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Everything posted by dlps73

  1. Videoed this on the Saturday of the International Fleet Review - passenger is the legendary Steve Cohen.
  2. Just got this regarding the sale of my Skyranger (price was $38,000). Needless to say I will ignore it... Thanks for getting back, am ok with the condition and will be offering you $38,500 for it. Am buying it for my holiday because i'll be coming home soon from our rig as am a petroleum project engineer and presently on the rig offshore. I won't be able to come for the inspection due to the nature of my job, i would have love to call in person but we have call restriction here due to bad weather condition and our satellite server has been down and that's why i contacted you with internet messaging facility. I will be paying you through PayPal to your bank account as i do not have access to my bank online but i have it linked with my PayPal account to make payment. do get back to me with your details such as" bank name, account number, account name, bsb code, so i can proceed with the payment and once payment has been made, i have a pick up agent that will come to pick up the of the aircraft from your address. Hope to read from you soonest and kindly end advert on site. Pls send more pictures if available M. Leitch Cheers................Doug
  3. Get the Black - more expensive but a lot more capabilities. Cheers.............Doug
  4. And another one....
  5. Australian Pilot & Australian Flying
  6. Great video Scott - really impressed with the bloke that guards your aircraft, ex-crim? He's probably cheaper than a rottweiler, though not as attractive. Sadly I can only afford a hanger. Notice you haven't added a soundtrack yet, you're obviously waiting for me to recommend something - leave it with me! Seriously though it's nice to get a glimpse of other people's backyard - good stuff
  7. Very sad - I'll be getting a few hours in tomorrow hopefully...... (doesn't seem to be an Emoticon for rubbing salt into a wound?)
  8. Stop perusing these forums Scott and go out and get some more video. You're not that far from some seriously spectacular scenery !
  9. And we're off the medication again Scott aren't we.........
  10. Winsor seems to be the only one that understands the effort that's involved in the production of this sort of video - thanks mate... Seriously though would you want a video with the soundtrack being purely Rotax? Even I would turn the sound off! Scott - pink was in reference to Dark Side of the Moon an album by Pink Floyd. If iTunes ever get to Queensland you should download a few of their albums - I recommend "The Wall". Sadly I have no knowledge of Magic Roundabout - didn't really get into drugs in my youth - no condemnation there for those that did. And for GoPro users - keep an eye on the attachment forks - I've had two break so far.
  11. Thanks Peter - and I believe there's no bias at all in your comments even though you're the Sportstar distributor And Mark - it's mauve not pink........
  12. Dear Scott - as a fellow Skyranger owner my expectation was that I would get a little bit of support from you. *sigh*
  13. There is engine noise at the start and finish but the whole objective was to try and synchronise the video clips with the music .....thanks for the nice comment though :)
  14. Flight data is accomplished with a programme called Dashware which takes the video and combines it with a tcx file from a data logger - I just take my Garmin Edge705 up with me, extract the tcx file from it and synchronise it to the video. You could do the same with the Garmin 495 but mine's a pain to extract from the panel.
  15. Only 3 GoPros, Hero3 Black, Silver and White with a number of suction pads and arms - there are two distinct flights in there if you check the weather. :)
  16. Regarding the music - do what I do, kill the volume! Flight data is accomplished with a programme called Dashware which takes the video and combines it with a tcx file from a data logger - I just take my Garmin Edge705 up with me, extract the tcx file from it and synchronise it to the video. You could do the same with the Garmin 495 but mine's a pain to extract from the panel.
  17. Quick video of a couple of circuits at Wedderburn - best viewed in HD.....
  18. From my own perspective I've had two incidences, the first due to a rushed pre-flight where the canopy opened approximately five minutes after take off - it was noisy initially and whilst I kept the speed to <80 knots there was very little degradation of flight control, I could hold the canopy down with one hand but was unable to lock it, the landing was quite normal. The second when the passenger pulled on the canopy latch instead of the Kroger sunshade. This time, with two people, it was very simple to re-lock it. From my experience the canopy didn't fly up, there was the initial noise and then it gradual raises itself - quite benign and very easy to push back down. Cheers..........Doug
  19. The Missions is just to the East of Wisemans Ferry. Wedderburn is at the start and finish, the Missions in the middle (grass runway) :)
  20. Last Saturday was the SAAA's Christmas Lunch held at The Missions 1937. This is the Youtube link to a quick video of the flight there and back (watch in HD!). Video was shot on a GoPro Hero 3 using the iPad as a Preview/Control.
  21. That time of the year again...... Flyer_V5.pdf Flyer_V5.pdf Flyer_V5.pdf
  22. Hi Arthur - if you Google "The Muller-Beggs Emergency Spin Recover Procedure" you'll find the recommendation is exactly that - Close Throttle, Hands off Stick, Opposite Rudder until Spin stops, Neutralise and pull level. In the Robin (I think that might be the aircraft in the video), after the spin had stopped, we actually used to let the speed build up to about 160knots from memory which would ensure an airstart. The first spin I did (with an instructor) was a ten turn one from 6000' (this was standard in the old Sydney Aerobatic School) it was unbelievably disorientating and I know without a shadow of doubt that there would have been no chance of me ever extracting the aircraft from that situation irrespective of the fact that I'd been told the correct procedures. Yes, spinning is a lot of fun - especially with the engine stopped as it's reasonably quiet, but you need the right instruction, aircraft and height. Cheers.........Doug
  23. I've had my Sportstar for 10 months now and couldn't be happier. Agree with the comment about getting hot on the ground but we just leave the canopy open until lining up. It's a very well balanced aircraft with absolutely no vices and the last stage of flap (40 degrees) enables an extremely steep approach without side slipping. I'm based at Wedderburn so PM if you need a flight or further info. Cheers.......Doug
  24. Andrew - I agree with you 100% regarding needless radio transmissions but from our perspective there were over half a dozen aircraft taxiing and lining up for departure and the only arrival appeared to be us. My sole intent was recognition of where we were and what we were doing and even that failed..... Cheers........Doug
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