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Everything posted by king_daniels

  1. It was fitted from new to the aircraft 2011 I been using oz RWY for about 4 years The unit is at the office The av map come with the mounting bracket that set in the panel also the gps antenna and the manual In it’s plastic box Working good how ever need updating Make me a offer My mob 0409465812
  2. [FLOATL][/FLOATL] I will sale it if anyone wants to buy it
  3. It was good in it’s time how ever oz RWY is a lot better
  4. Took the AV map out and put the iPad in it’s place
  5. If he had electrical problems he should have turned the electrical power off and landed at bundabug, the motor would have run fine without the electrical system, I had a similar problem, a LAME put the wrong size fuse and almost burnt out my panel, and electrical smoke was coming from my panel. Now I keep away from LAMEs so a long story short l just flew home, replaced the damaged wires put the correct fuse, now happy days that was 600hrs ago. Daniel
  6. Ok, if the regulations are written from the act, and in the act there is a definition of what is an airplane, and makes no mention of a VH, Raa, or any type of registration it would be fair to say putting VH or any prefix is/would be incorrect. My understanding is that any regulation must be backed up by an Act.
  7. Can you do a flight review for RPL in a overseas registered aircraft, or does it only have to be Australia registered aircraft. Can you back your answer up, a opinion does not mean much
  8. Unless I am missing it, in part 141 an 61 does not state what registration a aircraft have to be
  9. I can not find anything in the act or regs that states what registration a aircraft have to be, to do flight training or endorsement, My understanding there is nothing stopping you from doing flying in a VH, overseas, or Raa registration aircraft, May be as Raa aircraft in not a reconnaissance as a Australia aircraft, be cos it not on the Australia casa register.
  10. Question quote Jabiru issues CASA: Two CASA staff who were involved in Jabiru limitations have resigned - Does anyone know about this?
  11. No RPT So It no and no Daniel
  12. Quote a bit stunned noone has commented here yet If it was a Jabiru that crashed you would have at least a thousand comments by now. Daniel
  13. and if you have a Victorian car licence with a car registered in Victoria you're not allowed to drive a NSW registered car, now where did I read that, someone said it was in the regulations somewhere, so if someone said it must be right. Don't you think it's time to move on.
  14. Roundsounds So I would assume that would include VH registered aircraft flown under experimental, you still haven't backed your comment using the Current Rules CASR 1998 including part 61 CAR 1988 CAAP, we are talking about a flight review to obtain a recreational pilots licence, that is not a flight test or any examination. I hear what you're saying but I cannot for the life of me find where to back your findings. The question was asked 'can an RAA registered aircraft be used to do a flight review to obtain an CASR RPL recreational pilots licence'? I have not found anything that states that it cannot be used, I have found more in part 61 that it can be used. I, myself still do not know. Kind Regards Daniel
  15. OK, let's go this way, can a flight review be done in a foreign registered aircraft? They would not have the VH prefix on the side of their aircraft. Kind Regards Daniel
  16. As I said, I do not think you can do a flight review in an RAA registered aircraft however, I cannot find anything to back that up, in part 61 it clearly states as follows: It does not mention a registered aircraft or a recognised aircraft, so my thinking reading below, you can do your flight review in either RAA or VH registered aircraft. It would be a bit hard to say , for instance: flying a tecnam to jump into a tecnam to do a flight review and the only difference is that one has letters and one has numbers. I am not saying that I am correct or right, I just haven't found or interpreted where it clearly states where you can or cannot. 61.015 Definition of category of aircraft for Part 61 Each of the following is a category of aircraft: (a) aeroplane; (b) helicopter; © powered-lift aircraft; (d) gyroplane; (e) airship. 61.020 Definition of class of aircraft for Part 61 (1) Each of the following is a class of aircraft: (a) single-engine aeroplane; (b) multi-engine aeroplane; © single-engine helicopter; Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013L00218 Amendments of Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 Schedule 1 2013, 5 Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment Regulation 2013 (No. 1) 37 (d) single-engine gyroplane; (e) airship. (2) For this Part, the single-engine aeroplane class includes: (a) multi-engine centre-line thrust aeroplanes; and (b) multi-engine aeroplanes that are prescribed by a legislative instrument under regulation 61.050 (Prescription of multi-engine aeroplanes included in single-engine aeroplane class). 61.025 Definition of aeroplane for Part 61 Aeroplane means an aeroplane that has flight controls providing control of the aeroplane in 3 axes.
  17. No I do not think so, an RAA aircraft is not a registered aircraft or a recognised aircraft but someone did say you can do it in an equivalent aircraft but that is his say and I have not found anywhere in Part 61 to back this up. Daniel
  18. Or in this case the flaps are UP hahahah
  19. Amazing We don't fly under the same rules as VH registered aircraft? Gee, I haven't seen anyone saying here that if you want to fly under the same rules as the CAR's 'get a PPL'. No sarcasm!!!!! So, if we want to take one pax, fly cross country in day VFR or fly around your local area, get a PPL. Obviously there are different rules for RAA certificate holders flying RAA aircraft, then PPL lic holders flying in the same air space. Just a little tongue in cheek.
