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  • Aircraft
    Jabiru Piper Cessna Citabria
  • Location
    Summer Hill 2130
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  1. I'm not sure that there was much misrule in the states except that there appears to be a large chunk of the USA who hate dark people and women.
  2. This sounds like more "alternative facts"!
  3. No change, always been a problem.
  4. Enroll in the training and fill in the forms - those should be able to give you a pass/fail before you submit. If you fail then you can organise your ducks for a full class 2. I occasionally fly with more than 1 passenger so no cheap kicks for me.
  5. In some areas in the US they are probably still on party-line phones.
  6. Magazine? I think you're confusing AOPA with RAAus and its magazine.
  7. Cat G and CTA won't be compulsory just as high power and nose wheel are voluntery - I'm not sure but you might be able to get an RPC with no endos at all - it all depends on what sort of flying you do.
  8. You don't need a transponder for Class D or G.
  9. But much better than the usual offering of Dolly and Womens Weekly from 1993 at the dentist. I read the magazine to be informed and entertained and you can turn down the corners to keep your place. With 10,000 members there is a wide variety of expectations and biases. PS at the strip it is called "mogas" to distinguish it from "avgas" with an expectation that that description wouldn't include E10 - bad stuff for planes.
  10. Have a link to a wavelength table. https://www.cumulus-soaring.com/files/antenna_lengths.pdf 121.5Mhz might be a better frequency as it is the emergency frequency and the 1/4 wave (24.3" 617mm) is only 1" (25.4mm) longer than 126.7 (23.31“ 592mm)
  11. Is a motor glider classified as a glider or as an aeroplane?
  12. Be careful what you wish for. You might ask where the money is being spent and are the fantastic plastics subsidising the rag and tube or the other way around.
  13. "Universal" in IT/Telecoms is a bit like "World Series" in baseball. Just because Apple and the USA call it doesn't make it so. MM/DD has the same sort of universality. 😇
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