to increase the structural safety margin as the aircraft was been stressed beyond design limits, as this type of aircraft can be over stressed due to the responsive nature of the elevators [ most aircraft you can rip the wings off if you exceed design loads] and not understanding maneuvering speed. Cheers
  3. A couple of other issues also happen during the first few hours of testing the Zenith such as fuel lines leaking using 3003-0 VERSATUBE [soft aluminum tubing for instrument air and vacuum lines, fuel and oil lines, and primer lines ] The flared end fitting need to be re-tightened as the soft tube embeds.Whereas the 5052 fuel lines did not.The 10580 ACS gascolator thru firewall fitting needed attention as it was weeping [the tapers are slightly out on either the fitting or the Gascolator]. Choke cable slid thru the soldered union [i don't like these sort of locking methods] thus leaving the choke half on which caused the mixture to become rich on approach as the throttle was set to idle, the engine stopped .Engine oil pressure relief valve stuck partially open at 3.5 hrs TT , fixed by oil change/new filter.Up to 12hrs TT now with no other issues. My first flight reminded me of my first solo and I used the same mind set and the fact that Motzartmerv had worked out the landing [with and without engine power] and take off methods for this A/C, thank you . I totally agree that it would be of great benefit to have the CFI sitting next to you prior to first solo flight by the owner/builder. Cheers
  4. Zinc oxide primer is the replacement for the zinc chromate [The best is Aluprep/alodine/NON etch zinc oxide primer ] [second Prekote/ non etch primer] [third all the other single coat systems] Be aware Etch primers will destroy any pre-teatements as they are usually acidic in nature. cheers
  5. Could this be true or is it a hoax ? Read the text before watching the video. F-35 unintentional loop at takeoff on a carrier this guy clearly has brass and you know the sailors on the flight deck had a cow when they saw this unfold in front of them. Intentional? Hardly! This is unbelievable! F-35 unintentional loop at takeoff a real "check your laundry" event. A supremely well-trained US Navy pilot, ice running in his veins instead of blood, fully regains control of his $70 million, F-35 joint strike force fighter, after a problematic vertical take-off attempt... Watch as the rear vertical thruster fires to cause the problem. There's nothing about this the pilot enjoys. If he could have ejected at 100' upside down and lived, he would have. Looks like the afterburner kicks in while still vectored for vertical takeoff. Lockheed would call this a "software malfunction" and do a little more "regressive testing". This is a good demonstration of power-to-weight ratio of this aircraft! And talk about stability control... wow! If he didn't come out of the loop wings-level, it probably would have been bad news; maybe taking some of the carrier with him! Add to this flying through your own exhaust, which can lead to equipment malfunctions, as in "flame out". The F-35 is single engine aircraft with vertical takeoff/landing capability, but it has the aerodynamics of a Steinway piano at zero airspeed. This is the most unbelievable piece of flying you will ever see in your life. This guy's coolness saved a 70 million-dollar aircraft! On the other hand, he might not have had time to react to anything except just ride it. I bet you'll watch it at least 2 times!
  6. Heard that only 4 roulettes will show as the fleet has/had some sort of engine issues and the F18 will only do a flyover as the RAAF has only 1 pilot who does the display/aerobatic flying and he is doing training elsewhere .Maybe he got into strife from his last display at IRA when he broke the F18. Cheers
  7. QBE [Victoria office] 2.5% of sum insured for hull flight/ground Cheers
  8. For an 19-XXXX RAA rego you need to get a person with a Level 4 RAA Authority [LAME is NOT an authorized person] to sign off prior to First flight testing.After 25hrs he needs to sign off again including the final W/B Cheers
  9. Wings Over Illawarra 2011 Sunday 27th February 2011. SEE details on http://www.woi.org.au/
  10. We have a replica at HARS here in IRA which you can touch/smell/see in all its' glory [including the broken wing tip, which is another story ] Cheers
  11. http://www.criticalpast.com/ CriticalPast. View more than 57,000 historic videos and 7 million photos for FREE in one of the world's largest collections of royalty-free archival stock footage. Offering immediate downloads in more than 10 SD and HD formats, including screeners in all formats.