  20. dodo That's fine don't read it. I'm writing on the assumption that the aircraft is well maintained to the same standards and requirements of a training aircraft VH or RAA, that the pilot has done all the appropriate exams and has a minimum class 2 medical, has done all the flying to the syllabus including instrument flying, even having a ASIC card, so you have an RAA certificate. Why can't that mate of mine just go to any GA training organisation and do a flight test for outside controlled airspace, what's the reasonable argument, that he can't do it in his or her own plane, say if it's maintained at the same level as a VH aircraft and it was a VH registered and it was changed to an RAA registered, I can't see the safety risks whether he does it in his plane or not, but we must remember that we don't fly recognised aircraft, we fly ultra lights. Further study and education and training can make us a safer pilot, attitudes and playing politics and rule making for rule making's sake, where there is no benefit can be very unsafe and serve no purpose. Daniel
  21. geoffreywh You speak a lot of crap, when are people going to get away from the mentality that RAA flying is different to PPL flying. If you want to do this or that get a PPL licence, whey is it a privilege to fly an aircraft in a free country? If you tick the boxes, then no one can stop you from flying. I would call that a right. Believe me it is not as easy as getting a PPL, there are a lot of schools out there that will put you through the ropes, there are a lot of ex-GA aircraft that are now registered RAA, there are a lot of PPL pilots that fly on an RAA certificate. The rules should be changed e.g. if you're flying an aircraft that can carry 700kl MTOW, why the hell are we restricted to 600kl MTOW. The argument if you want to go into controlled airspace 'get a PPL' is the biggest load of crap out. What you're basically saying, is that it's safer flying outside controlled airspace with various types of other aircraft than flying inside controlled airspace with an air traffic controller helping you keep look-out, keeping you separated from other aircraft. I know of pilots who have done the PPLA exam, got their English proficiency test, have got over 1600hrs in flying time and have done many other exams, bi-annuals etc. but unless they shell out thousands of dollars for training in an aircraft with letters on, they get roped over the coals and they still will not end up with a flight test outside controlled airspace, why would you get a PPL? So they re-register their VH registered aircraft back to RAA and they're flying their aircraft with the same rights as a PPL pilot. So if we wanted to do a controlled airspace endorsement, night flying, I will even go so far as saying aerobatics and we have got the account for all the requirements for that flying, it's a bit hard to believe that we cannot continue to further educate ourselves, to make ourselves safer pilots other than going to get a PPL. As I said at the beginning 'What a load of crap'. Daniel
  22. It makes me wonder if you were dragging the aircraft up in a steep climb at low air speeds allowing insufficient cooling of the motor instead of climbing the 230 at around 90 to 100 knots, which results in best cooling. Also I'd be asking the question, did you religiously change the oil and oil filter every 25 hours of use? Regards, Daniel.
  23. OK THEN Let's say you're a RAA pilot with over 1500+ hr your ratings are:- Pilot I, PAX, R, X, 2S, HF, HP, LP, NW, TW, and APA All PPL exams successfully completed. FIRST SOLO, BAK, and passed the CASA cyber exam. I am getting quotes of having to fly up to 15 to 20hrs that will only get me toGFPT stage. They say I have to do all the flying exercises to ensure that I meet their standards. I find this a tad excessive......what does everybody else think? I won't name the flying school. Daniel
  24. SOCIALISM You have 2 cows. You give one to your neighbour. COMMUNISM You have 2 cows The State takes both and gives you some milk. FASCISM You have 2 cows. The State takes both and sells you some milk. TRADITIONAL CAPITALISM You have two cows. You sell one and buy a bull. Your herd multiplies, and the economy grows. You sell them and retire on the income. VENTURE CAPITALISM You have two cows. You sell three of them to your publicly listed company, using letters of credit opened by your brother-in-law at the bank, then execute a debt/equity swap with an associated general offer so that you get all four cows back, with a tax exemption for five cows. The milk rights of the six cows are transferred via an intermediary to a Cayman Island Company secretly owned by the majority shareholder who sells the rights to all seven cows back to your listed company. The annual report says the company owns eight cows, with an option on one more. AN AMERICAN CORPORATION You have two cows. You sell one, and force the other to produce the milk of four cows. Later, you hire a consultant to analyse why the cow has died. A FRENCH CORPORATION You have two cows. You go on strike, organize a riot, and block the roads, because you want three cows. AN ITALIAN CORPORATION You have two cows, but you do not know where they are. You decide to have lunch. A SWISS CORPORATION You have 5,000 cows. None of them belong to you. You charge the owners for storing them. A CHINESE CORPORATION You have two cows. You have 300 people milking them. You claim that you have full employment and high bovine productivity. You arrest the newsman who reported the real situation. AN INDIAN CORPORATION You have two cows. You worship them. A BRITISH CORPORATION You have two cows. Both are mad. AN IRAQI CORPORATION Everyone thinks you have lots of cows. You tell them that you have none. Nobody believes you, so they bomb the crap out of you and invade your country. You still have no cows but at least you are now a Democracy. AN AUSTRALIAN CORPORATION You have two cows. Business seems pretty good. You close the office and go for a few beers to celebrate. A NEW ZEALAND CORPORATION You have two cows. The one on the left looks very attractive. A GREEK CORPORATION You have two cows borrowed from French and German banks. You eat both of them. The banks call to collect their milk, but you cannot deliver so you call the IMF. The IMF loans you two cows. You eat both of them. The banks and the IMF call to collect their cows/milk. You are out getting a haircut. AN IRISH CORPORATION You have two cows. One of them is a horse.
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