I am in command, take command!
Hey guys, the same happened to me also. The three biggest problems I had were:
1.:loopy:Stress or Fatigue:
If you are running a bit late for your flight or you have had a big day (or night) dont try to rush too much. Just take it easy and relax and the flight will go a whole lot easier. And I am sure the instructor wouldnt mind you being 10 mins late if you are going to fly a lot better and get things right. Just make sure you explain to them whats going on and why you are late.
2. :sad:Confidence:
Before each flight or when the weather is bad and you have got spare time, read through your notes and study up just to get it going through your brain again and thinking about what you need to do. Once you know the processes and you know what you need to do just go do it! I always tell myself " I know what to do just do it, I am pilot in command take command". If you know what to do and know the steps this statement becomes more true and effective. Even though technically I wasnt in command, this was a good confidence builder and it got me focused on the job at hand. Even now with my licence if I find myself not focused or confident with what I am doing I tell myself the same thing.
3. :sad:Focus:
I always had trouble focusing, as flying and seeing things from a different view is always awe inspiring:ah_oh:, but before the flight (at least half an hour) I tried to keep myself away from anything that would stress me or stick in my head. I would just study my notes and focus on the flight ahead and what I had to do/what was required. Thus the above 2 paragraphs really helped with this one. Try not to think about what the instructor is going to do next or how he thinks the flight is going just fly the aeroplane the way you were taught. Remember "I know what to do just do it, I am in command take command!"
The other thing that helped alot was the way Russell (my instructor) taught me. As I am a very independent person, for the first part of the lesson he took control and showed me how it is done, both on the ground and in the air, then it was my turn and I did it the way I was shown. Once I did it he then told me a few tips or helped me to do it better and away I go. After a bit of practice it then became natural. Thats the way I was taught, I know it probably wont work for some but it worked for me!
These things helped me I hope it helps some of you aswell;)!