Having finished our Skyranger (that's French for "where'd this bit come from?) we now had the task of "flying off" the prerequiste twenty five hours.
Don't get me wrong - initially it was all good - being able to fly in your own aircraft that you'd constructed has a real degree of satisfaction/terror associated with it.
But once we realised what a pussy cat this aircraft was we were then bounded by the twenty five nm radius.
Initially we flew in clockwise circles, then anticlockwise, then spirals in, then spirals.......you get the picture!
We were like majestic creatures of the jungle confined in a 4x2 cage.
So, on the basis that misery likes company, I thought I'd share some of the wonderful sites that are available within a 25nm radius of The Oaks. I've also included Youtube links just to compound the suffering - aren't I thoughtful!