  12. Seasons greeting to all. Cheers Alan
  13. http://picasaweb.google.com/balegang/FsgtLeonMurtaghRAAFC47DakotaPilotKoreanWarCareerPhotos19481953#
  14. The Catalina flying Boat wings were soda blasted and it took off about 80% of the previous coats of paint.Fine powder covered everything within 50m,so it is a bit messy and from memory a bit expensive.Paint stripper is the way to go, if you have a place to do it,so as not to upset the EPA. Cheers T87
  15. Another kit built Zenith 601xlB flew on its' maiden flight today with Mortartmerv at the controls.After 3yrs build time I was most excited to see the aircraft up up and away and return with a beautifull landing. Cheers Alan
  16. AeroShell Oils 65, 80, 100 and 120 AeroShell (straight mineral) Oils are available in four different viscosity grades (SAE 30, 40, 50 and 60). They are blended from selected high viscosity index base stocks and contain a minimum quantity of additives. These oils are especially appropriate during the break-in period of most new or recently overhauled four-stroke aircraft piston engines. Interesting numbering system Cheers
  17. J.P. Instruments - EDM-700-6c EGT/CHT The EDM-700-6c Basic is a self contained, 2 1/4" panel mount, self-diagnostic system that monitors all engine temperatures plus 2-TIT's, CDT, Oil temp. and OAT! This system also has an automatic lean find mode, while the voltage is checked for problems three times per second. Consider these Advantages: Computer Assisted Diagnostics for trouble shooting entire cockpit system. Problem codes are displayed. Simultaneous bar graph & scanning of alphanumeric display. Resolution, all temperatures in one degree, with selectable ºC or ºF. Supplied with JPI's well known grounded "fast response" probes. Variable Scaling for bar graphs. Alphanumeric scanning display for EGT, CHT, OAT, OIL, CDT, IAT and 2 TIT''s (for twin turbo engines). Normalize mode for accurate trend monitoring in flight. Calculates Span highest to lowest. Identifies cylinder with greatest span. Voltage displayed with high / low limits. Oil Temperature in one degree intervals with Hi / Low limits. Lean Find Mode automatically finds the first EGT to peak. Shock Cooling: cool rate calculated and displayed in degrees per minute. Identifies cylinder with greatest Shock Cooling. OAT in ºC or ºF with pilot selectable SCAN RATE. Only "bar graph" gauge made in USA. TSO QUALITY, FAA STC and TSO approved. Two Year electronics warranty. $1856.72 USD
  18. EAA Video Player - Your Source for Aviation Videos
  19. They have been using exhaust shroud heaters for example on the DC3/C47 for over 60yrs and we still use them on our C47's [ HARS ] Cheers
  20. Comical waypoint names - PilotQuest
  21. First rule REMOVE ALL Corrosion [it has no strength] and blend it smooth. Second measure/evaluate thickness left on original structure is still within allowable limits if not a repair scheme has to be worked out eg. a doubler/insert etc. Treat repair area with approved anti-corrosion methods. Cheers
  22. Yep, If the wire is tied down properely it can't flex and thus fatigue [solder joints are still used in commerical aircraft] .Cheers T87
  23. [ATTACH]10941.vB[/ATTACH]59250 AMP Crimp Tool T-Head controlled cycle ratchet crimp tool designed for size 22-14 Tyco (AMP) PIDG and Plasti-Grip insulated terminals and splices. I bought a second hand set a couple of years ago for $120.00 on ebay.These are what we use on commerical aircraft Cheers
  24. [ATTACH]10598.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]10599.vB[/ATTACH] Beefed up 601xl nose wheel fork made from 1/8" 4130 plate and bonded with tank sealant for good measure Cheers T87
  25. Talking to a couple of 10000+ hrs pilots [multi and single engine] both recommended aileron trim to make life a bit easier. So I have decided to put one into my aircraft.Will know if it was worth it, once I finish the project in the coming months and get some air time. Cheers T87
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